将.gradle下的 带hash名称文件夹中的依赖 转换为 .m2上的依赖
背景: android studio 在无法下载依赖的情况下 , 仅 使用 mavenLocal()
本地 .gradle 下有对应依赖 , .m2下没有
故将.gradle下的 带hash名称文件夹中的依赖 转换为 .m2上的依赖
-- 2024 更新
import os import io import sys sys.stdout=io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer,encoding='utf8') pathsimple = r'D:\XXX\XXXX\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1' pathtwoin = 'D:/xx/xx/repository' patho = '' def backup_file(path, path_two, paths): path = get_gradle_path(paths) path_two = path_two.replace('/', '\\') if not os.path.exists(path_two): os.makedirs(path_two) """ :param path: 路径1 :param path_two: 路径2 :return: """ if os.path.isdir(path) and os.path.isdir(path_two): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 a = os.listdir(path) # 读取该路径下的文件为列表 for i in a: if os.path.isdir(path + '\\' + i): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 patho = path + '\\' + i af = os.listdir(patho) # 读取该路径下的文件为列表 print (af) for m in af: po = os.path.join(patho, m) # 路径1拼接 po_two = os.path.join(path_two, m) # 路径2拼接 with open(po, "rb") as f: res_one = f.read() with open(po_two, "wb") as a: a.write(res_one) print("{}复制成功".format(i)) else: po = os.path.join(path, i) # 路径1拼接 po_two = os.path.join(path_two, i) # 路径2拼接 with open(po, "rb") as f: res_one = f.read() with open(po_two, "wb") as a: a.write(res_one) print("{}复制成功".format(i)) else: print("不是文件夹") path_two = '' def get_gradle_path(ones): global pathsimple initPath = pathsimple for m in range(len(ones)): initPath += '\\' + ones[m] if os.path.exists(initPath): print ('转换后的 gradle地址 存在', initPath) else: print ('不存在,请手动传递地址') return initPath def getbypath(path): global pathtwoin initPath = pathtwoin paths = path.split(':') pathsone = paths[0].split('.') index = 0 for p in paths: if index == 0: for pa in pathsone: initPath += '/' + pa else : initPath += '/' + p index += 1 backup_file('', initPath, paths) def listpath (need_path): for pat in need_path: getbypath(pat) def get_dependencies(): global pathsimple dependencies_data = [] if os.path.isdir(pathsimple): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 dirstpath = os.listdir(pathsimple) # 读取该路径下的文件为列表 for i in dirstpath: if os.path.isdir(pathsimple + '\\' + i): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 path1 = path1 = pathsimple + '\\' + i dirstpath1 = os.listdir(path1) for i1 in dirstpath1: path2 = path1 + '\\' + i1 if os.path.isdir(path2): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 dirstpath2 = os.listdir(path2) for i2 in dirstpath2: str = i + ':' + i1 + ':' + i2 dependencies_data.append(str) listpath(dependencies_data) get_dependencies() # getbypath('com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.8.0')
import os import io import sys sys.stdout=io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer,encoding='utf8') patho = '' def backup_file(path, path_two): path = get_gradle_path(path_two) path_two = path_two.replace('/', '\\') print (path_two) if not os.path.exists(path_two): os.makedirs(path_two) """ :param path: 路径1 :param path_two: 路径2 :return: """ if os.path.isdir(path) and os.path.isdir(path_two): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 a = os.listdir(path) # 读取该路径下的文件为列表 print (a[0]) print (len(a)) # if os.path.isdir(path_two): for i in a: if os.path.isdir(path + '\\' + i): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 patho = path + '\\' + i af = os.listdir(patho) # 读取该路径下的文件为列表 print (af) for m in af: po = os.path.join(patho, m) # 