




父传子方法(一) 属性传递 props

        <li v-for="item in dataList">{{item}}</li>

    export default { 
        props : { dataList : [] }
    <component-child v-bind:data-list="dataList"> </component-child> 
    <input v-model="dataInput" v-on:keyup.13="addDataItem()" ></input>


import ComponentChild from './child.vue'
export default { 
    data () { 
        return { 
            dataInput: "", 
            dataList : [ 'hello world!','welcome to use vue.js' ] 
    components : { ComponentChild }, 
    methods : { 
        addDataItem () { 
            let self = this 
            if( !(self.dataInput && self.dataInput.length > 0) ) { return } 
            self.dataList.push( self.dataInput ) 
            self.dataInput = "" 

父传子方法(二) 广播事件传递 vm.$broadcast

        <li v-for="item in dataList">{{item}}</li> 

export default { 
    data () { 
        return { 
            dataList : [ 'hello world!', 'welcome to use vue.js' ] 
    events : { 
        addChildDataEvent : function ( dataInput ) { 
            this.dataList.push( dataInput ) 
    <input v-model="dataInput" v-on:keyup.13="addDataItem()" ></input>

    import ComponentChild from './child.vue'
    export default { 
        data () { 
            return { dataInput: "" } 
        components : { ComponentChild }, 
        methods : { 
            addDataItem () { 
                let self = this 
                if( !(self.dataInput && self.dataInput.length > 0) ) { return } 
                self.$broadcast( 'addChildDataEvent', self.dataInput ) 
                self.dataInput = "" } 

子传父方法 派遣事件传递 vm.$dispatch

    <input v-model="dataInput" v-on:keyup.13="addDataItem()" ></input>

    export default { 
        data () { 
            return { 
                dataInput: "" 
        methods : { 
            addDataItem () { 
                let self = this
                if( !(self.dataInput && self.dataInput.length > 0) ) { return }
                self.$dispatch( 'addFatherDataEvent', self.dataInput )
                self.dataInput = "" 
        <li v-for="item in dataList">{{item}}</li> 

import ComponentChild from './child.vue'
export default { 
    data () { 
        return { 
            dataList : [ 'hello world!', 'welcome to use vue.js' ] 
    components : { ComponentChild }, 
    events : { 
        addFatherDataEvent : function ( dataInput ) { 
            this.dataList.push( dataInput ) 

父组件代理传递 子(vm.dispatch )父 ( vm.broadcast )子 事件方法传递

        <li v-for="item in dataList">{{item}}</li> 

export default { 
    data () { 
        return { 
            dataList : [ 'hello world!', 'welcome to use vue.js' ] 
    events : { 
        addChildDataEvent : function ( dataInput ) { 
        this.dataList.push( dataInput ) 
    <input v-model="dataInput" v-on:keyup.13="addDataItem()" ></input>

export default { 
    data () { 
        return { dataInput: "" } 
    methods : { 
        addDataItem () { 
            let self = this 
            if( !(self.dataInput && self.dataInput.length > 0) ) { return } //派遣事件到父组件 
            self.$dispatch( 'agentDataEvent', self.dataInput ) 
            self.dataInput = "" 

import ComponentChild1 from './child1.vue'
import ComponentChild2 from './child2.vue'

export default { 
    components : { ComponentChild1, ComponentChild2 }, 
    events : { 
        agentDataEvent : function( dataInput ) { 
            this.$broadcast('addChildDataEvent', dataInput) 


            <li v-for="item in dataList">{{item}}</li>
export default { 
    data () { 
        return { 
            dataList : [ 'hello world!', 'welcome to use vue.js' ] 
    events : { 
        addDataEvent : function ( dataInput ) { 
            this.dataList.push( dataInput ) 
<input v-model="dataInput" v-on:keyup.13="addDataItem()" ></input>

export default { 
    data () { 
        return { 
            dataInput: "", 
            otherApp : {} 
    methods : { 
        addDataItem ( ) { 
            let self = this 
            if( !(self.dataInput && self.dataInput.length > 0) ) { return } //触发其他实例事件 
            self.otherApp.$emit( 'addDataEvent', self.dataInput ) 
            self.dataInput = "" 
        setOtherApp ( app ) { 
            this.otherApp = app 
import Vue from "vue"
import App1 from "./communication5/app1.vue"
import App2 from "./communication5/app2.vue"

let AppVM1 = new Vue( App1 ).$mount('#app')
let AppVM2 = new Vue( App2 ).$mount('#app2')

AppVM2.setOtherApp( AppVM1 )
posted @ 2017-03-01 14:33  vichily  阅读(5119)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报