

# 一切源自于一句话:python中一切皆为对象
# 一:元类介绍

# 元类=》OldboyTeacher类=》obj
class OldboyTeacher(object):
  school = 'oldboy'

  def __init__(self, name, age):
      self.name = name
      self.age = age

  def say(self):
      print('%s says welcome to the oldboy to learn Python' % self.name)

obj = OldboyTeacher('egon', 18) # 调用OldboyTeacher类=》对象obj
#                                 调用元类=》OldboyTeacher类

# print(type(obj))
# 结论:默认的元类是type,默认情况下我们用class关键字定义的类都是由type产生的

# 二:class关键字底层的做了哪些事
# 1、先拿到一个类名
class_name = "OldboyTeacher"

# 2、然后拿到类的父类
class_bases = (object,)

# 3、再运行类体代码,将产生的名字放到名称空间中
class_dic = {}
class_body = """
school = 'oldboy'

def __init__(self, name, age):
  self.name = name
  self.age = age

def say(self):
  print('%s says welcome to the oldboy to learn Python' % self.name)
exec方法是将类体代码转换成字典的形式 参数为 类体代码、空字典、需要导出的字典
# print(class_dic)

# 4、调用元类(传入类的三大要素:类名、基类、类的名称空间)得到一个元类的对象,然后将元类的对象赋值给变量名OldboyTeacher,oldboyTeacher就是我们用class自定义的那个类
OldboyTeacher = type(class_name,class_bases,class_dic)

# 三:自定义元类
class Mymeta(type): # 只有继承了type类的类才是自定义的元类

class OldboyTeacher(object, metaclass=Mymeta):
  school = 'oldboy'

  def __init__(self, name, age):
      self.name = name
      self.age = age

  def say(self):
      print('%s says welcome to the oldboy to learn Python' % self.name)

# 1、先拿到一个类名:"OldboyTeacher"
# 2、然后拿到类的父类:(object,)
# 3、再运行类体代码,将产生的名字放到名称空间中{...}
# 4、调用元类(传入类的三大要素:类名、基类、类的名称空间)得到一个元类的对象,然后将元类的对象赋值给变量名OldboyTeacher,oldboyTeacher就是我们用class自定义的那个类
OldboyTeacher = Mymeta("OldboyTeacher",(object,),{...})

# 四:自定义元类来控制OldboyTeacher类的产生
import re

class Mymeta(type): # 只有继承了type类的类才是自定义的元类
  def __init__(self, class_name, class_bases, class_dic):
      # print(self) # 类<class '__main__.OldboyTeacher'>
      # print(class_name)
      # print(class_bases)
      # print(class_dic)

      if not re.match("[A-Z]", class_name):
          raise BaseException("类名必须用驼峰体")

      if len(class_bases) == 0:
          raise BaseException("至少继承一个父类")

      # print("文档注释:",class_dic.get('__doc__'))

      if not (doc and len(doc.strip()) > 0):
          raise BaseException("必须要有文件注释,并且注释内容不为空")

# OldboyTeacher = Mymeta("OldboyTeacher",(object,),{...})
class OldboyTeacher(object,metaclass=Mymeta):

  school = 'oldboy'

  def __init__(self, name, age):
      self.name = name
      self.age = age

  def say(self):
      print('%s says welcome to the oldboy to learn Python' % self.name)


# 五:自定义元类来控制OldboyTeacher类的调用
import re

class Mymeta(type): # 只有继承了type类的类才是自定义的元类
  def __init__(self, class_name, class_bases, class_dic):
      # print(self) # 类<class '__main__.OldboyTeacher'>
      # print(class_name)
      # print(class_bases)
      # print(class_dic)

      if not re.match("[A-Z]", class_name):
          raise BaseException("类名必须用驼峰体")

      if len(class_bases) == 0:
          raise BaseException("至少继承一个父类")

      # print("文档注释:",class_dic.get('__doc__'))
      doc = class_dic.get('__doc__')

      if not (doc and len(doc.strip()) > 0):
          raise BaseException("必须要有文件注释,并且注释内容不为空")

