
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

# @filename: pep_summary
# @author:vickey wu
# @date: 2017/9/5 8:45

# Start at 5th Sep 2017
# Change at 6th Sep 2017 add Class and function summary

import os
import sys
from time import *
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from import WebDriverWait

# long content cut to two or more part with "\"
content = "this is a very long long long long long long long long long content long \
slice_content = content[2:10:2]
print slice_content
length_con = len(content)
a, b, c = "", None, None

if 72 < length_con <= 120:
    if content == "this" and length_con == 80:
        length_con = (length_con
                      + length_con
                      + length_con
                      + length_con)
    print length_con

# different between "is" and "=="
if b is not c:
    print "different object"
    print "same object"
if a == c:
    print "same value"
    print "different value"

# different between "and" and "&"
aa, bb, cc = 1, 2, 1
if aa == 1 and bb == 2:
    print "'and' is logic operation, 1 treat as decimal 1"
if aa == 1 & cc == 1:
    print "'&' is bitwise operation, 1 treat as binary 01"
    print "different"

    aa == bb
except Exception as e:
    print "aa is not equal to bb"

# add whitespace at the lowest priorities
i = aa + bb
ii = (aa + bb) + aa * (bb + cc) + aa - bb

# Don't use spaces around the "=" when used to indicate a keyword argument or a default parameter value
def func(default_para1=1, para2=None):
    :param default_para1: 
    :param para2: 
    return func(1, None)

def funct(default_para1=1, para2=None):
    return func(1, None)

class ClassA(object):
    :param object

    def __init__(self, para_a=None):
        self.para_b = para_a

    def get(self):
        para2 = self.para1
        return para2

    def _func(self):
        __ two underline in the beginning mean the goal here is to avoid your method to be overridden by a subclass
        :param args: 
        :param kwargs: 
        return self.para_b

class ClassB(ClassA):
    This Class used to practice pep8 regulation

    def __init__(self, para1=None, para2=None, para3=None):
        super(ClassA, self).__init__(para1, para2)
        self.para3 = para3

    def class_func1(self):
        para4 = self.para1 + self.para2
        if para4 is not None:
            return para4

    def _private_func(self):
        _ one underline in the beginning mean private method or attribute, you shouldn't access it
        :param para_f1: 

        self._para_f1 = self.para1

        return self._para_f1

    def class_func2(self):
        # override class method
        return self.para_b

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        __ two underline in the beginning and in the end it means it's a method python calls, not you
        :param args: 
        :param kwargs: 


# name suffix or prefix with double "__" or single "_".
# one underline in the beginning indicate this method or attribute is private
# which mean other method can\'t call it.

# one underline in the end avoid name is conflict with keyword.
# two underline in the beginning to avoid your class method be overridden by subclass.
# two underline in the beginning and in the end means it's a method python calls, not you.

# Use _one_underline to mark you methods as not part of the API. Use __two_underlines__
# when you're creating objects to look like native python objects
# or you wan't to customize behavior in specific situations.
# And don't use __just_two_underlines, unless you really know what you're doing

b = ClassB(object)
a = ClassA(object)
# b.


posted @ 2017-09-05 18:06  吴悟无  阅读(167)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报