自定义窗口的玻璃效果(边框,标题栏...) 限制






1:根据微软的文档: http://blogs.msdn.com/wpfsdk/archive/2008/09/08/custom-window-chrome-in-wpf.aspx



            <Canvas x:Name="CanvasAll" Width="{TemplateBinding Window.ActualWidth}" Height="{TemplateBinding Window.ActualHeight}">




2: 不使用Hook,用C++ Dll的SetWindowLong中的WndProc里调用 DwmDefWindowProc




// Tricky bit.  Due to a bug in DwmDefWindowProc()'s handling of

// WM_NCHITTEST, having any nonclient area atop the window causes the

// caption buttons to draw onscreen but not respond to mouse hover/clicks.

 // So for a taskbar at the screen top, we can't push the client_rect->top

 // down; instead, we move the bottom up by one pixel, which is the

// smallest change we can make and still get a client area less than the

// screen size. This is visibly ugly, but there seems to be no better

// solution.

最大化后右上角的标题按钮Close Min Max都无法相应鼠标移动消息,DwmDefWindowProc响应有问题,



posted @ 2009-12-15 12:46  vcommon  阅读(1078)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报