MBT Shadow Black a 253.4 yuan.

 (i.e., loan rate are unchanged no inflation), your rent (or income) to become 134 yuan. If there is a change, then your rent (or income) MBT Shadow Black a 253.4 yuan.


You can find, loan words than lump-sum payment words to the high cost, static high $13, dynamic high of $37.4. Why can be high? After all, the more money you out for bank part-time job.


Now the whole: a set of one million yuan house (now the house is at least the Shanghai price), according to the hypothesis two, the monthly rent is 5068 yuan. In other words, you to live in this house, the monthly cash flow is 5068 yuan (do not calculate decoration, property management, etc all kinds of costs).


And don't consider per capita income level of Shanghai and disposable income (note, the income and can be used for the cash flow are two concepts), you can look at, you are willing to spend 5000 DuoYuan to rent the hands of the value of the 1 million house? Do you think your hands whether this house deviation from the MBT Sini?


This case is the main financial knowledge, in fact I simplified the capital cost and the discount rate, because in full accordance with the investment capital costs and learn to determine if the discount rate, too complex, and the books are all foreigners write, even if worked out, also cannot completely meet China's situation.


Well we basically put the real estate investment of financial and investment made it clear that this is representative of rational side. But why are people in high price to buy?


Let's take the irrational side of analysis.


Economics has a basic concept of "economic man" is the basic assumptions, is people are rational people is self-interest. All mature economics are based on this basis, this also explains why sometimes the reasons of the distortion of economic society. Because we are not all the people surrounding the is rational. A it is sensible, they like to join in the fun, like the peng head, like repeats ideas, like the flow, the typical from Shanghai (even though I'm). There are simple, the gang fearless Shanghai dialect has called, like everywhere disorderly bump, sometimes it can be successful, from Shanghai said this call stupid and silly f. There is a particularly heavy sex is gambling, as Lin yutang about Chinese is the most bet sex anyway, national have a 50% chance to conquer or to die, Lao tze 20 years is a brave man, so China achieve virtue of much more special.


I used to have a colleague, MBT Sport salary of more than 2000, recently dare fry a house of 1 million, I dare not say he is what kind. Anyway I am quite admire, I can't.


There is between the between reason and unreason. For example, a young man, and his beloved people get married, girl testified, no houses, no-go, young man know a house of 1

posted @ 2011-08-17 19:07  likekatika  阅读(172)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报