' 函数名称: InsertFromTable(datasource,fold,sheet,row)
' 作用:  从excell表中插入数据到指定的数据表
' 参数说明: datasource: 指定的数据库名称
'                           fold: excell文件目录
'                          sheet: 指定的sheet,sheet名称为数据表的名称
'                          '      row= all ,那么插入该sheet下的所有行数据
                           '      row =2 ,3等序数,则插入数据指定的行数
Sub InsertFromTable(datasource,fold,sheet,row)
     Set excell = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
  excell.Visible = false
  col = excell.worksheets(sheet).UsedRange.columns.count
  If row = "all" Then
      rows = excell.WorkSheets(sheet).UsedRange.Rows.Count
       For indexi = 2 to rows
        strSql = ""
        For indexj = 1 to col
        If indexj = col Then
         strSql = strSql +"'" +  CStr(excell.Cells(indexi, indexj).Text) + "'"
         strSql = strSql + "'" +  CStr(excell.Cells(indexi, indexj).Text) + "',"
        End If
        sql = "insert into " + sheet +  " values(" + strSql + ")"
        Call InsertOne(datasource,sql)
      For index = 1 to col
       If index = col Then
        strSql = strSql +"'" +  CStr(excell.Cells(row, index).Text) + "'"
        strSql = strSql + "'" +  CStr(excell.Cells(row, index).Text) + "',"
       End If
        sql = "insert into AUCTION_BUYER_ANONY values(" + strSql + ")"
        Call InsertOne(datasource,sql)
     End If
End Sub
fold = "d:\test.xls"
call InsertFromTable(devdbc,fold,sheet,"all")