将.gradle下的 带hash名称文件夹中的依赖 转换为 .m2上的依赖
背景: android studio 在无法下载依赖的情况下 , 仅 使用 mavenLocal()
本地 .gradle 下有对应依赖 , .m2下没有
故将.gradle下的 带hash名称文件夹中的依赖 转换为 .m2上的依赖
-- 2024 更新
import os import io import sys sys.stdout=io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer,encoding='utf8') pathsimple = r'D:\XXX\XXXX\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1' pathtwoin = 'D:/xx/xx/repository' patho = '' def backup_file(path, path_two, paths): path = get_gradle_path(paths) path_two = path_two.replace('/', '\\') if not os.path.exists(path_two): os.makedirs(path_two) """ :param path: 路径1 :param path_two: 路径2 :return: """ if os.path.isdir(path) and os.path.isdir(path_two): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 a = os.listdir(path) # 读取该路径下的文件为列表 for i in a: if os.path.isdir(path + '\\' + i): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 patho = path + '\\' + i af = os.listdir(patho) # 读取该路径下的文件为列表 print (af) for m in af: po = os.path.join(patho, m) # 路径1拼接 po_two = os.path.join(path_two, m) # 路径2拼接 with open(po, "rb") as f: res_one = f.read() with open(po_two, "wb") as a: a.write(res_one) print("{}复制成功".format(i)) else: po = os.path.join(path, i) # 路径1拼接 po_two = os.path.join(path_two, i) # 路径2拼接 with open(po, "rb") as f: res_one = f.read() with open(po_two, "wb") as a: a.write(res_one) print("{}复制成功".format(i)) else: print("不是文件夹") path_two = '' def get_gradle_path(ones): global pathsimple initPath = pathsimple for m in range(len(ones)): initPath += '\\' + ones[m] if os.path.exists(initPath): print ('转换后的 gradle地址 存在', initPath) else: print ('不存在,请手动传递地址') return initPath def getbypath(path): global pathtwoin initPath = pathtwoin paths = path.split(':') pathsone = paths[0].split('.') index = 0 for p in paths: if index == 0: for pa in pathsone: initPath += '/' + pa else : initPath += '/' + p index += 1 backup_file('', initPath, paths) def listpath (need_path): for pat in need_path: getbypath(pat) def get_dependencies(): global pathsimple dependencies_data = [] if os.path.isdir(pathsimple): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 dirstpath = os.listdir(pathsimple) # 读取该路径下的文件为列表 for i in dirstpath: if os.path.isdir(pathsimple + '\\' + i): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 path1 = path1 = pathsimple + '\\' + i dirstpath1 = os.listdir(path1) for i1 in dirstpath1: path2 = path1 + '\\' + i1 if os.path.isdir(path2): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 dirstpath2 = os.listdir(path2) for i2 in dirstpath2: str = i + ':' + i1 + ':' + i2 dependencies_data.append(str) listpath(dependencies_data) get_dependencies() # getbypath('com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.8.0')
import os import io import sys sys.stdout=io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer,encoding='utf8') patho = '' def backup_file(path, path_two): path = get_gradle_path(path_two) path_two = path_two.replace('/', '\\') print (path_two) if not os.path.exists(path_two): os.makedirs(path_two) """ :param path: 路径1 :param path_two: 路径2 :return: """ if os.path.isdir(path) and os.path.isdir(path_two): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 a = os.listdir(path) # 读取该路径下的文件为列表 print (a[0]) print (len(a)) # if os.path.isdir(path_two): for i in a: if os.path.isdir(path + '\\' + i): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 patho = path + '\\' + i af = os.listdir(patho) # 读取该路径下的文件为列表 print (af) for m in af: po = os.path.join(patho, m) # 路径1拼接 po_two = os.path.join(path_two, m) # 路径2拼接 with open(po, "rb") as f: res_one = f.read() with open(po_two, "wb") as a: a.write(res_one) print("{}复制成功".format(i)) else: po = os.path.join(path, i) # 路径1拼接 po_two = os.path.join(path_two, i) # 路径2拼接 with open(po, "rb") as f: res_one = f.read() with open(po_two, "wb") as a: a.write(res_one) print("{}复制成功".format(i)) else: print("不是文件夹") path_two = '' pathsimple = r'D:\xxxxx\workspace\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1' def get_gradle_path(pathtwo): ones = pathtwo.split('/') print (ones) pathsimple = r'D:\xxxxx\workspace\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1' for m in range(len(ones) - 5): print (ones[m + 5]) pathsimple += '\\' + ones[m + 5] res = '' if len(ones) == 8: sims = pathsimple.split('\\') index = 0 for m in sims: res += m + '\\' index += 1 if len(ones) == 9: sims = pathsimple.split('\\') index = 0 for m in sims: if index == 7 : res += m + '.' else: res += m + '\\' index += 1 if len(ones) == 10: sims = pathsimple.split('\\') index = 0 for m in sims: if index == 7 or index == 8: res += m + '.' else: res += m + '\\' index += 1 if len(ones) == 11: sims = pathsimple.split('\\') index = 0 for m in sims: if index == 7 or index == 8 or index == 9: res += m + '.' else: res += m + '\\' index += 1 if len(ones) == 12: sims = pathsimple.split('\\') index = 0 for m in sims: if index == 7 or index == 8 or index == 9 or index == 10: res += m + '.' else: res += m + '\\' index += 1 print (res) if os.path.exists(res): print ('转换后的 gradle地址 存在', res) else: print ('不存在,请手动传递地址') return res # get_gradle_path('C:/Users/xxxxx/.m2/repository/com/googlecode/json-simple/json-simple/1.1') # backup_file('', 'C:/Users/xxxxx/.m2/repository/com/zhy/autolayout/1.4.5') def getbypath (path): pathtwoin = 'C:/Users/xxxxx/.m2/repository' paths = path.split(':') pathsone = paths[0].split('.') print (pathsone) print (paths) index = 0 for p in paths: if index == 0: for pa in pathsone: pathtwoin += '/' + pa else : pathtwoin += '/' + p index += 1 print (pathtwoin) backup_file('', pathtwoin) getbypath('com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.8.0') def listpath (need_path): # need_path = ['com.android.support:support-compat:26.1.0', # 'com.android.support:support-media-compat:26.1.0', # 'com.android.support:support-core-utils:26.1.0', # 'com.android.support:support-core-ui:26.1.0'] print (need_path[0]) print (len(need_path)) for pat in need_path: getbypath(pat) # listpath() def get_file_list(): data = [] for line in open(r'C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\Desktop\\test.txt',"r"): #设置文件对象并读取每一行文件 if 'resolve' in line: data.append(line[26:-1]) #将每一行文件加入到list中 print (data) listpath(data) # get_file_list() # get_file_list() 根据指定的文件地址,查询文件中包含 resolve的行,并截取对应的依赖名称 # listpath() 根据指定的插件list,获取本地的 .m2 的路径,若没有则创建对应路径 # getbypath() 根据指定的插件名称,获取本地的 .m2 的路径,若没有则创建对应路径 # backup_file() 根据指定路径 把 对应的 .gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1 下的依赖 copy到.m2 对应的路径下
import os import io import sys sys.stdout=io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer,encoding='utf8') # 将 caches\modules-2\files-2.1 下的 依赖格式 都修改为 .m2格式的依赖 # 1. 获取files-2.1下的路径 # 2. for 循环 获取文件夹名称, 再获取下一层,下下一层的文件名称 ,然后组装为依赖名 patho = '' def backup_file(path, path_two): path = get_gradle_path(path_two) path_two = path_two.replace('/', '\\') print (path_two) if not os.path.exists(path_two): os.makedirs(path_two) """ :param path: 路径1 :param path_two: 路径2 :return: """ if os.path.isdir(path) and os.path.isdir(path_two): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 a = os.listdir(path) # 读取该路径下的文件为列表 print (a[0]) print (len(a)) # if os.path.isdir(path_two): for i in a: if os.path.isdir(path + '\\' + i): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 patho = path + '\\' + i af = os.listdir(patho) # 读取该路径下的文件为列表 print (af) for m in af: po = os.path.join(patho, m) # 路径1拼接 po_two = os.path.join(path_two, m) # 路径2拼接 with open(po, "rb") as f: res_one = f.read() with open(po_two, "wb") as a: a.write(res_one) print("{}复制成功".format(i)) else: po = os.path.join(path, i) # 路径1拼接 po_two = os.path.join(path_two, i) # 路径2拼接 with open(po, "rb") as f: res_one = f.read() with open(po_two, "wb") as a: a.write(res_one) print("{}复制成功".format(i)) else: print("不是文件夹") path_two = '' pathsimple = r'D:\xxxxxxx\workspace\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1' def get_gradle_path(pathtwo): ones = pathtwo.split('/') print (ones) pathsimple = r'D:\xxxxxxx\workspace\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1' for m in range(len(ones) - 5): print (ones[m + 5]) pathsimple += '\\' + ones[m + 5] res = '' if len(ones) == 8: sims = pathsimple.split('\\') index = 0 for m in sims: res += m + '\\' index += 1 if len(ones) == 9: sims = pathsimple.split('\\') index = 0 for m in sims: if index == 7 : res += m + '.' else: res += m + '\\' index += 1 if len(ones) == 10: sims = pathsimple.split('\\') index = 0 for m in sims: if index == 7 or index == 8: res += m + '.' else: res += m + '\\' index += 1 if len(ones) == 11: sims = pathsimple.split('\\') index = 0 for m in sims: if index == 7 or index == 8 or index == 9: res += m + '.' else: res += m + '\\' index += 1 if len(ones) == 12: sims = pathsimple.split('\\') index = 0 for m in sims: if index == 7 or index == 8 or index == 9 or index == 10: res += m + '.' else: res += m + '\\' index += 1 print (res) if os.path.exists(res): print ('转换后的 gradle地址 存在', res) else: print ('不存在,请手动传递地址') return res def getbypath (path): pathtwoin = 'D:/xxxxxxx/workspace/.m2/repository' paths = path.split(':') pathsone = paths[0].split('.') print (pathsone) print (paths) index = 0 for p in paths: if index == 0: for pa in pathsone: pathtwoin += '/' + pa else : pathtwoin += '/' + p index += 1 print (pathtwoin) backup_file('', pathtwoin) def listpath (need_path): print (need_path[0]) print (len(need_path)) for pat in need_path: getbypath(pat) def get_dependencies(): files_path = r'D:\xxxxxxx\workspace\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1'; dependencies_data = [] if os.path.isdir(files_path): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 dirstpath = os.listdir(files_path) # 读取该路径下的文件为列表 for i in dirstpath: if os.path.isdir(files_path + '\\' + i): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 path1 = path1 = files_path + '\\' + i dirstpath1 = os.listdir(path1) for i1 in dirstpath1: path2 = path1 + '\\' + i1 if os.path.isdir(path2): # 判断传入的值为文件夹 dirstpath2 = os.listdir(path2) for i2 in dirstpath2: str = i + ':' + i1 + ':' + i2 dependencies_data.append(str) print (dependencies_data) listpath(dependencies_data) get_dependencies()