0 快速使用
# 异步框架
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
async def index():
return {'code':100,'msg':'成功'}'/login')
async def login(item:Item):
return item
if __name__ == '__main__':
import uvicorn'第一个fastapi:app',port=8001)
1 路径参数
from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
# 1 路径参数---基本使用
async def home(id: str):
return {'code': 100, 'id': id}
# 2 路径覆盖-->路由从上往下执行
# 这个永远不会走到
async def read_user_me():
return {"user_id": "the current user"}
async def read_user(user_id: str):
return {"user_id": user_id}
# 3 枚举类型
from enum import Enum
class ModelName(str, Enum):
alexnet = "alexnet"
resnet = "resnet"
lenet = "lenet"
async def get_model(model_name: ModelName):
# 1 比较枚举元素
# 2 获取枚举类型的值
# 使用 model_name.value 或 your_enum_member.value 获取实际的值
if model_name is ModelName.alexnet:
return {"model_name": model_name, "message": "Deep Learning FTW!"}
if model_name.value == "lenet":
return {"model_name": model_name, "message": "LeCNN all the images"}
# 3 返回枚举类型,直接返回对象即可
return {"model_name": model_name, "message": "Have some residuals"}
# 4 路径转换器 ############
# 参数名为 file_path,结尾部分的 :path 说明该参数应匹配路径
# /home/johndoe/myfile.txt 的路径参数要以斜杠(/)开头
async def read_file(file_path: str):
return {"file_path": file_path}
if __name__ == '__main__':
import uvicorn'路径参数:app', reload=True, port=8080)
2 查询参数
# 除了路径参数以外的,都是查询参数
async def read_item2(item_id: str, q: str|None = None, short: bool = False):
# 如果有多个路径参数,会依次排,后续都是查询参数
async def read_user_item(
user_id: int, item_id: str, q: Union[str, None] = None, short: bool = False
from fastapi import FastAPI
from typing import Union
app = FastAPI()
# 1 查询参数---》如果在路径中没加 {}--->视图函数中得所有参数,都是请求参数
fake_items_db = [{"item_name": "Foo"}, {"item_name": "Bar"}, {"item_name": "Baz"}]
async def read_item(skip: int = 0, limit: int = 10):
return fake_items_db[skip: skip + limit]
# 2 可选参数 q: str | None = None :路径参数+查询参数,查询参数可以不传--->路径和查询参数跟视图函数变量位置无关,但是一般咱们会把路径参数写前面
# async def read_item1(item_id: str, q: str | None = None):
async def read_item1(q: str | None, item_id: str):
if q:
return {"item_id": item_id, "q": q}
return {"item_id": item_id}
####3 查询参数类型转换 ######
async def read_item2(item_id: str, q: str|None = None, short: bool = False):
item = {"item_id": item_id}
if q:
item.update({"q": q})
if not short:
{"description": "This is an amazing item that has a long description"}
return item
######## 4 多个路径和查询参数##########
async def read_user_item(
user_id: int, item_id: str, q: Union[str, None] = None, short: bool = False
item = {"item_id": item_id, "owner_id": user_id}
if q:
item.update({"q": q})
if not short:
{"description": "This is an amazing item that has a long description"}
return item
#### 5 必选查询参数 ####
async def read_user_item(item_id: str, needy: str):
#1 没设置默认值,参数必须填
item = {"item_id": item_id, "needy": needy}
return item
async def read_user_item3(
item_id: str, needy: str, skip: int = 0, limit: Union[int, None] = None
# 2 skip 和limit可以不填
needy,必选的 str 类型参数
skip,默认值为 0 的 int 类型参数,可以不填
limit,可选的 int 类型参数
item = {"item_id": item_id, "needy": needy, "skip": skip, "limit": limit}
return item
if __name__ == '__main__':
import uvicorn'查询参数:app', reload=True, port=8081)
3 请求体
from fastapi import FastAPI
from typing import Union
from pydantic import BaseModel
app = FastAPI()
# 定义一个请求体结构:类
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
description: str | None = None
price: float
tax: float | None = None
# 1 基本使用"/items/")
async def create_item(item: Item): #如果参数 不是路径参数,而是使用BaseModel定义的类,都是请求体参数,其他的才是查询参数
return item # 直接返回对象,之间做序列化---》继承BaseModel
# 2 使用模型 在路径操作函数内部直接访问模型对象的属性"/items1/")
async def create_item(item: Item):
item_dict = item.dict() # 对象转字典 item.model_dump
price_with_tax = item.price +
item_dict.update({"price_with_tax": price_with_tax})
