STL map类测试
/* STL map类的使用示例 功能:常用增删改查函数测试 */ #include <map> #include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // 无参构造对象 map<char, string> m; map<int, int> m1; // 1、常用插入数据的方式 // (1)call insert(ValTy&&) version m.insert(make_pair('a', "apple")); // (2)call insert(const value_type&) version m1.insert({ { 4, 44 }, { 2, 22 }, { 3, 33 }, { 1, 11 }, { 5, 55 } }); m.insert({ 'b', "balance" }); // (3)使用运算符: 对象名[key] = Value m['c'] = "clone"; // 2、常用遍历map表方式 // (1)使用迭代器iterator it->first表示key it->second表示value map<char, string>::iterator it = m.begin(); while (it != m.end()) { cout << it->first << "<--->" << (it->second).c_str() << endl; ++it; } // (2)使用下标遍历 // map < int, CString > 或者 map < int, 结构体名>的元素遍历 int nSize = m1.size(); for(int i = 1; i <= nSize; ++i) cout << m1[i] << endl; // 3、 查询表内是否存在指定的key // (1)使用find方法 //iterator find(const Key& _Key); //const_iterator find(const Key& _Key) const; map<char, string>::iterator m_RcIter = m.find('a'); if (m_RcIter == m.end()) cout << "The map m doesn't have an element " << "with a key of 'a'." << endl; else cout << "The element of map m with a key of 'a' is: " << m_RcIter->second << "." << endl; m_RcIter = m.find('g'); if (m_RcIter == m.end()) cout << "The map m doesn't have an element " << "with a key of 'g'." << endl; else cout << "The element of map m with a key of 'g' is: " << m_RcIter->second << "." << endl; // (2)使用 Count方法来查询 //size_type count(const Key& _Key) const; bool i = m.count('d'); cout << "The number of elements in m1 with a sort key of 'd' is: " << i << "." << endl; // (3)使用at()方法,如果没找到,则中断程序,弹出一个断言 //Type& at(const Key& _Key); //const Type& at(const Key& _Key) const; string str1 ='a'); // 4、 删除 //iterator erase(iterator _Where); // 删除指定位置 //iterator erase(iterator _First,iterator _Last); // 删除指定范围 //size_type erase(const key_type& _Key); // 删除指定key int j = m1.erase(0); if (j) cout << "删除成功!" << endl; else cout << "删除失败!" << endl; map<int, int>::iterator m1_it; m1_it = m1.begin(); m1.erase(m1_it); m1.erase(m1.begin(), m1.begin()++); return 0; }
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