Custom Default Node Colors and Shapes in Houdini 16.5
A:before H16.5:
1.Create a file, named OPcustomize
2.Edit it like this:
1 //Custom Default Shapes 2 opdefaultshape Object tilted 3 opdefaultshape Sop null circle 4 5 //Colors 6 opdefaultcolor Sop null "RGB 0.0 0.96 0.77" 7 8 //Rename 9 opfirstname Sop null OUT
3.Add the OPcustomize file under your Houdini user folder (like Win: C:Users/username/My Documents\houdini16.0) and restart Houdini.
B:After H16.5:
The mechanism that change Node's color and shapes has replaced.
New method is:
1.Open Houdini.
2.Ctrl+drag from the color or shape palette onto the node(you want to change) to set the deafult color/shape for that node's type.And theme changes will be applied and autosave immediately.
3.To change the default shapename is same as before H16.5.
Some Doc:
Hscript defaultcolor Sidefx doc link:
1 # SHAPES 2 3 # Chop 4 opdefaultshape Chop blend 'cigar' 5 opdefaultshape Chop constraintblend 'cigar' 6 opdefaultshape Chop constraintexport 'star' 7 opdefaultshape Chop file 'tabbed_left' 8 opdefaultshape Chop merge 'cigar' 9 10 # Object 11 opdefaultshape Object ambient 'ensign' 12 opdefaultshape Object blend 'cigar' 13 opdefaultshape Object bone 'peanut' 14 opdefaultshape Object cam 'camera' 15 opdefaultshape Object envlight 'ensign' 16 opdefaultshape Object frankenmuscle 'cigar' 17 opdefaultshape Object hlight 'ensign' 18 opdefaultshape Object hlight::2.0 'ensign' 19 opdefaultshape Object indirectlight 'ensign' 20 opdefaultshape Object light 'ensign' 21 opdefaultshape Object musclepin 'chevron_down' 22 opdefaultshape Object musclerig 'bulge_down' 23 opdefaultshape Object null 'null' 24 opdefaultshape Object riggedmuscle 'bulge' 25 opdefaultshape Object sterocamrig 'camera' 26 opdefaultshape Object switcher 'diamond' 27 opdefaultshape Object vrcam 'camera' 28 29 # Sop 30 opdefaultshape Sop alembic 'tabbed_left' 31 opdefaultshape Sop attribcast 'tilted' 32 opdefaultshape Sop attribcomposite 'tilted' 33 opdefaultshape Sop attribcopy 'tilted' 34 opdefaultshape Sop attribcreate::2.0 'tilted' 35 opdefaultshape Sop attribdelete 'tilted' 36 opdefaultshape Sop attribfade 'tilted' 37 opdefaultshape Sop attribfrommap 'tilted' 38 opdefaultshape Sop attribfromvolume 'tilted' 39 opdefaultshape Sop attribinterpolate 'tilted' 40 opdefaultshape Sop attribmirror 'tilted' 41 opdefaultshape Sop attribpromote 'tilted' 42 opdefaultshape Sop attribrandomize 'tilted' 43 opdefaultshape Sop attribreorient 'tilted' 44 opdefaultshape Sop attribstransferbyuv 'tilted' 45 opdefaultshape Sop attribstringedit 'tilted' 46 opdefaultshape Sop attribswap 'tilted' 47 opdefaultshape Sop attribtransfer 'tilted' 48 opdefaultshape Sop attribute 'tilted' 49 opdefaultshape Sop attribvop 'tilted' 50 opdefaultshape Sop attribwrangle 'wave' 51 opdefaultshape Sop block_begin 'chevron_down' 52 opdefaultshape Sop block_end 'chevron_up' 53 opdefaultshape Sop captureattribpack 'ensign' 54 