WCF – Windows Communication Foundation
WF – Workflow Foundation
EDI – Electronic Data Interchange
AS2 - Applicability Statement 2 - the draft specification standard by which vendor applications communicate EDI (or other data such as XML) over the Internet using HTTP (hypertext transport protocol). AS2 (HTTP) / AS1 (SMTP) is a specification about how to transport data, not how to validate or process data. AS2 only specifies the means to connect, deliver, validate and reply to (receipt) data in a secure, reliable, non-repudiable way. AS2 makes no specification about how subsequent processing is accomplished. Vendors who sell AS2 compliant software will also provide the correct processing packages to support these functions. AS2 is designed to be only the means by which these processes connect and transport data.
RFID – Radio Frequency Identifier
HTTP – HyperText Transfer Protocol