SHELL = /bin/sh
# Define the searching path(s) of make
VPATH = ./windows ./LinuxLayer ./Communication
# Define object file(s)
OBJS = Afe.o Asic.o CanonApi.o DevADF.o DevCalib.o \
Device.o DevInit.o DevLCD.o DevMap.o DevMove.o DevScan.o \
Interface.o Motor.o Profile.o Queue.o Register.o \
Setting.o StagImg.o Usb.o WinApiDef.o
# Define compiler
CXX = g++
# Define the -l library name(s)
LIBS = -lpthread -lusb -lrt -lsanei
# Define the output file of compile
OUTPUT = CNDH1220.so
# Define the include path(s)
INCPATH = -I. -I./Windows -I./LinuxLayer -I./Communication -I./include -I./include/sane -I./include/sanei
# Define compile parameter(s)
CXXFLAGS=-W -Wall -Wno-trigraphs -Wno-write-strings
# Define rule for compipling .cpp file
@echo Compiling $<
@$(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) $<
# Define rule for compiling .c file
@echo Compiling $<
@$(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) $<
.PHONY: all clean
all: $(OBJS)
$(CXX) -fPIC -O2 -shared $(OBJS) -o $(OUTPUT)
rm $(OBJS)
问题: 怎么样能够使当某个.o文件依赖的头文件改变时,重新编译生成相应的.o文件呢?