  # res = OldboyTeacher('egon',18)
  def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
      # 1、先创建一个老师的空对象
      tea_obj = object.__new__(self)
      # 2、调用老师类内的__init__函数,然后将老师的空对象连同括号内的参数的参数一同传给__init__
      self.__init__(tea_obj, *args, **kwargs)
      tea_obj.__dict__ = {"_%s__%s" %(self.__name__,k): v for k, v in tea_obj.__dict__.items()}

      # 3、将初始化好的老师对象赋值给变量名res
      return tea_obj

# OldboyTeacher = Mymeta("OldboyTeacher",(object,),{...})
class OldboyTeacher(object, metaclass=Mymeta):

  school = 'oldboy'

  #           tea_obj,'egon',18
  def __init__(self, name, age):
      self.name = name # tea_obj.name='egon'
      self.age = age # tea_obj.age=18

  def say(self):
      print('%s says welcome to the oldboy to learn Python' % self.name)

res = OldboyTeacher('egon', 18)
# print(res.name)
# print(res.age)
# print(res.say)

# 调用OldboyTeacher类做的事情:
# 1、先创建一个老师的空对象
# 2、调用老师类内的__init__方法,然后将老师的空对象连同括号内的参数的参数一同传给__init__
# 3、将初始化好的老师对象赋值给变量名res

# 六:单例模式

# settings
HOST = ""
PORT = 3306

# 实现方式1:classmethod
import settings

class MySQL:
  __instance = None

  def __init__(self, ip, port):
      self.ip = ip
      self.port = port

  def singleton(cls):
      if cls.__instance:
          return cls.__instance
      cls.__instance = cls(settings.IP, settings.PORT)
      return cls.__instance

# obj1=MySQL("",3306)
# obj2=MySQL("",3306)
# print(obj1)
# print(obj2)

obj3 = MySQL.singleton()

obj4 = MySQL.singleton()

# 方式2:元类
import settings

class Mymeta(type):
  __instance = None
  def __init__(self,class_name,class_bases,class_dic):
      self.__instance=object.__new__(self) # Mysql类的对象

  def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
      if args or kwargs:
          obj = object.__new__(self)
          self.__init__(obj, *args, **kwargs)
          return obj
          return self.__instance

# MySQL=Mymeta(...)
class MySQL(metaclass=Mymeta):
  def __init__(self, ip, port):
      self.ip = ip
      self.port = port

# obj1 = MySQL("", 3306)
# obj2 = MySQL("", 3306)
# print(obj1)
# print(obj2)

obj3 = MySQL()
obj4 = MySQL()

print(obj3 is obj4)

# 方式3:装饰器
import settings

def outter(func): # func = MySQl类的内存地址
  _instance = func(settings.IP,settings.PORT)
  def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
      if args or kwargs:
          return res
          return _instance
  return wrapper

@outter # MySQL=outter(MySQl类的内存地址) # MySQL=》wrapper
class MySQL:
  def __init__(self, ip, port):
      self.ip = ip
      self.port = port

# obj1 = MySQL("", 3306)
# obj2 = MySQL("", 3306)
# print(obj1)
# print(obj2)

obj3 = MySQL()
obj4 = MySQL()
print(obj3 is obj4)

# 了解:属性查找
class Mymeta(type):
   n = 444

   # def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): #self=<class '__main__.OldboyTeacher'>
   #     obj=self.__new__(self)
   #     print(self.__new__ is object.__new__) #True

class Bar(object):
   # n=333

   # def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
   #     print('Bar.__new__')

class Foo(Bar):
   # n=222

   # def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
   #     print('Foo.__new__')

class OldboyTeacher(Foo, metaclass=Mymeta):
   # n=111

   school = 'oldboy'

   def __init__(self, name, age):
       # self.n=0
       self.name = name
       self.age = age

   def say(self):
       print('%s says welcome to the oldboy to learn Python' % self.name)

   # def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
   #     print('OldboyTeacher.__new__')

# obj=OldboyTeacher('egon',18)
# print(obj.n)



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