return item_dict # 返回字典
# 3 请求体 + 路径参数
async def update_item2(item_id: int, item: Item):
return {"item_id": item_id, **item.dict()}
# 4 请求体 + 路径参数 + 查询参数
类型是(int、float、str、bool 等)单类型的参数,是查询参数
类型是 Pydantic 模型的参数,是请求体
async def update_item(item_id: int, item: Item, q: Union[str, None] = None):
result = {"item_id": item_id, **item.dict()}
if q:
result.update({"q": q})
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
import uvicorn'请求体:app', reload=True, port=8081)
4 查询参数和字符串校验
from fastapi import FastAPI, Query,Path,Body
from typing import Union
from pydantic import BaseModel
app = FastAPI()
# 1 查询参数 q 的类型为 str,默认值为 None,因此它是可选的
async def read_items(q: Union[str, None] = None):
results = {"items": [{"item_id": "Foo"}, {"item_id": "Bar"}]}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results
# 2 约束条件:即使 q 是可选的,但只要提供了该参数,则该参数值不能超过50个字符的长度
async def read_items1(q: Union[str, None] = Query(default=None, max_length=50)):
results = {"items": [{"item_id": "Foo"}, {"item_id": "Bar"}]}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results
# 3 约束条件:即使 q 是可选的,但只要提供了该参数,则该参数值不能超过50个字符的长度,最短3
async def read_items2(q: Union[str, None] = Query(default=None, min_length=3,max_length=50)):
results = {"items": [{"item_id": "Foo"}, {"item_id": "Bar"}]}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results
# 4 添加正则表达式
async def read_items3(
q: Union[str, None] = Query(
default=None, min_length=3, max_length=50, pattern="^fixedquery$"
results = {"items": [{"item_id": "Foo"}, {"item_id": "Bar"}]}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results
# 5 默认值
async def read_items4(q: str = Query(default="fixedquery", min_length=3)):
results = {"items": [{"item_id": "Foo"}, {"item_id": "Bar"}]}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results
# 6 声明为必需参数
async def read_items5(q: str = Query(min_length=3)):
results = {"items": [{"item_id": "Foo"}, {"item_id": "Bar"}]}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results
# 7 使用省略号(...)声明必需参数
如果你之前没见过 ... 这种用法:它是一个特殊的单独值,它是 Python 的一部分并且被称为「省略号」。 Pydantic 和 FastAPI 使用它来显式的声明需要一个值
async def read_items6(q: str = Query(default=..., min_length=3)):
results = {"items": [{"item_id": "Foo"}, {"item_id": "Bar"}]}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results
# 8 使用None声明必需参数
async def read_items7(q: Union[str, None] = Query(default=..., min_length=3)):
results = {"items": [{"item_id": "Foo"}, {"item_id": "Bar"}]}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results
# 9 使用Pydantic中的Required代替省略号(...)
# from pydantic import Required # v2 版本的pydantic 移除了该参数
# @app.get("/items/")
# async def read_items(q: str = Query(default=Required, min_length=3)):
# results = {"items": [{"item_id": "Foo"}, {"item_id": "Bar"}]}
# if q:
# results.update({"q": q})
# return results
# 10 查询参数列表 / 多个值
from typing import List, Union
async def read_items8(q: Union[List[str], None] = Query(default=None)):
query_items = {"q": q}
return query_items
# http://localhost:8000/items/?q=foo&q=bar
# 要声明类型为 list 的查询参数,如上例所示,你需要显式地使用 Query,否则该参数将被解释为请求体
# 11 具有默认值的查询参数列表 / 多个值
from typing import List, Union
async def read_items9(q: List[str] = Query(default=["foo", "bar"])):
query_items = {"q": q}
return query_items
# 12 也可以直接使用 list 代替 List [str]
async def read_items10(q: list = Query(default=[])):
query_items = {"q": q}
return query_items
# 13 声明更多元数据 title description --- OpenAPI 的支持程度可能不同
async def read_items11(
q: Union[str, None] = Query(default=None, title="Query string", description="这是描述新消息",min_length=3),
results = {"items": [{"item_id": "Foo"}, {"item_id": "Bar"}]}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results
# 14 别名参数
# item-query 不是一个有效的 Python 变量名称
#最接近的有效名称是 item_query。
#但是你仍然要求它在 URL 中必须是 item-query...
