
1,nothing is impossible

















  变化是世上永恒不变的东西。但自己拥抱变化的同时,一定要以核心价值观为主,变化为辅助。不能用过了这个坎这种心态,需要面对的事情会源源不断,正符合了every point will connect.







念念不忘 必有回响




夜幕降临 夜幕星河 书剑飘零 踏雪寻梅 画龙点睛 秀色可餐 梨花带雨 论剑问道 心灵烈焰 盘古,女娲,泰坦,后羿 云顶 枫桥夜泊 剑门关剑阁 洛神 剑心通明 天工开物 封神 安徒生 八号风球爱情故事 风晴雪 太虚剑意 魔法剑 风云儿女 蜀山 近战法师魔法剑 流星瀑布 花火 映像 降临 nowhere 洪荒 realpaper 蛛丝马迹 拆星桥 现象级 亚特兰蒂斯 楼兰 Fontainebleau 枫丹白露 Avenue des Champs-&Eacute 香榭丽舍大道 圣地巡礼 自带变速箱 车载音响 拔刀斩 落英剑 水之呼吸


English version

1, nothing is impossible

  nothing is impossible, be confident

2, people can only save themselves

  no one can really help you, no one can help you all the time. you are supposed to be the one who saves yourself. you are the best friend to you, catch up with the one who you value yourself in the future.

3, do you best

  you have to try your best to do anything, at least you will not regret that. I will try my best if I don't force it
4, remember your emotion and feeling( golden experience)

  life is just a journey of experience, that's not that bad, no matter you got painful or happy. they both are kinda experiencing. be brave to do something that seems embarrassing and low successful rate thing. the worst result you can get is just a shame. I admit that some people are shy by nature, that's fine. people can be changed. I hope that everyone can overcome their immature self in the past. the power of habit is strong. when you challenge more, you will find that there is nothing terrible at all.

5, people must be brave to survive

  we finally need to come out, despite you are in trouble. we tend to get sad but don't lose yourself in sorrow. when negativity surround, don't let them get you down. you can survive.
6, The best way to plant a tree is then years ago, next is right now.
  It's never been too late to do everything you want to do, especially something you really like.

7, only with a dream can we endure real life

  some people can bear the reality that proves he is tenacious, when you are in pain, you can also think about what you are insisting on, hard work must persist for you.
8, to be excellent need times.

  It's basically full of hardship, when we are beginning to learn something new like driving, English, programming, please believe that's just a process, practice makes perfect, what makes the person be excellent is just the resource he has and maybe the environment he is on.

9, embrace change, what has already happened, will come later. what has been done must be done later. there is nothing new under the sun.

  what is never changed is change itself, but meanwhile, it's also hard to catch up with every single change. so we need to value the core of principle, supported by following to change. what you need to face is more and more in the future, don't stop going.


Eat Drink Man Woman

  serves as a buffer layer between ideal and reality

everlastingly new; unfading;

  return of mind

posted on 2019-10-05 01:38  Kooing  阅读(429)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
