修改: 根据BirdsHome的方法, 修改成有语法着色的了
using System;
using Microsoft.Office.Core;
using Extensibility;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WordExtCS
#region Read me for Add-in installation and setup information.
// When run, the Add-in wizard prepared the registry for the Add-in.
// At a later time, if the Add-in becomes unavailable for reasons such as:
// 1) You moved this project to a computer other than which is was originally created on.
// 2) You chose 'Yes' when presented with a message asking if you wish to remove the Add-in.
// 3) Registry corruption.
// you will need to re-register the Add-in by building the MyAddin21Setup project
// by right clicking the project in the Solution Explorer, then choosing install.
/// <summary>
/// The object for implementing an Add-in.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso class='IDTExtensibility2' />
[GuidAttribute("C1C829AE-FCEB-4640-BF88-FF6CF8712426"), ProgId("WordExtCS.Connect")]
public class Connect : Object, Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2
/// <summary>
/// Implements the constructor for the Add-in object.
/// Place your initialization code within this method.
/// </summary>
public Connect()
#region IDTExtensibility2 接口实现
/// <summary>
/// Implements the OnConnection method of the IDTExtensibility2 interface.
/// Receives notification that the Add-in is being loaded.
/// </summary>
/// <param term='application'>
/// Root object of the host application.
/// </param>
/// <param term='connectMode'>
/// Describes how the Add-in is being loaded.
/// </param>
/// <param term='addInInst'>
/// Object representing this Add-in.
/// </param>
/// <seealso class='IDTExtensibility2' />
public void OnConnection(object application, Extensibility.ext_ConnectMode connectMode, object addInInst, ref System.Array custom)
addInInstance = addInInst;
if (application is Word.Application)
wordApp = (Word.Application)application;
if(connectMode != Extensibility.ext_ConnectMode.ext_cm_Startup)
OnStartupComplete(ref custom);
/// <summary>
/// Implements the OnDisconnection method of the IDTExtensibility2 interface.
/// Receives notification that the Add-in is being unloaded.
/// </summary>
/// <param term='disconnectMode'>
/// Describes how the Add-in is being unloaded.
/// </param>
/// <param term='custom'>
/// Array of parameters that are host application specific.
/// </param>
/// <seealso class='IDTExtensibility2' />
public void OnDisconnection(Extensibility.ext_DisconnectMode disconnectMode, ref System.Array custom)
if(disconnectMode != Extensibility.ext_DisconnectMode.ext_dm_HostShutdown)
OnBeginShutdown(ref custom);
wordApp = null;
/// <summary>
/// Implements the OnAddInsUpdate method of the IDTExtensibility2 interface.
/// Receives notification that the collection of Add-ins has changed.
/// </summary>
/// <param term='custom'>
/// Array of parameters that are host application specific.
/// </param>
/// <seealso class='IDTExtensibility2' />
public void OnAddInsUpdate(ref System.Array custom)
/// <summary>
/// Implements the OnStartupComplete method of the IDTExtensibility2 interface.
/// Receives notification that the host application has completed loading.
/// </summary>
/// <param term='custom'>
/// Array of parameters that are host application specific.
/// </param>
/// <seealso class='IDTExtensibility2' />
public void OnStartupComplete(ref System.Array custom)
string caption = "投标系统";
object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
toolBar = wordApp.CommandBars[caption];
catch (Exception)
toolBar = (Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBar)wordApp.CommandBars.Add(
caption, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoBarPosition.msoBarTop, missing, false);
toolBar.Visible = true;
catch (Exception e)
MessageBox.Show("添加投标系统工具条失败,异常信息:" + e.Message, "Tender System");
btnConnect = AddButton("连接", 186, new Microsoft.Office.Core._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler(connect_Click));
comboSearch = AddComboBox("查找内容", new Microsoft.Office.Core._CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandler(search_Change));
btnSearch = AddButton("查找", 46, new Microsoft.Office.Core._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler(search_Click));
btnAdvanced = AddButton("高级", 162, new Microsoft.Office.Core._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler(advanced_Click));
catch (Exception)
/// <summary>
/// Implements the OnBeginShutdown method of the IDTExtensibility2 interface.
/// Receives notification that the host application is being unloaded.
/// </summary>
/// <param term='custom'>
/// Array of parameters that are host application specific.
/// </param>
/// <seealso class='IDTExtensibility2' />
public void OnBeginShutdown(ref System.Array custom)
#region 辅助函数
/// <summary>
/// 添加一个按钮,并指定点击处理函数
/// </summary>
Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton AddButton(
string caption, int faceID,
Microsoft.Office.Core._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler clickHandler)
object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton button;
button = (Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton)toolBar.Controls[caption];
button = (Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton)
missing, missing, missing, missing);
button.Caption = caption;
button.Tag = caption;
button.OnAction = "!<WordExtCS.Connect>";
button.TooltipText = caption;
button.FaceId = faceID;
button.Click += clickHandler;
return button;
catch (Exception)
MessageBox.Show("Error adding button: " + caption, "Error");
return null;
/// <summary>
/// 添加一个下拉框,并指定点击处理函数
/// </summary>
Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarComboBox AddComboBox(
string caption,
Microsoft.Office.Core._CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandler comboHandler)
object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarComboBox combo;
combo = (Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarComboBox)toolBar.Controls[caption];
combo = (Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarComboBox)
missing, missing, missing, missing);
combo.Caption = caption;
combo.Tag = caption;
combo.TooltipText = caption;
combo.OnAction = "!<WordExtCS.Connect>";
combo.Change += comboHandler;
return combo;
catch (Exception)
MessageBox.Show("Error adding combo: " + caption, "Error");
return null;
/// <summary>
/// 根据当前状态更新工具条界面
/// </summary>
private void UpdateUI()
if (connected)
btnConnect.TooltipText = "断开";
btnConnect.FaceId = 184;
comboSearch.Enabled = true;
btnSearch.Enabled = true;
btnAdvanced.Enabled = true;
btnConnect.TooltipText = "连接";
btnConnect.FaceId = 186;
comboSearch.Enabled = false;
btnSearch.Enabled = false;
btnAdvanced.Enabled = false;
#region 事件处理函数
/// <summary>
/// 连接按钮相应函数
/// </summary>
public void connect_Click(Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton btn, ref bool someBool)
if (!connected)
using (LoginForm dlg = new LoginForm())
if (dlg.ShowDialog()==DialogResult.OK)
connected = true;
connected = false;
public void search_Change(Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarComboBox combo)
combo.AddItem(combo.Text, 0);
public void search_Click(Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton btn, ref bool someBool)
using (SearchResult resultForm = new SearchResult())
if (resultForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
public void advanced_Click(Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton btn, ref bool someBool)
//private object applicationObject;
private Word.Application wordApp;
private Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBar toolBar;
private Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton btnConnect;
private Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton btnSearch;
private Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarComboBox comboSearch;
private Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton btnAdvanced;
private object addInInstance;
private bool connected = false;
private TenderMain mainForm = new TenderMain();
posted on 2004-04-26 21:03 vibration 阅读(13374) 评论(29) 编辑 收藏 举报