#这时你可以用 alias 参数声明一个别名,该别名将用于在 URL 中查找查询参数值
async def read_items12(q: Union[str, None] = Query(default=None, alias="item-query")):
results = {"items": [{"item_id": "Foo"}, {"item_id": "Bar"}]}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results
# 15 弃用参数
# 现在假设你不再喜欢此参数。
# 你不得不将其保留一段时间,因为有些客户端正在使用它,但你希望文档清楚地将其展示为已弃用。
# 那么将参数 deprecated=True 传入 Query弃用参数
async def read_items13(
q: Union[str, None] = Query(
title="Query string",
description="Query string for the items to search in the database that have a good match",
results = {"items": [{"item_id": "Foo"}, {"item_id": "Bar"}]}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results
if __name__ == '__main__':
import uvicorn'查询参数校验:app', reload=True, port=8081
5 路径参数和数值校验
from fastapi import FastAPI, Path, Query
from typing import Annotated
from typing import Union
from pydantic import BaseModel
app = FastAPI()
#1 Path 路径函数,声明元数据,可以声明与 Query 相同的所有参数
# 路径参数总是必需的,因为它必须是路径的一部分。
# 即使你使用 None 声明路径参数或设置一个其他默认值也不会有任何影响,它依然会是必需参数
# python 3.10版本,使用Annotated
async def read_items(
# item_id:int= Path(title="The ID of the item to get") Annotated 第一个参数是类型,第二个参数是等于谁
item_id: Annotated[int, Path(title="The ID of the item to get")],
q: Annotated[str | None, Query(alias="item-query")] = None,
results = {"item_id": item_id}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results
# python 3.8版本,不使用Annotated
async def read_items(
item_id: int = Path(title="The ID of the item to get"),
q: Union[str, None] = Query(default=None, alias="item-query"),
results = {"item_id": item_id}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results
# 2 按需对参数排序
假设你想要声明一个必需的 str 类型查询参数 q。
而且你不需要为该参数声明任何其他内容,所以实际上你并不需要使用 Query。
但是你仍然需要使用 Path 来声明路径参数 item_id。
如果你将带有「默认值」的参数放在没有「默认值」的参数之前,Python 将会报错。
但是你可以对其重新排序,并将不带默认值的值(查询参数 q)放到最前面。
对 FastAPI 来说这无关紧要。它将通过参数的名称、类型和默认值声明(Query、Path 等)来检测参数,而不在乎参数的顺序
async def read_items(q: str, item_id: int = Path(title="The ID of the item to get")):
results = {"item_id": item_id}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results
# 3 按需对参数排序的技巧
如果你想不使用 Query 声明没有默认值的查询参数 q,同时使用 Path 声明路径参数 item_id,并使它们的顺序与上面不同,Python 对此有一些特殊的语法。
传递 * 作为函数的第一个参数。
Python 不会对该 * 做任何事情,但是它将知道之后的所有参数都应作为关键字参数(键值对),也被称为 kwargs,来调用。即使它们没有默认值
async def read_items(*, item_id: int = Path(title="The ID of the item to get"), q: str):
results = {"item_id": item_id}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results
# 4 数值校验(int,float):大于等于,大于,小于等于
使用 Query 和 Path(以及你将在后面看到的其他类)可以声明字符串约束,但也可以声明数值约束。
像下面这样,添加 ge=1 后,item_id 将必须是一个大于(greater than)或等于(equal)1 的整数
gt:大于(greater than)
ge:大于等于(greater than or equal)
lt:小于(less than)
le:小于等于(less than or equal)
数值校验同样适用于 float 值
async def read_items(
*, item_id: int = Path(title="The ID of the item to get", ge=1), q: str
results = {"item_id": item_id}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results
if __name__ == '__main__':
import uvicorn'路径参数数据校验:app', reload=True, port=8081)
6 请求体多个参数
from fastapi import FastAPI, Path, Query, Body
from typing import Annotated
from typing import Union
from pydantic import BaseModel
app = FastAPI()
# 1 混合使用 Path、Query 和请求体参数
# 通过将默认值设置为 None 来将请求体参数声明为可选参数
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
description: str | None = None
price: float
tax: float | None = None
async def update_item(
item_id: Annotated[int, Path(title="The ID of the item to get", ge=0, le=1000)],
q: str | None = None,
item: Item | None = None,
results = {"item_id": item_id}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
if item:
results.update({"item": item})
return results
# 2 多个请求体参数
"item": {
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"price": 0,
"tax": 0
"user": {
"username": "string",
"full_name": "string"
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
description: str | None = None
price: float
tax: float | None = None