路径1拼接 po_two = os.path.join(path_two, m) # 路径2拼接 with open(po, "rb") as f: res_one = f.read() with open(po_two, "wb") as a: a.write(res_one) print("{}复制成功".format(i)) else: po = os.path.join(path, i) # 路径1拼接 po_two = os.path.join(path_two, i) # 路径2拼接 with open(po, "rb") as f: res_one = f.read() with open(po_two, "wb") as a: a.write(res_one) print("{}复制成功".format(i)) else: print("不是文件夹") path_two = '' pathsimple = r'D:\xxxxx\workspace\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1' def get_gradle_path(pathtwo): ones = pathtwo.split('/') print (ones) pathsimple = r'D:\xxxxx\workspace\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1' for m in range(len(ones) - 5): print (ones[m + 5]) pathsimple += '\\' + ones[m + 5] res = '' if len(ones) == 8: sims = pathsimple.split('\\') index = 0 for m in sims: res += m + '\\' index += 1 if len(ones) == 9: sims = pathsimple.split('\\') index = 0 for m in sims: if index == 7 : res += m + '.' else: res += m + '\\' index += 1 if len(ones) == 10: sims = pathsimple.split('\\') index = 0 for m in sims: if index == 7 or index == 8: res += m + '.' else: res += m + '\\' index += 1 if len(ones) == 11: sims = pathsimple.split('\\') index = 0 for m in sims: if index == 7 or index == 8 or index == 9: res += m + '.' else: res += m + '\\' index += 1 if len(ones) == 12: sims = pathsimple.split('\\') index = 0 for m in sims: if index == 7 or index == 8 or index == 9 or index == 10: res += m + '.' else: res += m + '\\' index += 1 print (res) if os.path.exists(res): print ('转换后的 gradle地址 存在', res) else: print ('不存在,请手动传递地址') return res # get_gradle_path('C:/Users/xxxxx/.m2/repository/com/googlecode/json-simple/json-simple/1.1') # backup_file('', 'C:/Users/xxxxx/.m2/repository/com/zhy/autolayout/1.4.5') def getbypath (path): pathtwoin = 'C:/Users/xxxxx/.m2/repository' paths = path.split(':') pathsone = paths[0].split('.') print (pathsone) print (paths) index = 0 for p in paths: if index == 0: for pa in pathsone: pathtwoin += '/' + pa else : pathtwoin += '/' + p index += 1 print (pathtwoin) backup_file('', pathtwoin) getbypath('com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.8.0') def listpath (need_path): # need_path = ['com.android.support:support-compat:26.1.0', # 'com.android.support:support-media-compat:26.1.0', # 'com.android.support:support-core-utils:26.1.0', # 'com.android.support:support-core-ui:26.1.0'] print (need_path[0]) print (len(need_path)) for pat in need_path: getbypath(pat) # listpath() def get_file_list(): data = [] for line in open(r'C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\Desktop\\test.txt',"r"): #设置文件对象并读取每一行文件 if 'resolve' in line: data.append(line[26:-1]) #将每一行文件加入到list中 print (data) listpath(data) # get_file_list() # get_file_list() 根据指定的文件地址,查询文件中包含 resolve的行,并截取对应的依赖名称 # listpath() 根据指定的插件list,获取本地的 .m2 的路径,若没有则创建对应路径 # getbypath() 根据指定的插件名称,获取本地的 .m2 的路径,若没有则创建对应路径 # backup_file() 根据指定路径 把 对应的 .gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1 下的依赖 copy到.m2 对应的路径下
