[OrangePi] Installation on SD Card

  • Download any of the available images (xz archive) from Mega or GoogleDrive
  • Download scriptbin_kernel.tar.gz, it contains the latest kernel (uImage) and script.bin
  • Unpack the archive.
  • Write the xxx.img file (disk image) to your SD Card
  • on Linux use dd command ( sudo dd if=image_name.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1M oflag=direct )
  • on Windows use disk image writing software such as Win32 Disk Imager
  • After writing the image, mount SD Card FAT partition (BOOT)
  • Copy uImage_OPI-2 or uImage_OPI-PLUS (depending on your board type) to uImage (for OPI-PC use uImage_OPI-2)
  • Copy one of the script.bin.OPI-XXXX (depending on your board type and desired monitor resolution) to script.bin
  • use uImage_OPI-XX and script.bin.OPI-XXXX from scriptbin_kernel.tar.gz if it is newer (probably it is).
  • Boot your Orange PI board from SD Card
  • After booting resize Linux partition to fit your SD Card size:
    1. sudo fs_resize
    Copy the Code

  • Reboot
posted @ 2015-10-23 09:27  张不正  阅读(370)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报