
. 匹配除换行符以外的任意字符
\w 匹配字母或数字或下划线或汉字
\s 匹配任意空白字符
\d 匹配数字
\b 匹配单词的开始或结束
^ 匹配字符串的开始
$ 匹配字符串的结束
* 重复零次或多次
+ 重复一次或多次
? 重复零次或一次
{n} 重复n次
{n,} 重复n次或更多次
{n,m} 重复n-m次

使用"."可以匹配任何字符,如果要匹配"."本身,那么需要使用转义字符来取消"."的特殊意义,如"." 来匹配"."

Task    Text     
Match    cat.    Success
Match    896.    Success
Match    ?=+.    Success
Skip    abc1

Pattern: ...\.




Task    Text     
Match    can    Success
Match    man    Success
Match    fan    Success
Skip    dan    To be completed
Skip    ran    To be completed
Skip    pan

Pattern: [cmf]an




Task    Text     
Match    hog    Success
Match    dog    Success
Skip    bog

Pattern: [^b]og




Task    Text     
Match    Ana    Success
Match    Bob    Success
Match    Cpc    Success
Skip    aax    To be completed
Skip    bby    To be completed
Skip    ccz

Pattern: [A-C]



如果我们要匹配的相同字符有好几个,使用"\w\w\w"就显得有点麻烦,所以可以通过下面这种方法来匹配多个字符的情况,如:有3个"a"要匹配,则直接用a{3}表示即可。a{1,3}重复1-3次,[wxy]{5},w/x/y 任意一个字符重复5次,.{2-6}则表示任意字符重复2-6次

Task    Text     
Match    wazzzzzup    Success
Match    wazzzup    Success
Skip    wazup

Pattern: waz{2}


"*": 重复0次或者多次 "+": 重复1次或者多次

Task    Text     
Match    aaaabcc    Success
Match    aabbbbc    Success
Match    aacc    Success
Skip    a

Pattern: a*b*c+


"?": 重复零次或一次

Task    Text     
Match    1 file found?    Success
Match    2 files found?    Success
Match    24 files found?    Success
Skip    No files found.    To be completed

Pattern: [0-9]+ files? found\?



"\s" 可以匹配任意的空白符

Task    Text     
Match    1.   abc    Success
Match    2.    abc    Success
Match    3.           abc    Success
Skip    4.abc    To be completed

Pattern: \d\.\s+abc



"^": ^abc 匹配以abc开头的字符 "$": abc$ 匹配以abc结束的字符

Task    Text     
Match    Mission: successful    Success
Skip    Last Mission: unsuccessful    To be completed
Skip    Next Mission: successful upon capture of target    To be completed

Pattern: ^Mission:



"()" 将要匹配的内容放在()中

Task    Text    Capture Groups     
Capture    file_record_transcript.pdf    file_record_transcript    Success
Capture    file_07241999.pdf    file_07241999    Success
Skip    testfile_fake.pdf.tmp        To be completed

Pattern: ^(file_\w+)



"(())" 将多个组进行嵌套匹配

Task      Text    Capture Groups     
Capture    Jan 1987    Jan 1987 1987    Success
Capture    May 1969    May 1969 1969    Success
Capture    Aug 2011    Aug 2011 2011    Success

Pattern: ^(\w+\s(\d+))


Task    Text    Capture Groups
Capture 1280x720 1280 720 Success Capture 1920x1600 1920 1600 Success Capture 1024x768 1024 768 Success Pattern: (\d+)\w(\d+)


Task    Text     
Match    I love cats    Success
Match    I love dogs    Success
Skip    I love logs    To be completed
Skip    I love cogs

Pattern: I love (cats|dogs)
Pattern: ([cd]ats*|[dh]ogs?)


Task    Text     
Match    3.14529    Success
Match    -255.34    Success
Match    128    Success
Match    1.9e10    Success
Match    123,340.00    Success
Skip    720p    To be completed

Pattern: ^-?\d+(,\d+)*(\.\d+(e\d+)?)?$
Capture    415-555-1234    415    Success
Capture    650-555-2345    650    Success
Capture    (416)555-3456    416    Success
Capture    202 555 4567    202    Success
Capture    4035555678    403    Success
Capture    1 416 555 9292    416    Success

Pattern: 1?\s?\(?(\d{3})\)?[\s-]?\d{3}[\s-]?\d{4}
Task    Text    Capture Groups     
Capture    tom@hogwarts.com    tom    Success
Capture    tom.riddle@hogwarts.com    tom.riddle    Success
Capture    tom.riddle+regexone@hogwarts.com    tom.riddle    Success
Capture    tom@hogwarts.eu.com    tom    Success
Capture    potter@hogwarts.com    potter    Success
Capture    harry@hogwarts.com    harry    Success
Capture    hermione+regexone@hogwarts.com    hermione    Success

Pattern: ^([\w\.]*)
Task    Text    Capture Groups     
Capture    <a>This is a link</a>    a    Success
Capture    <a href='https://regexone.com'>Link</a>    a    Success
Capture    <div class='test_style'>Test</div>    div    Success
Capture    <div>Hello <span>world</span></div>    div    Success

Pattern: <(\w+)*
Task    Text    Capture Groups     
Skip    .bash_profile        To be completed
Skip    workspace.doc        To be completed
Capture    img0912.jpg    img0912 jpg    Success
Capture    updated_img0912.png    updated_img0912 png    Success
Skip    documentation.html        To be completed
Capture    favicon.gif    favicon gif    Success
Skip    img0912.jpg.tmp        To be completed
Skip    access.lock        To be completed

Pattern: (\w+)(\.)(jpg|png|gif)$
Task    Text    Capture Groups     
Capture                The quick brown fox...    The quick brown fox...    Success
Capture       jumps over the lazy dog.    jumps over the lazy dog.    Success

Pattern: ^\s*(.*)\s*$
Task    Text    Capture Groups     
Skip    W/dalvikvm( 1553): threadid=1: uncaught exception        To be completed
Skip    E/( 1553): FATAL EXCEPTION: main        To be completed
Skip    E/( 1553): java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException        To be completed
Capture    E/( 1553):   at widget.List.makeView(ListView.java:1727)    makeView ListView.java 1727    Success
Capture    E/( 1553):   at widget.List.fillDown(ListView.java:652)    fillDown ListView.java 652    Success
Capture    E/( 1553):   at widget.List.fillFrom(ListView.java:709)    fillFrom ListView.java 709    Success

Pattern: \.+(\w+)+\((\w+\.\w+)+:(\d+)\)
Pattern: (\w+)\(([\w\.]+):(\d+)\)
Task    Text    Capture Groups     
Capture    ftp://file_server.com:21/top_secret/life_changing_plans.pdf    ftp file_server.com 21    Success
Capture    https://regexone.com/lesson/introduction#section    https regexone.com    Success
Capture    file://localhost:4040/zip_file    file localhost 4040    Success
Capture    https://s3cur3-server.com:9999/    https s3cur3-server.com 9999    Success
Capture    market://search/angry%20birds    market search    Success

Pattern: (\w+)://([\w\.-]+)(:(\d+))?


posted on 2017-03-19 15:49  vbirdchong  阅读(432)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
