
select distinct sname from student

--排序--order by(ASC升序[默认] DESC降序)
select distinct sage from student order by sage asc(先降序在去重)

select count( distinct sage)  from  student ---不同年龄的个数(先去重,在count)

select * from person order by age desc, phone asc(先age降序,在按照age分组后phone字段升序  )

--限量--limit start,end  从start+1条开始往下end条

select DISTINCT chinese from user ORDER BY english desc limit 3



-- 部分列
select name,age from person;

-- 指定列名---列的简单运算和别名
select name as '名字', age as '年龄' from person;

select name,(english+chinese) as total_score from user

-- 条件查询
select * from person where phone='13545269582';
select * from person where phone !='13545269582';
select * from person where age >= 24;

select * from person where age >= 24 and name=‘lijia’;

-- between(包含-闭区间)
select * from person where age between 22 and 25;

-- like模糊 _单字符  %所有
-- 以朱开头
select * from person where name like '朱%';
-- 以1结尾
select * from person where name like '%1';
-- 所有带朱字的人
select * from person where name like '%朱%';

-- in 其中一个
select * from person where phone in (12645825963,12645825967);

-- 判断 空 is null   not null

select * from person where name is null;
select * from person where name is not null;




SELECT count(*) as '总和' from user
SELECT count(chinese) from user


-- 求所有年龄之和
select sum(age) from person

select sum(age+age1+age2) from person

3:max min

-- 年龄最大
select max(age) from person
-- 年龄最小
select min(age) from person


select avg(chinese) from user


分组-group by    having分组后过滤(先分组和执行字段筛选条件后出结果后,在进行having过滤)

 select name,count(*) from employee_tbl group by name HAVING count(*)>=2


-- 求每个班级的平均年龄
select cls,avg(age) from person group by cls
-- 查询每个班级的最大年龄
select cls,max(age) from person group by cls


-- 查询每个班级有多少人
select cls,count(*) from person group by cls
-- 查询班级人数小于3人的班级
select cls,count(*) from person group by cls having count(*) < 3


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