SQL Agent Job | Remarks |
Backup BizTalk Server (BizTalkMgmtDb) | Performs backup operations on BizTalk databases that participate in Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) transactions. Not all BizTalk databases are part of this job. Also, additional databases can be added to this job. This job is disabled by default and must be configured in order to run. Scheduled to perform full backup daily and log backup every 15 minutes by default. |
CleanupBTFExpiredEntries Job_<BizTalkMgmtDb> | New in BizTalk Server 2006, this SQL Agent job cleans up expired BizTalk Framework (BTF) entries in the BizTalk Management Data- base. Scheduled to run every 12 hours and enabled by default. |
DTA Purge and Archive (BizTalkMsgBoxDb) | New in BizTalk Server 2006, this SQL Agent job automatically archives data in the BizTalk Tracking (BizTalkDTADb) database and purges obsolete data. This job is disabled by default and must be configured in order to run. Scheduled to run every minute by default. |
MessageBox_DeadProcesses_ Cleanup_<BizTalkMsgBoxDb> | Detects when a running BizTalk host instance has stopped. This SQL Agent job releases all in-progress work for that host instance so that it can be picked up by another host instance. Scheduled to run every minute and enabled by default. |
MessageBox_Message_ Cleanup_<BizTalkMsgBoxDb> | Removesmessages that are no longer referenced by any subscribers in the Messagebox database tables. This job is disabled by default, but it should not be manually run. This job is started when needed by the MessageBox_Message_ManageRefCountLog_ <BiztalkMsgBoxDb> job. |
MessageBox_Message_ ManageRefCountLog_ <BizTalkMsgBoxDb> | Manages the reference count logs for messages. It determines when a message is no longer referenced by a subscriber. Scheduled to run everyminute and enabled by default. |
MessageBox_Parts_Cleanup_ <BizTalkMsgBoxDb> | Removesmessage parts that are no longer referenced by any messages in the Messagebox database tables. Scheduled to run every minute and enabled by default. |
MessageBox_UpdateStats_ <BizTalkMsgBoxDb> | New in BizTalk Server 2006, this SQL Agent job manually updates database statistics for the BizTalk Messagebox database. Sched- uled to run every 5 minutes and enabled by default. |
Operations_OperateOn Instances_OnMaster_ <BizTalkMsgBoxDb> | New in BizTalk Server 2006, this SQL Agent job is required for multipleMessagebox database deployments. It performs perational tasks on Messagebox databases. Scheduled to run very minute and enabled by default. |
PurgeSubscriptionsJob_ <BizTalkMsgBoxDb> | Purges unused subscription predicates fromthe Messagebox database. Scheduled to run every minute and enabled by default. |
Rules_Database_Cleanup <BizTalkRuleEngineDb> | New in BizTalk Server 2006, this SQL Agent job purges old audit data from the Rule Engine database every 90 days. It also purges old history data from the Rule Engine database every 3 days. Scheduled to run every hour and enabled by default. |
TrackedMessages_Copy_ <BizTalkMsgBoxDb> | Copiesmessage bodies of tracked messages from theMessagebox database to the Tracking database. Scheduled to run every minute and enabled by default. |
Note: The SQL Agent job MessageBox_Message_Cleanup_<BizTalkMsgBoxDb> is disabled by default. It is not supported to enable this job or run it manually. This SQL Agent job is managed by the MessageBox_Message_ManageRefCountLog_<BiztalkMsgBoxDb> SQL Agent job.