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 the focus has been on the administration's Discount mbt shoes and the results above. Throughout this book is management tasks at the center.

This book is also to management at the center. The starting point of the book is such a problem: management personnel in order to successfully realize its task, must know something, or at least know some???????

The book is a vast amount of management management skills as the center, to the rules as the center or in the center of the function. They only from a manager of the task to a discussion. They may discuss management a industry and commerce enterprise or a hospital, or to the person's management, this paper discusses the various: tools (such as control) or special problems. They discuss is the author of the special care or specialty, rather than management personnel.


The arrangement of the book is different. As a starting point and principles of the book is the tools necessary to clarify management all the work, but not limited to the author of his knowledge or special area of interest. This explains the book why including these content and does not include some other content.

This book is a very long book length-although I don't like pages long book. But it is not a catch-all, and did have a highly selective. I'm sure many readers would complain, this or that important subject didn't even mention, More readers will undoubtedly criticized the author of this book decided to have focused on a certain subject wu and ignore the other subject.

No doubt, the author's own judgment and his own hobby plays the part of the function. But, I decide what should be covered in this book material and each part should be given to the importance of DuoDa, I at least MBT Tunisha to a set of objective standard as the criterion. And the standard is my DuoNian with all levels of management personnel to, with large and small enterprises management personnel, as well as the industry and commerce and the industry and commerce with the service orgnaization of the management of close ties to the work of the formation of the process. Each management personnel must know already included in the book. Not every a manager must know, whatever it is, how important and interesting, are not included in the book, or at most was briefly mentioned. This explains why like "enterprises in the capital management" or "from sales to market selling" (these are my first draft in the list of such two chapters topic had not included in this book; And such as scientific management just in short chapter to discuss. On the other hand, it also shows why spent a lot of time to senior management and discusses the relationship between the structure and the strategic-these subjects in management science books in general is not to grant the paper.

I'm not trying to include any management personnel may face every problem, but I try to include all managers expected to face and all managers must understand those areas, no matter whether these management position, the agency's mission background and the objective, or the organization the scale is how. In view of management personnel, and the management of the responsibilities of the major requirements of the task, then, is a great book. This MBT Sapatu Black

Book always think management is a subject, or at least to a discipline. Management is not only a common sense, also is not only accumulated experience. It is at least a systematic knowledge. It tries to put the we have ever known about that point knowledge introduction comes out, but

posted @ 2011-08-18 17:27  likekatika  阅读(162)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报