class User(BaseModel):
username: str
full_name: str | None = None
async def update_item(item_id: int, item: Item, user: User):
results = {"item_id": item_id, "item": item, "user": user}
return results
# 3 请求体中的单一值 Body 使用
async def update_item3(
item_id: int, item: Item, user: User, importance: Annotated[int, Body()]
results = {"item_id": item_id, "item": item, "user": user, "importance": importance}
return results
# 4 多个请求体参数和查询参数 Body 同样具有与 Query、Path 以及其他后面将看到的类完全相同的额外校验和元数据参数。
async def update_item(
item_id: int,
item: Item,
user: User,
importance: Annotated[int, Body(gt=0)],
q: str | None = None,
results = {"item_id": item_id, "item": item, "user": user, "importance": importance}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results
# 5 嵌入单个请求体参数
"item": {
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"price": 0,
"tax": 0
"name": "Foo",
"description": "The pretender",
"price": 42.0,
"tax": 3.2
async def update_item(item_id: int, item: Annotated[Item, Body(embed=True)]):
results = {"item_id": item_id, "item": item}
return results
if __name__ == '__main__':
import uvicorn'请求体多个参数:app', reload=True, port=8081)
7 请求体字段校验
from fastapi import FastAPI, Path, Query,Body
from typing import Annotated
from typing import Union
from pydantic import BaseModel ,Field
app = FastAPI()
# 1 使用 pydantic的 Field,声明模型属性
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
description: str | None = Field(
default=None, title="The description of the item", max_length=300
price: float = Field(gt=0, description="The price must be greater than zero")
tax: float | None = None
async def update_item(item_id: int, item: Annotated[Item, Body(embed=True)]):
results = {"item_id": item_id, "item": item}
return results
8 请求体嵌套
from fastapi import FastAPI, Path, Query, Body
from typing import Annotated
from typing import Union,List
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, HttpUrl
from typing import List, Union
app = FastAPI()
# 1 List 字段
# tags 成为一个由元素组成的列表。不过它没有声明每个元素的类型
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"price": 0,
"tax": 0,
"tags": []
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
description: str | None = None
price: float
tax: float | None = None
tags: list = []
async def update_item(item_id: int, item: Item):
results = {"item_id": item_id, "item": item}
return results
# 2 具有子类型的 List 字段
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
description: Union[str, None] = None
price: float
tax: Union[float, None] = None
tags: List[str] = []
# 3 Set 类型 标签不应该重复,它们很大可能会是唯一的字符串
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
description: str | None = None
price: float
tax: float | None = None
tags: set[str] = set()
# 4 嵌套模型
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"price": 0,
"tax": 0,
"tags": [],
"image": {
"url": "string",
"name": "string"
"images": [{
"url": "string",
"name": "string"
"url": "string",
"name": "string"
class Image(BaseModel):
url: str
name: str
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
description: str | None = None
price: float
tax: float | None = None
tags: set[str] = set()
image: Image | None = None
images: List[Image] | None = None
# 5 特殊的类型和校验
# Pydantic 的外部类型 的文档
# 在 Image 模型中我们有一个 url 字段,我们可以把它声明为 Pydantic 的 HttpUrl,而不是 str
class Image(BaseModel):
url: HttpUrl
name: str
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
description: str | None = None
price: float
tax: float | None = None
tags: set[str] = set()
image: Image | None = None
# 6 有一组子模型的属性
"name": "Foo",
"description": "The pretender",
"price": 42.0,
"tax": 3.2,
"tags": [
"images": [
"url": "",
"name": "The Foo live"
"url": "",
"name": "The Baz"
class Image(BaseModel):
url: HttpUrl
name: str
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
description: str | None = None
price: float
tax: float | None = None
tags: set[str] = set()
