• Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(动态主机配置协议) (RFC 2131)
  • Bootstrap Protocol BOOTP(引导程序协议) allows a diskless(无盘) workstation to be remotely booted up in a network
    • UDP port 67 (server) & port 68 (client)
  • DHCP builds on BOOTP to allow servers to deliver configuration information to a host
    • Used extensively to assign temporary IP addresses to hosts
    • Allows ISP(Internet Service Provider)(互联网服务提供商) to maximize usage of their limited IP addresses
    • Time thresholds(阈值) to enforce lease time(增加租赁时间)

Network Address Translation (NAT)

  • Class A, B, and C addresses have been set aside for use within private Internets
    • Private IP addresses are sufficient for use inside of private networks
    • But packets with private (“unregistered”) addresses are discarded by routers in the global Internet
  • NAT (RFC 1631): method for mapping packets from hosts in private internets into packets that can traverse(穿过) the Internet
    • A device (computer, router, firewall) acts as an agent between a private network and a public network
    • A number of hosts can share(共享) a limited number of registered IP addresses

Placement of Operation of a NAT Box

  • NAT: provides mapping between public IP address and private IP addresses

NAT Operations

  • Hosts inside private networks generate packets with private IP address & TCP/UDP port #s
  • NAT maps each private IP address & port # into shared global IP address & available port #
  • Translation table allows packets to be routed unambiguously(明确地)

NAT Discussions

  • In theory, up to 2^16 private IP addresses supported by a single public IP address in NAT box
  • Overhead in NAT operation
  • TCP/UDP Port number used for NAT mapping at IP layer, violating OSI layer architecture principle
  • The principle is that a higher layer utilize a service provided by the lower lever but not vice versa(反).
posted @ 2017-10-17 17:27  范加索尔拉  阅读(268)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报