opdefaultshape Sop captureattribunpack 'pointy' 55 opdefaultshape Sop compile_begin 'chevron_down' 56 opdefaultshape Sop compile_end 'chevron_up' 57 opdefaultshape Sop convert 'trapezoid_up' 58 opdefaultshape Sop convertmeta 'trapezoid_up' 59 opdefaultshape Sop convertvdb 'trapezoid_up' 60 opdefaultshape Sop convertvolume 'trapezoid_up' 61 opdefaultshape Sop deformationwrangle 'wave' 62 opdefaultshape Sop file 'tabbed_left' 63 opdefaultshape Sop filecache 'tabbed_left' 64 opdefaultshape Sop filemerge 'tabbed_left' 65 opdefaultshape Sop merge 'cigar' 66 opdefaultshape Sop null 'circle' 67 opdefaultshape Sop object_merge 'trapezoid_down' 68 opdefaultshape Sop pack 'ensign' 69 opdefaultshape Sop packpoints 'ensign' 70 opdefaultshape Sop rop_alembic 'clipped_left' 71 opdefaultshape Sop rop_geometry 'clipped_left' 72 opdefaultshape Sop switch 'circle' 73 opdefaultshape Sop unpack 'pointy' 74 opdefaultshape Sop unpackpoints 'pointy' 75 opdefaultshape Sop vdb 'cloud' 76 opdefaultshape Sop vdbfrompolygons 'trapezoid_up' 77 opdefaultshape Sop volume 'cloud' 78 opdefaultshape Sop volumewrangle 'wave' 79 80 #Dop 81 opdefaultshape Dop bulletrbdsolver 'tilted' 82 opdefaultshape Dop buoyancyforce 'pointy' 83 opdefaultshape Dop clothobject::2.0 'trapezoid_down' 84 opdefaultshape Dop clothsolver::2.0 'tilted' 85 opdefaultshape Dop crowdfuzzylogic 'trapezoid_down' 86 opdefaultshape Dop crowdobject 'trapezoid_down' 87 opdefaultshape Dop crowdsolver::3.0 'tilted' 88 opdefaultshape Dop crowdstate::3.0 'chevron_down' 89 opdefaultshape Dop crowdtransition::3.0 'pointy' 90 opdefaultshape Dop crowdtrigger::2.0 'star' 91 opdefaultshape Dop crowdtriggerlogic::2.0 'trapezoid_down' 92 opdefaultshape Dop drag 'pointy' 93 opdefaultshape Dop emptyobject 'trapezoid_down' 94 opdefaultshape Dop enablesolver 'bulge' 95 opdefaultshape Dop fan 'pointy' 96 opdefaultshape Dop fieldforce 'pointy' 97 opdefaultshape Dop file 'tabbed_left' 98 opdefaultshape Dop filedata 'tabbed_left' 99 opdefaultshape Dop finiteelementsolver::2.0 'tilted' 100 opdefaultshape Dop flipobject 'trapedzoid_down' 101 opdefaultshape Dop flipsolver::2.0 'tilted' 102 opdefaultshape Dop fluidforce 'pointy' 103 opdefaultshape Dop gasfieldvop 'tilted' 104 opdefaultshape Dop gasfieldwrangle 'wave' 105 opdefaultshape Dop geometryvop 'tilted' 106 opdefaultshape Dop geometrywrangle 'wave' 107 opdefaultshape Dop gravity 'pointy' 108 opdefaultshape Dop groundplane 'trapezoid_down' 109 opdefaultshape Dop hybridobject 'trapezoid_down' 110 opdefaultshape Dop impusleforce 'pointy' 111 opdefaultshape Dop magnetforce 'pointy' 112 opdefaultshape Dop merge 'cigar' 113 opdefaultshape Dop null 'null' 114 opdefaultshape Dop output 'clipped_left' 115 opdefaultshape Dop pointforce 'pointy' 116 opdefaultshape Dop popaxisforce 'pointy' 117 opdefaultshape Dop popcurveforce 'pointy' 118 opdefaultshape Dop popforce 'pointy' 119 opdefaultshape Dop popgrains 'tilted' 120 opdefaultshape