Quality. It is very important to MBT EMA

 but he also cast a lot of time and effort.


He invited experts awareness quality idea, MBT EMA to build the quality control system of rewards, and he used the letters and chatting

Way to quality management and employees exchange the experience of advice, and let employees go out, understand competitors products

And visit customers.


When the end of a year, the staff found a problem, the company's products to meet customer though

Demand, but not by his own quality control standard. Employees will this problem, and cast it to Mr. Negroponte return

Represents the can't stick budget and loss of dividends.


N said: "start delivery." So the approach he had ignored the quality requirements of the place

Endeavor. Because in the past such cases, staff will no doubt delivery, but the employees of the normal today

Th has paid more attention to product MBT Fora, and this is the reason they consult N. When employees began to care about the product

Quality standard, but tell them the N is not important, quality management improvement of a day as a natural

Th. This will not only make believe the quality control of the employees, will also deeply disappointed that Mr N for personal

With the words and deeds of no value and quality control.


Mr. Negroponte decided to poor quality delivery, as usual for the problem the cooperative. He missed the

Good chance-will this problem back to really should be in the face of the employees.


-. Work standard decided to expectations


M is a coach, he know to use they received degree set employees work high standard. Story hair

Born in M first team meetings held. The meeting began at 8 in the morning, the players in a sacrifice to arrive. P

Suffered when M loud criticism that the "PO, you're late, fined $100."


P complain: "coach, just until eight, I'm on MBT Goti."


M, said: "in my meeting, 1 O minutes early to be attend the workshop on time." Everyone in the received

After such a request, with the elimination of all over the next year, the team won the World Cup crown

posted @ 2011-08-28 00:04  likekatika  阅读(135)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报