
 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 #include<stack>
 3 using namespace std;
 4 void QSort(int*p, int left,int right)
 5 {
 6     if(left>=right)
 7         return;
 8     int i,j;
 9     int key=p[left];
10     i=left;
11     j=right;
12     while(i<j)
13     {
14         while(i<j&&p[j]>=key)
15             j--;
16         p[i]=p[j];
17         while(i<j&&p[i]<=key)
18             i++;
19         p[j]=p[i];        
20     }
21     p[i]=key;
22     QSort(p,left,i-1);
23     QSort(p,i+1,right);
24 }
26 void QuickSort(int* p,int left,int right)
27 {
28     //QSort(p,left,right);
29     stack<int> is;
30     is.push(left);
31     is.push(right);
32     while(!is.empty())
33     {
34         int j=is.top();is.pop();
35         int i=is.top();is.pop();
36         right=j;
37         left=i;
38         if(i>=j)
39             continue;
40         int key=p[i];
41         while(i<j)
42         {
43             while(i<j&&p[j]>=key)
44                 j--;
45             p[i]=p[j];
46             while(i<j&&p[i]<=key)
47                 i++;
48             p[j]=p[i];
49         }
50         p[i]=key;
51         is.push(left);is.push(i-1);        
52         is.push(i+1);is.push(right);
53     }
54 }
55 int main()
56 {
57     int a[]={5,1,2,0,6,9,4};
58     QuickSort(a,0,6);
59     for(int i=0;i<7;i++)
60         printf("%d ",a[i]);
61     return 0;
62 }
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 1 void  Qsort(int A[], int Left, int Right ) 
 2 {   
 3     int  i, j; 
 4     int Pivot; 
 5     int Cutoff=3;
 6     if(Left<=Right-Cutoff) //为什么不用Left+Cutoff<=Right ? 考虑溢出处理
 7     {  /* if the sequence is not too short */
 8         Pivot = Median3(A,Left,Right);  /* select pivot */
 9         i = Left+1;     
10         j = Right – 2; 
11         for(;;) 
12         { 
13          while (i<j && A[i] <= Pivot ) {i++;}  /* scan from left */
14          while (i<j && A[j] >= Pivot ) {j--;}  /* scan from right */
15          if (i<j) 
16             swap(A[i],A[j]);  /* adjust partition */
17          else     
18              break;  /* partition done */
19         } 
20         swap(A[i],A[Right-1]); /* restore pivot */ 
21         Qsort(A,Left,i-1);      /* recursively sort left part */
22         Qsort(A,i+1,Right);   /* recursively sort right part */
23     }  /* end if - the sequence is long */
24     else /* do an insertion sort on the short subarray */ 
25         InsertionSort(A+Left,Right-Left+1);
26 }
28 //===============================================================
29 int Median3(int A[], int Left, int Right ) 
30 { 
31     int  Center = Left+(Right-Left)/2;
32     if ( A[ Left ] > A[ Center ] ) 
33         swap(A[ Left ],A[ Center ] ); 
34     if ( A[ Left ] > A[ Right ] ) 
35         swap(A[ Left ], A[ Right ] ); 
36     if ( A[ Center ] > A[ Right ] ) 
37         swap( A[ Center ], A[ Right ] ); 
38     /* Invariant: A[ Left ] <= A[ Center ] <= A[ Right ] */ 
39     swap(A[ Center ], A[ Right - 1 ] ); /* Hide pivot */ 
40     /* only need to sort A[ Left + 1 ] … A[ Right – 2 ] */
41     return  A[ Right - 1 ];  /* Return pivot */ 
42 }
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posted @ 2016-04-16 16:49  vaevaevae  阅读(209)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报