



找到 libs/html1.php

function do_sidebar($var_smarty) {
// show the categories in the sidebar
global $db, $dblang, $globals, $the_cats;//, $navwhere;

// fix for 'undefined index' errors
// if(!isset($navwhere['text4'])){$navwhere['text4'] = '';}else{$navwhere['text4'] = htmlentities($navwhere['text4']);}
// if(!isset($navwhere['text3'])){$navwhere['text3'] = '';}else{$navwhere['text3'] = htmlentities($navwhere['text3']);}
// if(!isset($navwhere['text2'])){$navwhere['text2'] = '';}else{$navwhere['text2'] = htmlentities($navwhere['text2']);}
// if(!isset($navwhere['text1'])){$navwhere['text1'] = '';}else{$navwhere['text1'] = htmlentities($navwhere['text1']);}
// if(!isset($navwhere['link4'])){$navwhere['link4'] = '';}
// if(!isset($navwhere['link3'])){$navwhere['link3'] = '';}
// if(!isset($navwhere['link2'])){$navwhere['link2'] = '';}
// if(!isset($navwhere['link1'])){$navwhere['link1'] = '';}
// $var_smarty->assign('navbar_where', $navwhere);

// $var_smarty->assign('body_args', '');
// fix for 'undefined index' errors

$_caching = $var_smarty->cache; // get the current cache settings
$var_smarty->cache = true; // cache has to be on otherwise is_cached will always be false
$var_smarty->cache_lifetime = -1; // lifetime has to be set to something otherwise is_cached will always be false
$thetpl = $var_smarty->get_template_vars('the_template_sidebar_modules') . '/categories.tpl';

// check to see if the category sidebar module is already cached
// if it is, use it

$thecat = sanitize($_REQUEST['category'], 3);
$thecat = '';
if ($var_smarty->is_cached($thetpl, 'sidebar|category|'.$thecat)) {
$var_smarty->assign('cat_array', 'x'); // this is needed. sidebar.tpl won't include the category module if cat_array doesnt have some data
if(isset($_REQUEST['category'])){$thecat = $db->get_var("SELECT category_name FROM " . table_categories . " WHERE `category_safe_name` = '".urlencode(sanitize($_REQUEST['category'], 1))."';");}

if(!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) {
} else {

$var_smarty->assign('UrlMethod', urlmethod);

foreach($the_cats as $cat){
if($cat->category_id == $thecat && $cat->category_lang == $dblang && $cat->category_parent == 0)
$globals['category_id'] = $cat->category_id;
$globals['category_name'] = $cat->category_name;

$pos = strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/");
$script_name = substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], $pos + 1, 100);
$script_name = str_replace(".php", "", $script_name);

$array = tree_to_array(0, table_categories);
$var_smarty->assign('lastspacer', 0);
$var_smarty->assign('cat_array', $array);

// use the 'totals' table now
$published_count = get_story_count('published');

$var_smarty->assign('published_count', $published_count);
$categories = mysql_query("select *, count(*) as count from " . table_links . ", " . table_categories . " where category_lang='$dblang' and category_id=link_category group by link_category ORDER BY category_name ASC");

$categorylist = array();
while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array ($categories, MYSQL_ASSOC)) array_push ($categorylist, $rows);
$var_smarty->assign('categorylist', $categorylist);
$var_smarty->assign('category_url', getmyurl('maincategory'));


$var_smarty->cache = $_caching; // set cache back to original value


return $var_smarty;

posted on 2007-09-16 13:42  viii  阅读(727)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报
