Could not store transport type data for Receive Location 'Recv.Loc' to config store. Primary SSO Server 'Sql-server' failed. The external credentials in the SSO database are more recent.

Could not store transport type data for Receive Location ‘Recv.Loc’ to config store. Primary SSO Server ‘Sql-server’ failed. The external credentials in the SSO database are more recent.

Check the system date. This will cause due to the system date is not in current date.


因为要做某个测试,临时调整了系统时间,后来就有这个问题,根据提示,修改了SSODB 里的timestamp, Script 如下

select dateadd(m,-1,ec_timestamp),* from SSODB..SSOX_ExternalCredentials
where datediff(m,ec_timestamp,getdate())<>0

select dateadd(year,-1,ec_timestamp),* from SSODB..SSOX_ExternalCredentials
where datediff(year,ec_timestamp,getdate())<>0


update SSODB..SSOX_ExternalCredentials set  ec_timestamp = dateadd(m,-1,ec_timestamp) where datediff(m,ec_timestamp,getdate())<>0

update SSODB..SSOX_ExternalCredentials set  ec_timestamp = dateadd(year,-1,ec_timestamp) where datediff(year,ec_timestamp,getdate())<>0



Function: SetConfigInfo
Tracking ID: df1dd0b0-c9d5-4012-bb97-336aa8df78b3
Client Computer: (mmc.exe:1884)
Client User: BTS06-PLATFORM\Administrator
Application Name: {D2241406-0767-4C13-98EB-43EECE80F8A0}
Error Code: 0xC0002A40, The external credentials in the SSO database are more recent.

posted @ 2008-10-29 17:36  upzone  阅读(611)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报