I used to research some stuff, I will spend lots of time on them, and build a framework for them. After I collect and develop a satisfying framework, I am kinda lazy to mark down it, and beautify it as I rely on understand instead of memorizing. But the reality is I forgot it so fast. I regret it writing down is better than good memorizing.
Based on this feature, I thought our brain is kind of similar to computers, or contrary. Overall, a computer is generally divided into three levels of CPU(central processing unit), memory, and external storage, and then I recently found the rating of intelligence for people is relevant to the computer. External storage means how many things you can memorize. Memory for a human being is how many things you can react to and reach at the same time. For CPU, that's how far you solve every single minimum mission. Some people can do the calculation very fast and they are multi-core. Consequently how we assess a computer is possible to assess how intelligent for people.
When artificial intelligence came out, it is fantasy. In terms of some statements of social media, it can even instead of a programmer. In the beginning, I don't think so, I thought I am a programmer, I know how program working. Probably that is my own point, just as I mentioned before, we are the set of memory of yesterday, potentially artificial intelligence can make the decision by that, but some of the decisions are taken by chaos. I am genuinely looking forward that artificial intelligence can mock these features. As we know, human beings can learn, and artificial intelligence can deep learning as well. That's amazing.
depend on that human being is the set of memory of yesterday, as times go by, our capacity of the brain is short of, and forget somethings automatically. When I was studying in school, I was not good at memorizing, but I can remember every single person in our class, and some of my classmates can not do that. Recently, I can't do it like it covers a layer of log in my mind, and I need to wipe it down. Some kind of this memory unit is living, and some are lost.