OpenFlow, SDN, and NFV


  • An open standard to innovative protocols in production networks
    • provides a standardized hook to allow us to run experiments, without requiring vendors(供应商) to expose the internal workings of their network devices
  • The standard communications interface defined between the control and forwarding(转发) layers of an Software-Defined-Network (SDN) architecture

The Evolution

OpenFlow Architecture

  • Separate datapath and control path
  • Programmability(可编程)
    • Enable innovation/differentiation
    • Accelerate new features and services introduction
  • Abstraction
    • Decouple: Hardware & Software
    • Control plane & forwarding,
    • Physical & logical configuration
  • Centralized Intelligence

General Misconceptions

  • SDN is:
    • OpenFlow?
    • Standard southbound API?
    • Centralization of control plane?
    • Separation of control and data plane?
  • Is sdn a mechanism?
  • In reality, SDN is a framework to solve a set of problems while OpenFlow is an open API that provides a standard interface for programming the data plane switches.

What is SDN?

  • Centralization of control of the network via,
  • Separation of control logic to off-device compute, that
  • Enables automation and orchestration of network services via,
  • Open programmatic interfaces.

SDN Benefits

  • Efficiency
    • optimize existing applications, services and infrastructure
  • Scalability(可扩展性)
    • rapidly grow existing applications and services
  • Innovation
    • create and deliver new types of applications and services and business models

Why do we need SDN?

  • Network virtualization (datacenter and cloud)
  • Orchestration (cloud)
  • Programmable (enterprise)
  • Dynamic scaling (cloud)
  • Automation – (datacenter and cloud)

  • Visibility - monitor resources, connectivity
  • Performance (datacenter and cloud)
  • Multi-tenancy (data center and cloud)
  • Service integration (Enterprise)

Network Function Virtualization (NFV)

  • Decouples functions like a firewall or encryption from dedicated hardware and moves the function to virtual servers.
  • Refers to the strategy of virtualizing network functions moving from separate proprietary(所有权) pieces of hardware to software running on virtual servers using standard hardware.

NFV Innovations

NFV and SDN Relationship

  • Concept of NFV originated from SDN
  • NFV and SDN are complementary(补充)
  • Both have similar goals but different approaches
  • Virtualization alone provides many of the required feature for both NFV and SDN
posted @ 2017-10-27 22:26  范加索尔拉  阅读(194)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报