what kind of MBT Panda White?

the financial management of the friends all know, financial structure, financing structure, capital structure, debt structure and so on the noun? Long-term investment, short term investment, each need what kind of funds to match? ChangDuanQi capital structure should be how to set up? If set is bad to can produce what kind of MBT Panda White?


For example, or said deron (because it, know people fame). The first started playing the secondary market, calderon, I think he also didn't want to long-term exposure? To match the money won't be long-term capital (to borrow the funds from will not think of with eight years?) The results, from 96, the stock market have been bullish bull market started in 2001, has been to turn into a bear market, the bull market from that time his hand stock chip is already a highly concentrated, liquidity is also more and more bad, the risk of QianKui more and more is also high. His capital source what??? Spoken parts in an opera are short-term capital, learned financial friends all know, with short-term money to support the risk of long-term investment is great, must borrow club also hezekiah, robbing Peter to pay Paul, maintain the cost of share price is great, because the cost of capital in there plain as the nose on your face. When the money BengDuan chain, crash also come.


For this example, is to show that ChangDuanQi the matching funds. Many retail friends don't understand this concept, lost a lot of, some people clearly know, but still need to cut lick blood (I have some friends learn financial and so and die).


So all of this "stocks in analysis" at the same time, must distinguish between clear support this market funds for a long time, which is what the MBT Karani term. Long-term capital and short-term capital behavior is completely different, and they came to the purpose of this market is completely different.


Just said short-term funds to match with long-term investment risk is great, now that long-term capital investment also has important match short-term risk. People always say China's stock market has a problem, not IBM, not Microsoft, no real blue chip, but they never wanted to do this market, is an investment or speculative. All of them is to speculative funds, their are their own funds for others (stead or relatives and friends except for fry), is the long-term funds, but because their goal is to make the dishes, speculation is money, in and out of busy, the mentality which can make money? For example, the front or a stock from 1 yuan up to 100 yuan, 1 yuan to buy 2, then sold for $10 yuan to buy sold for $20, $30 to 40 yuan to buy, sell the repeated, to 90 yuan, 100 yuan to buy but not sold, 80 yuan more is not for sale, and the results have been falling 10 yuan, this process, a little learning mathematics friends know that make money or lost money?


Why to explain these? Is it for everyone to spread the importance of the capital property. You have to think that the nature of the funds used to buy a MBT Sini??


Only few people consider? Although read book know that "KeZhouQiuJian" story, but always in the repeat such mistakes. Because they only static thinking.

posted @ 2011-08-17 17:58  likekatika  阅读(216)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报