Victoria's workshop


[Machine Learning] some concept about the CV

Cross-validation VS SSE

CV is not designed to improve the fit on the training data, but it won't necessarily make it worse either. Cross-validation cannot guarantee improving the SSE on unseen data, although it often helps.


Cross-validation VS best prediction

The purpose of cross-validation is to pick the tree that will perform the best on a test set. So we would expect the model we made with the "best" cp to perform best on a test set.


complexity of the model

Trying different combinations of variables in linear regression controls the complexity of the model. This is similar to trying different numbers of splits in a tree, which is also controlling the complexity of the model.

posted on 2017-03-17 21:52  xiaojin693  阅读(111)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报