unity 编辑器模式下修改屏幕分辨率

前一段项目中有个需求要求点击按钮后横屏切换为竖屏,在移动设备上设置Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;就转过来了。但是在编辑器下转不过来。下面通过反射的方法改变编辑器窗口分辨率。



  2 using System;
  3 using System.Reflection;
  4 using UnityEditor;
  5 using UnityEngine;
  7 public static class GameViewUtils
  8 {
  9     static object gameViewSizesInstance;
 10     static MethodInfo getGroup;
 12     static GameViewUtils()
 13     {
 14         // gameViewSizesInstance  = ScriptableSingleton<GameViewSizes>.instance;
 15         var sizesType = typeof(Editor).Assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.GameViewSizes");
 16         var singleType = typeof(ScriptableSingleton<>).MakeGenericType(sizesType);
 17         var instanceProp = singleType.GetProperty("instance");
 18         getGroup = sizesType.GetMethod("GetGroup");
 19         gameViewSizesInstance = instanceProp.GetValue(null, null);
 20     }
 22     public enum GameViewSizeType
 23     {
 24         AspectRatio, FixedResolution
 25     }
 27     //[MenuItem("Test/AddSize")]
 28     //public static void AddTestSize()
 29     //{
 30     //    AddCustomSize(GameViewSizeType.AspectRatio, GameViewSizeGroupType.Standalone, 123, 456, "Test size");
 31     //}
 33     //[MenuItem("Test/SizeTextQuery")]
 34     //public static void SizeTextQueryTest()
 35     //{
 36     //    Debug.Log(SizeExists(GameViewSizeGroupType.Standalone, "Test size"));
 37     //}
 39     //[MenuItem("Test/Query16:9Test")]
 40     //public static void WidescreenQueryTest()
 41     //{
 42     //    Debug.Log(SizeExists(GameViewSizeGroupType.Standalone, "16:9"));
 43     //}
 45     //[MenuItem("Test/Set16:9")]
 46     //public static void SetWidescreenTest()
 47     //{
 48     //    SetSize(FindSize(GameViewSizeGroupType.Standalone, "16:9"));
 49     //}
 51     //[MenuItem("Test/SetTestSize")]
 52     //public static void SetTestSize()
 53     //{
 54     //    int idx = FindSize(GameViewSizeGroupType.Standalone, 123, 456);
 55     //    if (idx != -1)
 56     //        SetSize(idx);
 57     //}
 59     public static void SetSize(int index)
 60     {
 61         var gvWndType = typeof(Editor).Assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.GameView");
 62         var selectedSizeIndexProp = gvWndType.GetProperty("selectedSizeIndex",
 63                 BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
 64         var gvWnd = EditorWindow.GetWindow(gvWndType);
 65         selectedSizeIndexProp.SetValue(gvWnd, index, null);
 66     }
 68     [MenuItem("Test/SizeDimensionsQuery")]
 69     public static void SizeDimensionsQueryTest()
 70     {
 71         Debug.Log(SizeExists(GameViewSizeGroupType.Standalone, 123, 456));
 72     }
 74     public static void AddCustomSize(GameViewSizeType viewSizeType, GameViewSizeGroupType sizeGroupType, int width, int height, string text)
 75     {
 76         // GameViewSizes group = gameViewSizesInstance.GetGroup(sizeGroupTyge);
 77         // group.AddCustomSize(new GameViewSize(viewSizeType, width, height, text);
 79         var group = GetGroup(sizeGroupType);
 80         var addCustomSize = getGroup.ReturnType.GetMethod("AddCustomSize"); // or group.GetType().
 81         var gvsType = typeof(Editor).Assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.GameViewSize");
 82         var ctor = gvsType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(string) });
 83         var newSize = ctor.Invoke(new object[] { (int)viewSizeType, width, height, text });
 84         addCustomSize.Invoke(group, new object[] { newSize });
 85     }
 87     public static bool SizeExists(GameViewSizeGroupType sizeGroupType, string text)
 88     {
 89         return FindSize(sizeGroupType, text) != -1;
 90     }
 92     public static int FindSize(GameViewSizeGroupType sizeGroupType, string text)
 93     {
 94         // GameViewSizes group = gameViewSizesInstance.GetGroup(sizeGroupType);
 95         // string[] texts = group.GetDisplayTexts();
 96         // for loop...
 98         var group = GetGroup(sizeGroupType);