Dop poplocalforce 'pointy' 121 opdefaultshape Dop popmetaballforce 'pointy' 122 opdefaultshape Dop popobject 'trapezoid_down' 123 opdefaultshape Dop popsolver::2.0 'tilted' 124 opdefaultshape Dop popsource::2.0 'bulge_down' 125 opdefaultshape Dop popvop 'tilted' 126 opdefaultshape Dop popwrangle 'wave' 127 opdefaultshape Dop pyrosolver::2.0 'tilted' 128 opdefaultshape Dop rbdobject 'trapezoid_down' 129 opdefaultshape Dop rigidbodysolver 'tilted' 130 opdefaultshape Dop smokeobject 'trapezoid_down' 131 opdefaultshape Dop smokesolver::2.0 'tilted' 132 opdefaultshape Dop solidobject::2.0 'trapezoid_down' 133 opdefaultshape Dop sourcefilaments 'bulge_down' 134 opdefaultshape Dop sourcevolume 'bulge_down' 135 opdefaultshape Dop switch 'diamond' 136 opdefaultshape Dop switchsolver 'diamond' 137 opdefaultshape Dop terrainobject 'trapezoid_down' 138 opdefaultshape Dop uniformforce 'pointy' 139 opdefaultshape Dop vopforce 'tilted' 140 opdefaultshape Dop whitewateremitter 'bulge_down' 141 opdefaultshape Dop whitewaterobject 'trapezoid_down' 142 opdefaultshape Dop whitewatersolver 'tilted' 143 opdefaultshape Dop wireobject 'trapezoid_down' 144 opdefaultshape Dop wiresolver 'tilted' 145 146 # COLORS 147 148 # Object 149 opdefaultcolor Object blend 'RGB 0.55 0.7 0.55' 150 opdefaultcolor Object bone 'RGB 1 0.8 0.5' 151 opdefaultcolor Object cam 'RGB 0.3 0.55 0.75' 152 opdefaultcolor Object chopnet 'RGB 0.67 0.4 0.25' 153 opdefaultcolor Object cop2net 'RGB 0.5 0.5 0.35' 154 opdefaultcolor Object dopnet 'RGB 0.7 0.9 0.6' 155 opdefaultcolor Object envlight 'RGB 0.7 0.84 9' 156 opdefaultcolor Object frankenmuscle 'RGB 0 0.4 0' 157 opdefaultcolor Object hlight::2.0 'RGB 1 0.75 0.2' 158 opdefaultcolor Object indirectlight 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 159 opdefaultcolor Object matnet 'RGB 0.3 0.5 0.65' 160 opdefaultcolor Object musclepin 'RGB 0.9 0.9 0.5' 161 opdefaultcolor Object musclerig 'RGB 0 0.45 0.9' 162 opdefaultcolor Object null 'RGB 0.7 0.8 0.87' 163 opdefaultcolor Object riggedmuscle 'RGB 0.9 0.5 0.5' 164 opdefaultcolor Object ropnet 'RGB 0.55 0.3 0.4' 165 opdefaultcolor Object shopnet 'RGB 0.3 0.5 0.65' 166 opdefaultcolor Object switcher 'RGB 0.8 1 0.7' 167 opdefaultcolor Object vopnet 'RGB 0.3 0.3 0.3' 168 169 # Cop2 170 opdefaultcolor Cop2 chopnet 'RGB 0.67 0.4 0.25' 171 opdefaultcolor Cop2 cop2net 'RGB 0.5 0.5 0.35' 172 opdefaultcolor Cop2 dopnet 'RGB 0.7 0.9 0.6' 173 opdefaultcolor Cop2 matnet 'RGB 0.3 0.5 0.65' 174 opdefaultcolor Cop2 rop_comp 'RGB 0.65 0.4 0.5' 175 opdefaultcolor Cop2 ropnet 'RGB 0.55 0.3 0.4' 176 opdefaultcolor Cop2 shopnet 'RGB 0.3 0.5 0.65' 177 opdefaultcolor Cop2 switch 'RGB 0.8 1 0.7' 178 opdefaultcolor Cop2 vopnet 'RGB 0.3 0.3 0.3' 179 180 # Driver 181 opdefaultcolor Driver chopnet 'RGB 0.67 0.4 0.25' 182 opdefaultcolor Driver cop2net 'RGB 0.5 0.5 0.35' 183 opdefaultcolor Driver dopnet 'RGB 0.7 0.9 0.6' 184 opdefaultcolor Driver matnet 