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 | import os import io import sys sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout. buffer ,encoding = 'utf8' ) # 将 caches\modules-2\files-2.1 下的 依赖格式 都修改为 .m2格式的依赖 # 1. 获取files-2.1下的路径 # 2. for 循环 获取文件夹名称, 再获取下一层,下下一层的文件名称 ,然后组装为依赖名 patho = '' def backup_file(path, path_two): path = get_gradle_path(path_two) path_two = path_two.replace( '/' , '\\' ) print (path_two) if not os.path.exists(path_two): os.makedirs(path_two) """ :param path: 路径1 :param path_two: 路径2 :return: """ if os.path.isdir(path) and os.path.isdir(path_two): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 a = os.listdir(path) # 读取该路径下的文件为列表 print (a[ 0 ]) print ( len (a)) # if os.path.isdir(path_two): for i in a: if os.path.isdir(path + '\\' + i): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 patho = path + '\\' + i af = os.listdir(patho) # 读取该路径下的文件为列表 print (af) for m in af: po = os.path.join(patho, m) # 路径1拼接 po_two = os.path.join(path_two, m) # 路径2拼接 with open (po, "rb" ) as f: res_one = f.read() with open (po_two, "wb" ) as a: a.write(res_one) print ( "{}复制成功" . format (i)) else : po = os.path.join(path, i) # 路径1拼接 po_two = os.path.join(path_two, i) # 路径2拼接 with open (po, "rb" ) as f: res_one = f.read() with open (po_two, "wb" ) as a: a.write(res_one) print ( "{}复制成功" . format (i)) else : print ( "不是文件夹" ) path_two = '' pathsimple = r 'D:\xxxxxxx\workspace\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1' def get_gradle_path(pathtwo): ones = pathtwo.split( '/' ) print (ones) pathsimple = r 'D:\xxxxxxx\workspace\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1' for m in range ( len (ones) - 5 ): print (ones[m + 5 ]) pathsimple + = '\\' + ones[m + 5 ] res = '' if len (ones) = = 8 : sims = pathsimple.split( '\\' ) index = 0 for m in sims: res + = m + '\\' index + = 1 if len (ones) = = 9 : sims = pathsimple.split( '\\' ) index = 0 for m in sims: if index = = 7 : res + = m + '.' else : res + = m + '\\' index + = 1 if len (ones) = = 10 : sims = pathsimple.split( '\\' ) index = 0 for m in sims: if index = = 7 or index = = 8 : res + = m + '.' else : res + = m + '\\' index + = 1 if len (ones) = = 11 : sims = pathsimple.split( '\\' ) index = 0 for m in sims: if index = = 7 or index = = 8 or index = = 9 : res + = m + '.' else : res + = m + '\\' index + = 1 if len (ones) = = 12 : sims = pathsimple.split( '\\' ) index = 0 for m in sims: if index = = 7 or index = = 8 or index = = 9 or index = = 10 : res + = m + '.' else : res + = m + '\\' index + = 1 print (res) if os.path.exists(res): print ( '转换后的 gradle地址 存在' , res) else : print ( '不存在,请手动传递地址' ) return res def getbypath (path): pathtwoin = 'D:/xxxxxxx/workspace/.m2/repository' paths = path.split( ':' ) pathsone = paths[ 0 ].split( '.' ) print (pathsone) print (paths) index = 0 for p in paths: if index = = 0 : for pa in pathsone: pathtwoin + = '/' + pa else : pathtwoin + = '/' + p index + = 1 print (pathtwoin) backup_file('', pathtwoin) def listpath (need_path): print (need_path[ 0 ]) print ( len (need_path)) for pat in need_path: getbypath(pat) def get_dependencies(): files_path = r 'D:\xxxxxxx\workspace\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1' ; dependencies_data = [] if os.path.isdir(files_path): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 dirstpath = os.listdir(files_path) # 读取该路径下的文件为列表 for i in dirstpath: if os.path.isdir(files_path + '\\' + i): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 path1 = path1 = files_path + '\\' + i dirstpath1 = os.listdir(path1) for i1 in dirstpath1: path2 = path1 + '\\' + i1 if os.path.isdir(path2): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 dirstpath2 = os.listdir(path2) for i2 in dirstpath2: str = i + ':' + i1 + ':' + i2 dependencies_data.append( str ) print (dependencies_data) listpath(dependencies_data) get_dependencies() |
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