Chapter 2 Building Abstract ions with Data Native Data Types 到目前为止,我们使用的值都是 Python 语言中内置的少量的原始数据类型的实例。原始数据类型具有以下属性: ^13b410 有一些可以求解为原始数据类型的表达式,被称为字面量( 阅读全文
4_3 Declarative Programming In addition to streams, data values are often stored in large repositories called databases. A database consists of a data 阅读全文
3_5 Interpreters for Languages with Abstraction The Calculator language provides a means of combination through nested call expressions. However, ther 阅读全文
2_9 Recursive Objects Objects can have other objects as attribute values. When an object of some class has an attribute value of that same class, it i 阅读全文
2_7 Object Abstraction The object system allows programmers to build and use abstract data representations efficiently. It is also designed to allow m 阅读全文
2_5 Object-Oriented Programming Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a method for organizing programs that brings together many of the ideas introduce 阅读全文
lecture9 Welcome! Static to Dynamic Flask Layout POST Frosh IMs Flask and SQL Session Store API JSON Summing Up Welcome! In previous weeks, you have l 阅读全文
lecture8 Routers 为了将数据从一个地方转到另一个地方,我们需要做转发决定,也就是说需要某人来决定将数据转发到哪里。这个人就是路由器。 TCP/IP 是两个协议,允许计算机间数据在网上传输。 IP 是 Internet Protocol 的缩写,它是一种协议,它定义了如何将数据从一个计 阅读全文
lecture7 Flat-File Database 数据常常可以视作表格,每一行是一个记录,每一列是一个属性 电子表格例如Excel,Google Spreadsheet可以导出为csv格式文件。csv文件是纯文本文件,每一行是一个记录,每一列用逗号分隔,可以看作是最简单的数据库 csv文件被称 阅读全文
lecture5 Queues are one form of abstract data structure. Queues have specific properties. Namely, they are FIFO or “first in first out.” You can imagi 阅读全文