

SQL> desc employee


Name                                      Null?    Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ------------------


emp_id                                                NUMBER(10)
emp_name                                           VARCHAR2(20)


salary                                                NUMBER(10,2)






SQL> select * from employee;


    EMP_ID EMP_NAME                                  SALARY


---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------


         1 sunshine                                      10000


         1 sunshine                                      10000


         2 semon                                         20000


         2 semon                                         20000


         3 xyz                                           30000


         2 semon                                         20000


select distinct * from employee;


    EMP_ID EMP_NAME                                     SALARY


---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------


         1 sunshine                                      10000


         2 semon                                         20000


         3 xyz                                             30000


SQL> select * from employee group by emp_id,emp_name,salary having count (*)>1


    EMP_ID EMP_NAME                                     SALARY


---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------


         1 sunshine                                      10000


         2 semon                                          20000


select * from employee e1


where rowid in (select max(rowid) from employe e2
where e1.emp_id=e2.emp_id and


e1.emp_name=e2.emp_name and e1.salary=e2.salary);




    EMP_ID EMP_NAME                                     SALARY


---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------


         1 sunshine                                      10000


         3 xyz                                             30000


         2 semon                                         20000  

posted on 2010-09-16 08:40  vibratea  阅读(1930)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报