merge dict key

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-user_dict = {'python': 23, 'Python': 51, '机器':10, 'PYTHON': 12, '机器人': 14, 'py':8, 'Py':9}

req_dict, tmp_dict = {}, {}
# init a dict that value is a list to collect the value that belong to the same req tag
for k in user_dict.keys():
tmp_dict.setdefault(k.lower(), [])

for k, v in tmp_dict.items():
for kk, vv in user_dict.items():
if k == kk.lower():
req_dict[k] = sum(v)
print(tmp_dict, req_dict)
 output:{'python': [23, 51, 12], '机器': [10], '机器人': [14], 'py': [8, 9]} {'python': 86, '机器': 10, '机器人': 14, 'py': 17}
posted @ 2018-03-13 18:16  随便了888  阅读(141)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报