How to export data from Thermo-Calc 如何从Thermo-calc导出文本数据
In Thermo-Calc graphical mode, you can just add a 'Table renderer' to export data to a .txt file.
In Thermo-Calc Console mode, there are two ways,
1) use the 'make_experimental_datafile' command, this will automatically generate an EXP file which stores your computed data and you can open this EXP file with any text editor;
2) use the following commands:
>enter_symbol >Table >t1 >T,npm(*); >tabulate t1
Then a file named t1 will be generated with the computed data stored, in this case, the stored data are temperature and mole fraction of each phase in the system.
posted on 2018-05-10 15:29 ustb_lixin 阅读(2480) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报