
nested condition statement 嵌套条件语句

Interpreter 解释器

branching programs 分支程序

syntax 语法


code structure 代码结构

piece of code 代码段

constant time 常数时间

looping 循环

abstraction 抽象


maintain 维护

cumbersome 冗余的

reuse 复用

encapsulate 封装

internal details hidden from users 内部细节对用户隐藏(black box)

body expression 函数体

evaluated 执行

parameter 参数

docstring python的特殊注释,用来注释函数、模块、类的作用,必须写在前面:

  In Python, docstrings appear immediately after the def line of a function, before the body. Docstrings start and end with triple quotes - this can be triple single quotes or triple double quotes, it doesn't matter as long as they match. To sum up this general form:

def myFunction(argument):
   Docstring goes here. Explain what type argument(s) should have, and what your function
   is going to return.
   < Code for your function (the body of the function) goes here >

 iteration 循环

bisection method 二分法

x is bound to three 给x赋值为3

calon 冒号

rebind 重新绑定

decrement 消减

increment 增加

arbitiary 任意的

generalization 概论

nonetheless 尽管如此

comma 逗号

terminate 终结

infinite loop 无限循环

inclusive 包含

cube roots 立方根

chain syntax 链式语法(d3)

finite 有限的

set up an initial virable 建一个初始变量

positive integer 正整数

exhaustive enumberation 完全枚举

indent 锁进

hit a break statement, it pop me out and stop the for computation 遇到break语句跳出循环

built-in function 内置函数

crisper 新奇的

type conversion 类型转换

detour 绕远路

exponentiation 求幂

binary form 二进制

fraction 分数

formulism 形式

looping constructs 循环结构

invoke 触发

parameter list 参数列表

substitution 替换

arguments 参数

successive multiplication 连续乘法运算

power iteration 幂迭代

scoping 辖域(作用范围),python中函数中参数的scoping是local,global variables is not visible to the environment of the function call。

quadratic 方程式

root-finding 求根

bisection search 二分法

posted @ 2015-01-22 11:24  valentine is me  阅读(170)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报