 99         var getDisplayTexts = group.GetType().GetMethod("GetDisplayTexts");
100         var displayTexts = getDisplayTexts.Invoke(group, null) as string[];
101         for (int i = 0; i < displayTexts.Length; i++)
102         {
103             string display = displayTexts[i];
104             // the text we get is "Name (W:H)" if the size has a name, or just "W:H" e.g. 16:9
105             // so if we're querying a custom size text we substring to only get the name
106             // You could see the outputs by just logging
107             // Debug.Log(display);
108             int pren = display.IndexOf('(');
109             if (pren != -1)
110                 display = display.Substring(0, pren - 1); // -1 to remove the space that's before the prens. This is very implementation-depdenent
111             if (display == text)
112                 return i;
113         }
114         return -1;
115     }
117     public static bool SizeExists(GameViewSizeGroupType sizeGroupType, int width, int height)
118     {
119         return FindSize(sizeGroupType, width, height) != -1;
120     }
122     public static int FindSize(GameViewSizeGroupType sizeGroupType, int width, int height)
123     {
124         // goal:
125         // GameViewSizes group = gameViewSizesInstance.GetGroup(sizeGroupType);
126         // int sizesCount = group.GetBuiltinCount() + group.GetCustomCount();
127         // iterate through the sizes via group.GetGameViewSize(int index)
129         var group = GetGroup(sizeGroupType);
130         var groupType = group.GetType();
131         var getBuiltinCount = groupType.GetMethod("GetBuiltinCount");
132         var getCustomCount = groupType.GetMethod("GetCustomCount");
133         int sizesCount = (int)getBuiltinCount.Invoke(group, null) + (int)getCustomCount.Invoke(group, null);
134         var getGameViewSize = groupType.GetMethod("GetGameViewSize");
135         var gvsType = getGameViewSize.ReturnType;
136         var widthProp = gvsType.GetProperty("width");
137         var heightProp = gvsType.GetProperty("height");
138         var indexValue = new object[1];
139         for (int i = 0; i < sizesCount; i++)
140         {
141             indexValue[0] = i;
142             var size = getGameViewSize.Invoke(group, indexValue);
143             int sizeWidth = (int)widthProp.GetValue(size, null);
144             int sizeHeight = (int)heightProp.GetValue(size, null);
145             if (sizeWidth == width && sizeHeight == height)
146                 return i;
147         }
148         return -1;
149     }
151     static object GetGroup(GameViewSizeGroupType type)
152     {
153         return getGroup.Invoke(gameViewSizesInstance, new object[] { (int)type });
154     }
156     //[MenuItem("Test/LogCurrentGroupType")]
157     //public static void LogCurrentGroupType()
158     //{
159     //    Debug.Log(GetCurrentGroupType());
160     //}
161     public static GameViewSizeGroupType GetCurrentGroupType()
162     {
163         var getCurrentGroupTypeProp = gameViewSizesInstance.GetType().GetProperty("currentGroupType");
164         return (GameViewSizeGroupType)(int)getCurrentGroupTypeProp.GetValue(gameViewSizesInstance, null);
165     }
166     public static void switchOrientation()
167     {
168         int width = Screen.height;
169         int height = Screen.width;
170         int index = FindSize(GetCurrentGroupType(), width, height);
171         if (index == -1)
172         {
173             AddCustomSize(GameViewSizeType.FixedResolution, GetCurrentGroupType(), width, height, "");
174             index = FindSize(GetCurrentGroupType(), width, height);
175         }
176         if (index != -1)
177         {
178             SetSize(index);
179         }
180         else
181         {
182             Debug.LogError("switchOrientation failed, can not find or add resoulution for " + width.ToString() + "*" + height.ToString());
183         }
184     }
185 }
186 #endif


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