FW:Getting Started with Pipeline Development

• What is the end result of my pipeline’s execution? What types of message are expected?
• Will my pipeline need to look at the message’s data? If it does, how big are the messages? Can I stream them using the XMLReader, or do I need to load them into an XML DOM?
• Is the pipeline schema agnostic, or does it need to validate the incoming message type?
• Does my pipeline need to create multiple messages based on the incoming message or just one?
• How do I handle exceptions within the pipeline? Do I need to log them? Can the pipeline throw an exception and stop processing, or does it need to output an error document?
• Do I have all the necessary context properties in the message context?
• Will I be promoting custom properties?

posted @ 2007-04-02 11:05  upzone  阅读(297)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报