BizTalk 引用.Net Assembly的一些问题

1.在Orchestration  的 Expression中打点不能拉出 Assembly中定义的属性

自己写一个.net assembler serializable,按照一般的做法,定义private field,然后用public的property包装一下,希望是在orchestration里读写public的property操作,

public string m_methodname;

public string Methodname
          m_methodname = value;

也就说只能拉到m_methodname,不能拉到 Methodname属性,解决方法:在属性里加入get

public string Methodname
        m_methodname = value;
    private get     //这里用private修饰也可以
        return m_methodname;




2.BizTalk 引用.Net Assembly不能自动更新的问题

assembly 重新编译后,在biztalk  项目里并没有自动更新,要自己删除引用,重新添加才能起作用

解决方法: 选择引用的assembly,查看属性,把Copy local属性从ture改成false,然后再从false改成true,来回改就好了

Changing the Copy Local property refreshes the reference. Theoretically, you should be able to set the Copy Local property to False, as that is the setting that ensures that the contents of the EAISchemas project are available to the EAIOrchestrations project. There is an issue with Visual Studio 2005, however, that makes this inadvisable. For more information, see the Knowledge Base article 313512, "BUG: "Could not copy temporary files to the output directory" error message when you build a solution that contains multiple projects" available at



PS:非常感谢chnking  的大力帮助

posted @ 2007-07-03 10:19  upzone  阅读(377)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报