【Virtuoso】Stream Out GDS Flatten

Place the below code in a SKILL file pretranslate.il

;;---------------x pretranslate.il x----------------
procedure( poPreTranslate( lib cell view)
prog( (cv)
printf("In PreTranslate of Stream Out\n")
printf("Library: %s\n" lib)
printf("Cell: %s\n" cell)
printf("View: %s\n" view)
cv=dbOpenCellViewByType(lib cell view)

;; 3rd and 9th argument in dbFlattenInst command are for flattenPCells and flattenVias respectively
foreach(inst cv~>instances dbFlattenInst(inst 32 t nil nil nil t nil t)) 




posted @ 2024-01-25 15:33  Vincent_Wood  阅读(123)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报