'RGB 0.3 0.5 0.65' 185 opdefaultcolor Driver shopnet 'RGB 0.3 0.5 0.65' 186 opdefaultcolor Driver switch 'RGB 0.8 1 0.7' 187 opdefaultcolor Driver vopnet 'RGB 0.3 0.3 0.3' 188 189 # Shop 190 opdefaultcolor Shop chopnet 'RGB 0.67 0.4 0.25' 191 opdefaultcolor Shop dopnet 'RGB 0.7 0.9 0.6' 192 opdefaultcolor Shop matnet 'RGB 0.3 0.5 0.65' 193 opdefaultcolor Shop ropnet 'RGB 0.55 0.3 0.4' 194 opdefaultcolor Shop vopnet 'RGB 0.3 0.3 0.3' 195 196 # Chop 197 opdefaultcolor Chop blend 'RGB 0.55 0.7 0.55' 198 opdefaultcolor Chop constraintblend 'RGB 0.55 0.7 0.55' 199 opdefaultcolor Chop constraintexport 'RGB 0.384 0.184 0.329' 200 opdefaultcolor Chop cop2net 'RGB 0.5 0.5 0.35' 201 opdefaultcolor Chop dopnet 'RGB 0.7 0.9 0.6' 202 opdefaultcolor Chop file 'RGB 0.9 0.8 0.55' 203 opdefaultcolor Chop matnet 'RGB 0.3 0.5 0.65' 204 opdefaultcolor Chop ropnet 'RGB 0.55 0.3 0.4' 205 opdefaultcolor Chop shopnet 'RGB 0.3 0.5 0.65' 206 opdefaultcolor Chop simpleblend 'RGB 0.55 0.7 0.55' 207 208 # Vop 209 opdefaultcolor Vop bind 'RGB 0.6 0.6 1' 210 opdefaultcolor Vop constant 'RGB 0 0 0' 211 opdefaultcolor Vop parameter 'RGB 1 1 0.4' 212 opdefaultcolor Vop rampparm 'RGB 1 1 0.4' 213 opdefaultcolor Vop visualize 'RGB 0.5 0 0' 214 215 # Sop 216 opdefaultcolor Sop block_begin 'RGB 0.9 0.5 0' 217 opdefaultcolor Sop block_end 'RGB 0.9 0.5 0' 218 opdefaultcolor Sop chopnet 'RGB 0.67 0.4 0.25' 219 opdefaultcolor Sop cop2net 'RGB 0.5 0.5 0.35' 220 opdefaultcolor Sop copy 'RGB 1 0.65 0.1' 221 opdefaultcolor Sop copytopoints 'RGB 1 0.65 0.1' 222 opdefaultcolor Sop copyxform 'RGB 1 0.65 0.1' 223 opdefaultcolor Sop dopnet 'RGB 0.7 0.9 0.6' 224 opdefaultcolor Sop file 'RGB 0.9 0.8 0.55' 225 opdefaultcolor Sop filecache 'RGB 0.9 0.8 0.55' 226 opdefaultcolor Sop filemerge 'RGB 0.9 0.8 0.55' 227 opdefaultcolor Sop matnet 'RGB 0.3 0.5 0.65' 228 opdefaultcolor Sop null 'RGB 0 0 0' 229 opdefaultcolor Sop rop_alembic 'RGB 0.65 0.4 0.5' 230 opdefaultcolor Sop rop_geometry 'RGB 0.65 0.4 0.5' 231 opdefaultcolor Sop ropnet 'RGB 0.55 0.3 0.4' 232 opdefaultcolor Sop shopnet 'RGB 0.3 0.5 0.65' 233 opdefaultcolor Sop switch 'RGB 0 0 0' 234 opdefaultcolor Sop testgeometry_pighead 'RGB 0.52 0.8 0.9' 235 opdefaultcolor Sop testgeometry_rubbertoy 'RGB 0.52 0.8 0.9' 236 opdefaultcolor Sop testgeometry_shaderball 'RGB 0.52 0.8 0.9' 237 opdefaultcolor Sop testgeometry_squab 'RGB 0.52 0.8 0.9' 238 opdefaultcolor Sop vdb 'RGB 1 1 1' 239 opdefaultcolor Sop volume 'RGB 1 1 1' 240 opdefaultcolor Sop vopnet 'RGB 0.3 0.3 0.3' 241 242 # Dop 243 opdefaultcolor Dop bulletrbdsolver 'RGB 0.5 0.8 0.5' 244 opdefaultcolor Dop chopnet 'RGB 0.67 0.4 0.25' 245 opdefaultcolor Dop clothobject::2.0 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 246 opdefaultcolor Dop clothsolver::2.0 'RGB 0.5 0.8 0.5' 247 opdefaultcolor Dop cop2net 'RGB 0.5 0.5 0.35' 248 opdefaultcolor Dop crowdfuzzylogic 'RGB 0.9 0.6 0.3' 249 opdefaultcolor Dop crowdobject 