images: list[Image] | None = None # 有一组子模型的属性
# 6 深度嵌套 请注意 Offer 拥有一组 Item 而反过来 Item 又是一个可选的 Image 列表是如何发生的
class Image(BaseModel):
url: HttpUrl
name: str
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
description: str | None = None
price: float
tax: float | None = None
tags: set[str] = set()
images: list[Image] | None = None
class Offer(BaseModel):
name: str
description: str | None = None
price: float
items: list[Item]"/offers/")
async def create_offer(offer: Offer):
return offer
# 7 纯列表请求体
class Image(BaseModel):
url: HttpUrl
name: str"/images/multiple/")
async def create_multiple_images(images: list[Image]): # 纯列表请求体
return images
# 8 任意 dict 构成的请求体
请记住 JSON 仅支持将 str 作为键。
但是 Pydantic 具有自动转换数据的功能。
这意味着,即使你的 API 客户端只能将字符串作为键发送,只要这些字符串内容仅包含整数,Pydantic 就会对其进行转换并校验。
然后你接收的名为 weights 的 dict 实际上将具有 int 类型的键和 float 类型的值
async def create_index_weights(weights: dict[int, float]):
return weights
9 模式的额外信息和其他字段
from fastapi import FastAPI, Path, Query,Body
from typing import Annotated
from typing import Union
from pydantic import BaseModel ,Field,HttpUrl
from typing import List, Union
app = FastAPI()
# 1 Pydantic schema_extra
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
description: Union[str, None] = None
price: float
tax: Union[float, None] = None
# 这些额外的信息将按原样添加到输出的JSON模式中,作为api的提示
model_config = {
"json_schema_extra": {
"examples": [
"name": "Foo",
"description": "A very nice Item",
"price": 35.4,
"tax": 3.2,
async def update_item(item_id: int, item: Item):
results = {"item_id": item_id, "item": item}
return results
# 2 Field 的附加参数
## 在 Field, Path, Query, Body 和其他你之后将会看到的工厂函数,你可以为JSON 模式声明额外信息,你也可以通过给工厂函数传递其他的任意参数来给JSON 模式声明额外信息,比如增加 example
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str = Field(examples=["Foo"])
description: str | None = Field(default=None, examples=["A very nice Item"])
price: float = Field(examples=[35.4])
tax: float | None = Field(default=None, examples=[3.2])
async def update_item(item_id: int, item: Item):
results = {"item_id": item_id, "item": item}
return results
# 3 Body 额外参数
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
description: str | None = None
price: float
tax: float | None = None
async def update_item(
item_id: int,
item: Annotated[
"name": "Foo",
"description": "A very nice Item",
"price": 35.4,
"tax": 3.2,
results = {"item_id": item_id, "item": item}
return results
10 form表单
# pip install python-multipart
import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI,Form,Body
app = FastAPI()"/login/")
async def login(username: str = Form(), password: str = Form()):
return {"username": username}
if __name__ == '__main__':"form表单:app", port=8080)
11 文件上传
import uvicorn
from typing import List
from fastapi import FastAPI,Form,File,UploadFile
app = FastAPI()
# 小文件上传"/file/")
async def create_file(file: bytes = File()):
print(file) #字节流数据,小文件适合
with open('a.ini','wb') as f:
return {"file_size": len(file)}
# 大文件上传"/uploadfile/")
async def create_upload_file(file: UploadFile):
print(file) #文件句柄方式,适合大文件
# with open(file.filename,'wb') as f:
# data = await
# f.write(data)
with open(file.filename, "wb") as buffer:
while True:
data = await
if not data:
return {"filename": file.filename}
# 多文件上传"/files/")
async def create_files(files: List[bytes] = File()):
return {"file_sizes": [len(file) for file in files]}"/uploadfiles/")
async def create_upload_files(files: List[UploadFile]):
return {"filenames": [file.filename for file in files]}
if __name__ == '__main__':"s:app", host="", port=5000,reload=True)
12 Request对象
import uvicorn
from typing import List
from fastapi import FastAPI,Request
app = FastAPI()
# 小文件上传"/demo/{item_id}")
async def demo(item_id:int,request:Request,q:str=None):
# 1 cookie
# 2 header:user-agent
print(request.headers) # user-agent在里面
# 3 url
# 4 请求体数据
from starlette.requests import Request
