system or bear the deMBT Shuguli GTX

especially help explain culture, individual, environmental differences in background. Is not

Of all the culture, all of the people are like MBT Maliza's hierarchy of needs that arrangement. Such as Japanese,

Spain and social needs in the front row of physiological needs. And maslow's hierarchy models and fixed

This culture variant can't compatible.

Mr McCreevy, David Abram DavidMcClelland) put forward "(triple need theory"

(threeneedstheory), think people have three important needs: 1) achievement needs

(needforachievement)-the driving force, or pursue superiority in a standard pursuit

Sense of accomplishment, seek successful desire; 2) power (needforpower)-need to follow others

His will desire; 3) to (needforaffiliation)-affinity for form with other people

Friendly and close relationships of desire.

1. The achievement need

Different people achievements, and its behavior, need different way of doing things will be different. Some people prefer to be in

Only 10% of the risk for 1000 yuan, down and not content to have 100% confidence in down to get 100

Yuan, this is because the pursuit of different. Research shows that, the achievement of the high and low and need job performance between

A high correlation between the presence of.

Achievement need strong people have some outstanding characteristics, one is: choose moderate risk. he

People seek and is not unlimited aim high, but real achievements; They both unwilling to do those too

Easy, simple and no great value, also did not want to MBT Sport the risk is too big to do is unlikely to do, for

For that is not likely to experience the sense of achievement. Therefore, when that is not so simple, and available

No hard to not be attained, arranged for the achievement of the high, will often make them to play out

Good productivity.

Achievements require a higher another characteristic is, has the strong sense of responsibility. They are not the only

Work as a contribution for the organization, and hope from work and reflect personal value realization, so he

On the job have higher investment. Responsibility and enterprising consciousness leads to high achievement need often in groundbreaking

Work in a good performance, good at his business, in the big enterprise in its leadership of the system or bear the deMBT Shuguli GTX

When all sorts of equipment position.

Achievement of people like high need to get the timely feedback, see his work performance and

posted @ 2011-08-09 17:28  likekatika  阅读(160)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报