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 250 opdefaultcolor Dop crowdsolver::3.0 'RGB 0.5 0.8 0.5' 251 opdefaultcolor Dop crowdstate::3.0 'RGB 0.9 0.35 0.85' 252 opdefaultcolor Dop crowdtransition::3.0 'RGB 0.4 0.8 95' 253 opdefaultcolor Dop crowdtrigger::2.0 'RGB 1 0.5 0.2' 254 opdefaultcolor Dop crowdtriggerlogic::2.0 'RGB 0.9 0.6 0.3' 255 opdefaultcolor Dop emptyobject 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 256 opdefaultcolor Dop file 'RGB 0.9 0.8 0.55' 257 opdefaultcolor Dop filedata 'RGB 0.9 0.8 0.55' 258 opdefaultcolor Dop finiteelementsolver::2.0 'RGB 0.5 0.8 0.5' 259 opdefaultcolor Dop flipobject 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 260 opdefaultcolor Dop flipsolver::2.0 'RGB 0.5 0.8 0.5' 261 opdefaultcolor Dop groundplane 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 262 opdefaultcolor Dop hybridobject::2.0 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 263 opdefaultcolor Dop matnet 'RGB 0.3 0.5 0.65' 264 opdefaultcolor Dop null 'RGB 0.65 0.75 0.9' 265 opdefaultcolor Dop output 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 266 opdefaultcolor Dop popgrains 'RGB 0.7 0.7 0.5' 267 opdefaultcolor Dop popobject 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 268 opdefaultcolor Dop popsolver::2.0 'RGB 0.5 0.8 0.5' 269 opdefaultcolor Dop popsource::2.0 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 270 opdefaultcolor Dop pyrosolver::2.0 'RGB 0.5 0.8 0.5' 271 opdefaultcolor Dop rbdfracturedobject 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 272 opdefaultcolor Dop rbdobject 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 273 opdefaultcolor Dop rbdpackedobject 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 274 opdefaultcolor Dop rigidbodysolver 'RGB 0.5 0.8 0.5' 275 opdefaultcolor Dop rop_dop 'RGB 0.65 0.4 0.5' 276 opdefaultcolor Dop ropnet 'RGB 0.55 0.3 0.4' 277 opdefaultcolor Dop shopnet 'RGB 0.3 0.5 0.65' 278 opdefaultcolor Dop smokeobject 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 279 opdefaultcolor Dop smokesolver::2.0 'RGB 0.5 0.8 0.5' 280 opdefaultcolor Dop solidobject::2.0 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 281 opdefaultcolor Dop sourcefilaments 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 282 opdefaultcolor Dop sourcevolume 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 283 opdefaultcolor Dop staticobject 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 284 opdefaultcolor Dop switch 'RGB 0.8 1 0.7' 285 opdefaultcolor Dop switchsolver 'RGB 0.7 0.7 0.7' 286 opdefaultcolor Dop terrainobject 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 287 opdefaultcolor Dop vopnet 'RGB 0.3 0.3 0.3' 288 opdefaultcolor Dop whitewaterobject 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 289 opdefaultcolor Dop whitewatersolver 'RGB 0.5 0.8 0.5' 290 opdefaultcolor Dop wireobject 'RGB 0.6 0.6 0.6' 291 opdefaultcolor Dop wiresolver 'RGB 0.5 0.8 0.5'