# data = await request.body()
# data = await request.body()
data = await request.json()
# 5 客户端ip地址和端口
# 6 请求方式
return 'ok'
if __name__ == '__main__':"request对象:app", host="", port=5000,reload=True)
13 前端传的cookie和Header
# 1 基本使用
##3.9+ Annotated
from typing import Annotated, Union
from fastapi import Cookie, FastAPI,Request,Header
import uvicorn
app = FastAPI()
python 3.8 --没有Annotated
async def read_items(ads_id: Union[str, None]= Cookie(default=None)):
python 3.9 --有Annotated
async def read_items(ads_id: Annotated[Union[str, None], Cookie()] = None):
python 3.10 --有Annotated 有 |
async def read_items(ads_id: Annotated[str | None, Cookie()] = None):
async def read_items(ads_id: Annotated[Union[str, None], Cookie()] = None):
return {"ads_id": ads_id}
Cookie 、Path 、Query 是兄弟类,都继承自共用的 Param 类。
注意,从 fastapi 导入的 Query、Path、Cookie 等对象,实际上是返回特殊类的函数。
必须使用 Cookie 声明 cookie 参数,否则该参数会被解释为查询参数
# postman 访问,在请求头的cookie参数中写入 ads_id=9001
# 2 同样可以在request对象中取出来
async def read_items1(request:Request,ads_id: Annotated[Union[str, None], Cookie()] = None):
return {"ads_id": ads_id}
if __name__ == '__main__':"获取cookie:app", host="", port=5000,reload=True)
14 响应模型参数
import uvicorn
from typing import List,Union,Any
from pydantic import BaseModel,EmailStr
from fastapi import FastAPI,Form,File,UploadFile,Request
app = FastAPI()
# 1 响应跟传入的相同
class UserIn(BaseModel):
username: str
password: str
email: EmailStr
full_name: Union[str, None] = None
class UserOut(BaseModel):
username: str
email: EmailStr
full_name: Union[str, None] = None
# 2 不指定"/user/")
async def create_user(user: UserIn) -> UserIn:
return user
# 3 response_model 使用"/user2/",response_model=UserOut)
async def create_user(user: UserIn) -> Any:
return user
# 4 response_model_exclude_unset 使用 使用 response_model_exclude_unset 来仅返回显式设定的值
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
description: Union[str, None] = None
price: float
tax: float = 10.5
tags: List[str] = []
items = {
"foo": {"name": "Foo", "price": 50.2},
"bar": {"name": "Bar", "description": "The bartenders", "price": 62, "tax": 20.2},
"baz": {"name": "Baz", "description": None, "price": 50.2, "tax": 10.5, "tags": []},
@app.get("/items/{item_id}", response_model=Item, response_model_exclude_unset=True)
async def read_item(item_id: str):
return items[item_id]
# 5 还可以使用:
# '''
# response_model_exclude_defaults=True
# response_model_exclude_none=True
# response_model_include
# response_model_exclude
# '''
@app.get("/items1/{item_id}", response_model=Item, response_model_exclude=['name'])
async def read_item1(item_id: str):
return items[item_id]
if __name__ == '__main__':"响应模型参数:app", host="", port=5000,reload=True)
15 配置文件
15.1 settings.py方案
15.2 dotenv 方案
# 1 安装python-dotenv
# python-dotenv 是一个Python库,用于从文本文件中加载环境变量
pip3 install python-dotenv
# 2 安装pydantic_settings
pip3 install pydantic_settings
# 3 编写 .env
# -------- 服务配置信息 --------
# -------- 数据库配置 --------
# -------- redis配置 --------
# 4 编写配置模型
from pydantic import RedisDsn
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings
from dotenv import load_dotenv
class AppConfigSettings(BaseSettings):
app_port: int = 8080
app_env: str = "dev"
app_debug: bool = False
app_host: str
db_host: str
db_port: int
db_user: str
db_password: str
db_database: str
redis_dsn: RedisDsn = None
# 执行---》把 .env 中配置--》映射到 配置类中AppConfigSettings
# 实例化配置模型
appSettings = AppConfigSettings()
# 5 中使用
import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
from config import appSettings # 天然单例
async def root():
return {"message": "Hello World"}
if __name__ == '__main__':"配置文件:app",reload=True,port=appSettings.app_port,host=appSettings.app_host)
16 路由分发
# fastapi APIRouter--》路由分发--》目录划分
-1 实例化得到 APIRouter对象
-2 在app中注册
-3 以后写路径都用,APIRouter对象注册路径即可
1 小型项目
├── fastapi_x
├── src/ # 项目运行时/开发时日志目录 - 包
├── # 表模型
├── .env # 其他配置信息
├── # 脚本文件
└── # 配置文件
from fastapi import FastAPI
from src.home import home
