


<DEL> 或者 <BACKSPACE> 向上翻页,当处在当前节点的顶部的时候,这两个键可以跳转到上一个节点。




b键可以回到当前节点的开始,'b' stands for "beginning".

[] 这两个键可以以节点为单位跳转。

If you systematically move through a manual by typing 'n', you run the risk of skipping many nodes. You do not run this risk if you systematically use '<SPC>', because, when you scroll to the bottom of a node and type another '<SPC>', then this carries you to the following node in the manual regardless of level. If you immediately want to go to that node, without having to scroll to the bottom of the screen first, you can type ']'.
Similarly, '<BACKSPACE>' carries you to the preceding node ragardless of level, after you scrolled to the beginning of the present node. If you want to go to the preceding node immediately, you can type '['.

Now, in the stand-alone Info, look for the line containing many dashes near the bottom of the screen. This is one more line beneath that one, but usually it is blank. When it is blank, Info is ready for a command, such as 'n' or 'b' or <SPC> or 'm'. If that line contains text ending in a colon, it means Info is reading more input for the last command. You can't type an Info command then, because Info is trying to read input, not commands. You must either give the input and finish the command you started, or type 'Control-g' to concel the command. When you have done one of those things, the input entry line beomes blank again. Then you can type Info command again.


posted @ 2016-05-01 22:12  张不正  阅读(932)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报