day 4 集合
In [1]: a = (11,22,33,11,22,33) In [2]: a Out[2]: (11, 22, 33, 11, 22, 33) #元组 In [3]: b = [11,22,33,11,22,33] In [4]: b #列表 Out[4]: [11, 22, 33, 11, 22, 33] In [5]: c = {11,22,33,11,22,33} #集合 In [6]: c Out[6]: {11, 22, 33} ##### 集合 去重 In [9]: type(c) Out[9]: set
In [12]: s Out[12]: {11, 22, 33} In [13]: s. s.add s.intersection s.remove s.clear s.intersection_update s.symmetric_difference s.copy s.isdisjoint s.symmetric_difference_update s.difference s.issubset s.union s.difference_update s.issuperset s.update s.discard s.pop #### 增删改查 s.add s.pop s.remove s.update
### 查看帮助文档 In [13]: help(s.add) Help on built-in function add: add(...) method of builtins.set instance Add an element to a set. This has no effect if the element is already present. (END)
#### 增add In [15]: s.add(55) In [16]: s Out[16]: {11, 22, 33, 55} In [17]: s.add(55) In [18]: s Out[18]: {11, 22, 33, 55}
1) 版本1
a = [11,22,33,11,22,33] print(a) b = [] for i in a: if i not in b: b.append(i) print(b) ###3 运行结果 [11, 22, 33, 11, 22, 33] [11, 22, 33]
In [1]: a = [11,22,33,11,22,33] In [4]: s = set(a) #list列表类型转换为set集合类型 In [5]: s Out[5]: {11, 22, 33} #去重 In [6]: a = list(s) #再转换为list列表 In [7]: a Out[7]: [33, 11, 22]