from src.users import user
app = FastAPI()
if __name__ == '__main__':
import uvicorn'main:app',reload=True)
from pydantic import RedisDsn
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings
from dotenv import load_dotenv
class AppConfigSettings(BaseSettings):
app_port: int = 8080
app_env: str = "dev"
app_debug: bool = False
db_host: str
db_port: int
db_user: str
db_password: str
db_database: str
redis_dsn: RedisDsn = None
# 加载 .env 文件
# 实例化配置模型
settings = AppConfigSettings()
# -------- 服务配置信息 --------
# -------- 数据库配置 --------
# -------- redis配置 --------
from fastapi import APIRouter
from settings import settings
home = APIRouter()
async def root():
return {"message":settings.db_database}
async def say_hello(name: str):
return {"message": f"Hello {name}"}
from fastapi import APIRouter
user = APIRouter()
async def root():
return {"message": "返回所有用户"}
2 大型项目
├── fastapi_x
├── apps/ # 项目运行时/开发时日志目录 - 包
├── home/
├── users/
├── .env # 其他配置信息
├── # 脚本文件
└── # 配置文件
17 中间件
import asyncio
import time
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
app = FastAPI()
# @app.middleware("http")
# async def add_process_time_header(request: Request, call_next):
# # 1 统计时间---》process_request
# start_time = time.time()
# # 2 继续执行下面的中间件---》继续执行视图函数
# response = await call_next(request)
# # 3 视图函数执行完,取了时间--》process_response
# process_time = time.time() - start_time
# response.headers["X-Process-Time"] = str(process_time)
# return response
# 请求头中必须带token,如果不带,直接返回
async def add_process_time_header(request: Request, call_next):
token = request.headers.get('token', None)
if token:
response = await call_next(request)
return response
return JSONResponse({'code': 101, 'msg': '没有携带token'})
async def index():
await asyncio.sleep(1) # 模拟io
return 'index'
if __name__ == '__main__':
import uvicorn'中间件:app', reload=True, port=8888)
18 cors
import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
app = FastAPI()
origins = [
allow_origins='*', # * 表示所有
async def main():
return {"message": "Hello World"}
if __name__ == '__main__':"cors:app", host="", port=5000,reload=True)
19 模板和静态文件
import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.requests import Request
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
app = FastAPI()
# 静态文件
app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory="static"))
# 模板
templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="templates")
def index(request: Request):
context = {
'request': request,
'name': 'lqz',
"age": 19,
"hobby": ["篮球", "足球"],
"info": {
"city": "上海",
"address": "浦东"
return templates.TemplateResponse('index.html', context)
if __name__ == '__main__':"静态文件和模板:app", host="", port=5000,reload=True)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<h1>{{name}} ({{age}})</h1>
{% for item in hobby%}
{% endfor %}
{% for k,v in info.items()%}
{% endfor %}
<img src="/static/demo.png" style="width: 200px;">
20 ORM
# 0 官方文档:sqlalchemy,普遍用tortoise更多一些
# 1 文档
# github:
# 文档:
# 2 安装
pip3 install tortoise-orm[asyncmy]
from tortoise import Model,fields
class Publish(Model):
id = fields.IntField(primary_key=True)
name = fields.CharField(max_length=255)
addr = fields.CharField(max_length=255)
def __str__(self):
class Book(Model):
id = fields.IntField(primary_key=True)
name = fields.CharField(max_length=255)
publish = fields.ForeignKeyField('models.Publish', related_name='book')
authors = fields.ManyToManyField('models.Author', related_name='books', through='author_book')
def __str__(self):
class Author(Model):
id = fields.IntField(primary_key=True)
name = fields.CharField(max_length=255)
def __str__(self):
from fastapi import FastAPI
from apps.home.views import home
from apps.order.views import order
from tortoise.contrib.fastapi import register_tortoise
from settings import TORTOISE_ORM
app = FastAPI()
# register_tortoise(app,
# db_url="mysql://root:123@",
# modules={"models": ["apps.home.models","apps.order.models"]}, # models列表路径
# )
'connections': {
'default': {
# 'engine': 'tortoise.backends.asyncpg', PostgreSQL
'engine': 'tortoise.backends.mysql', # MySQL or Mariadb
'credentials': {
'host': '',
'port': '3306',
'user': 'root',
'password': '123',
'database': 'fastapi',
'minsize': 1,
'maxsize': 5,
'charset': 'utf8mb4',
"echo": True
# "connections": {"default": "mysql://root:1234@"},
'apps': {
'models': {
# models:models 找到对应自定义的
'models': ['apps.home.models','apps.order.models', "aerich.models"], # aerich.models迁移模型
'default_connection': 'default',
'use_tz': False,
'timezone': 'Asia/Shanghai'
# 0 pip3 install aerich
# 1. 打开命令行,切换到项目根目录
cd 项目
# 2. 初始化配置项
aerich init -t settings.TORTOISE_ORM
#· pyproject.toml: 保存配置文件路径
#. migrations:存放.sql迁移文件
# 3. 初始化数据库,一般情况下只用一次
aerich init-db
#· 如果TORTOISE_ORM配置文件中的models改了名,执行这条命令时需要增加--app参数,来指定你修改的名字。
#· 在migrations的指定app目录下生成sql文件(如果model不为空时),并在数据库中生成表。
# 4. 更新模型并进行迁移---更新使用
aerich migrate --name any_name
#· 每次修改model后执行此命令,将在migrations文件夹下生成.sql迁移文件;
#· --name参数为你的迁移文件添加备注,默认为update;
#· 迁移文件名的格式为{version_num}{datetime}{any_name|update}.sql;
#· 如果aerich识别到您正在重命名列,它会要求重命名{old_column}为{new_column} [True],您可以选择True
# 重命名列而不删除列,或者选择False删除列然后创建,如果使用Mysql,只有8.0+支持重命名。
# 5. 更新最新修改到数据库
aerich upgrade 或aerich upgrade [xxx.sql]
# 6. 后续每次修改models文件内容(新增、删除或修改数据模型, 非models文件重命名),只需执行步骤4、5即可.
# 7. 其它操作
# 降级到指定版本
aerich downgrade -v 指定版本 -d 降级的同时删除迁移文件 --yes 确认删除,不再交互式输入
# 显示当前可以迁移的版本
aerich heads
# 显示迁移历史
aerich history
# 查询所有
# books = await Book.all()
# 过滤
# books = await Book.filter(name='红楼')
# 模糊查询
# books = await Book.filter(name__contains='红')
# books = await Book.filter(id__gt=1).all()
# 查询值
# books = await Book.filter(name='红楼').values('name', 'id')
# 获取单个对象
# book = await Book.get(name='红楼')
# 多对多查询
books = await Book.filter(book__publish__name="北京出版社").values('name')
# 一对多查询
# books = await Book.filter(book__authors__name='张三').values('name')
# 多对多查询
books = await Book.filter(authors__name="张三").values('name')
# 一对多查询
books = await Book.filter(publish__name="北京出版社").values('name')
# 方式一
book = Book(name='西游记', publish_id=1)
# 方式二
book = await Book.create(name='三国演义', publish_id=2)
# 多对多关系
book = await Book.get(name='三国演义')
publish = await Publish.get(name='北京出版社')
await book.publish.add(publish)
# 方式一
book = await Book.get(name='红楼') = '红楼1'
# 方式二
await Book.filter(name='红楼').update(name='红楼梦')
# 方式一
book = await Book.get(name='红楼')
await book.delete()
# 方式二
await Book.filter(name='红楼').delete()
21 websocket
from fastapi import FastAPI, WebSocket,Request
from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
import uvicorn
app = FastAPI()
# 静态文件
app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory="static"))
# 模板
templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="templates")
html = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>WebSocket Chat</h1>
<form action="" onsubmit="sendMessage(event)">
<input type="text" id="messageText" autocomplete="off"/>
<ul id='messages'>
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8001/ws");
ws.onmessage = function(event) {
var messages = document.getElementById('messages')
var message = document.createElement('li')
var content = document.createTextNode(
function sendMessage(event) {
var input = document.getElementById("messageText")
input.value = ''
async def get():
return HTMLResponse(html)
def index(request:Request):
return templates.TemplateResponse('websocket.html',context)
async def websocket_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket):
await websocket.accept()
while True:
data = await websocket.receive_text()
await websocket.send_text(f"Message text was: {data}")
if __name__ == '__main__':"websocket:app", host="", port=8001,reload=True)
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