Android 8.1 关机充电动画(一)模式选择

system:Android 8.1

Android 8.1 关机充电动画(一)模式选择
Android 8.1 关机充电动画(二)Uboot模式
Android 8.1 关机充电动画(三)Android模式






rockchip,uboot-charge-on = <0>; ,rockchip,android-charge-on = <1>; 这两个属性用于选择后续的程序会进入到哪一种模式工作,后面在代码中会加以区分。

	charge-animation {
		compatible = "rockchip,uboot-charge";
		rockchip,uboot-charge-on = <0>; // 是否在U-Boot进行充电
		rockchip,android-charge-on = <1>; // 是否在Android进行充电
		rockchip,uboot-exit-charge-level = <5>; // U-Boot充电时,允许开机的最低电量
		rockchip,uboot-exit-charge-voltage = <3600>; // U-Boot充电时,允许开机的最低电压
		rockchip,screen-on-voltage = <3400>; // U-Boot充电时,允许点亮屏幕的最低电压
		rockchip,uboot-low-power-voltage = <3350>; // U-Boot无条件强制进入充电模式的最低电压
		rockchip,system-suspend = <0>; // 灭屏时进入trust进行低功耗待机
		rockchip,auto-off-screen-interval = <10>;// 亮屏超时后自动灭屏,单位秒。(如果没有这个属性,则默认15s)
		rockchip,auto-wakeup-interval = <0>; // 休眠自动唤醒时间,单位秒。(如果值为0或没有这个属性,则禁止休眠自动唤醒)
		rockchip,auto-wakeup-screen-invert = <0>; // 休眠自动唤醒的时候,是否让屏幕产生亮/灭效果
		status = "okay";


可以定位到u-boot/drivers/power/charge_animation.c,目前只分析一下函数static int charge_animation_show(struct udevice *dev),具体代码见最后的附录

 1. Extrem low power charge?
 2. Preboot cmd?
 3. Valid boot mode?
 4. U-Boot charge enabled by dts config?
 5. Screen off before charge?
 6. Enter charge !

分别是1 检测低电量2 检测启动命令3 检测启动模式4 检测设备树配置,这四项检测如果不符合会直接return,然后无法成功进入6 Enter charge的状态。具体的可以在代码里面慢慢看,至于第五点,不太清楚了。这里先把第四点的部分相关的代码抠出来,如下:

	/* charge mode */
	pdata->uboot_charge =
		dev_read_u32_default(dev, "rockchip,uboot-charge-on", 0);
	pdata->android_charge =
		dev_read_u32_default(dev, "rockchip,android-charge-on", 0);

	/* Enter android charge, set property for kernel */
	if (pdata->android_charge) {
		env_update("bootargs", "androidboot.mode=charger");
	/* Not enable U-Boot charge, exit */
	if (!pdata->uboot_charge) {
		debug("exit charge, due to not enable uboot charge\n");
		return 0;


  1. uboot_charge如果在设备树里配置为开启,则无法进入Android 关机充电模式了,然后最终程序会进入到while(1)不断循环显示充电动画,检测到相应事件动作之后才会退出充电进入系统,或者掉电关机;
  2. android_charge在设备树中设置开启,并且 uboot_charge设置为关闭的情况下,会设置内核的启动参数env_update("bootargs", "androidboot.mode=charger"),之后uboot会启动内核,并传参数给内核,告诉他,要进入Android关机充电的模式





static int charge_animation_show(struct udevice *dev)
	struct charge_animation_pdata *pdata = dev_get_platdata(dev);
	struct charge_animation_priv *priv = dev_get_priv(dev);
	const struct charge_image *image = priv->image;
	struct udevice *pmic = priv->pmic;
	struct udevice *fg = priv->fg;
	const char *preboot = env_get("preboot");
	int image_num = priv->image_num;
	bool ever_lowpower_screen_off = false;
	bool screen_on = true;
	ulong show_start = 0, charge_start = 0, debug_start = 0;
	ulong delta;
	ulong ms = 0, sec = 0;
	int start_idx = 0, show_idx = -1, old_show_idx = IMAGE_SHOW_RESET;
	int soc, voltage, current, key_state;
	int i, charging = 1, ret;
	int boot_mode;
	int first_poll_fg = 1;

 * Check sequence:
 * 1. Extrem low power charge?
 * 2. Preboot cmd?
 * 3. Valid boot mode?
 * 4. U-Boot charge enabled by dts config?
 * 5. Screen off before charge?
 * 6. Enter charge !
	if (!fuel_gauge_bat_is_exist(fg)) {
		printf("Exit charge: battery is not exist\n");
		return 0;

	/* Extrem low power charge */
	ret = charge_extrem_low_power(dev);
	if (ret < 0) {
		printf("extrem low power charge failed, ret=%d\n", ret);
		return ret;

	/* If there is preboot command, exit */
	if (preboot && !strstr(preboot, "dvfs")) {
		printf("Exit charge: due to preboot cmd '%s'\n", preboot);
		return 0;

	/* Not valid charge mode, exit */
	boot_mode = rockchip_get_boot_mode();
	if ((boot_mode != BOOT_MODE_CHARGING) &&
	    (boot_mode != BOOT_MODE_UNDEFINE)) {
		printf("Exit charge: due to boot mode\n");
		return 0;

	/* Not charger online, exit */
	charging = fuel_gauge_get_chrg_online(fg);
	if (charging <= 0) {
		printf("Exit charge: due to charger offline\n");
		return 0;

	/* Enter android charge, set property for kernel */
	if (pdata->android_charge) {
		env_update("bootargs", "androidboot.mode=charger");
		printf("Android charge mode\n");

	/* Not enable U-Boot charge, exit */
	if (!pdata->uboot_charge) {
		printf("Exit charge: due to not enable uboot charge\n");
		return 0;

	voltage = fuel_gauge_get_voltage(fg);
	if (voltage < 0) {
		printf("get voltage failed: %d\n", voltage);
		return -EINVAL;

	/* If low power, turn off screen */
	if (voltage <= pdata->screen_on_voltage + 50) {
		screen_on = false;
		ever_lowpower_screen_off = true;

	/* Auto wakeup */
	if (pdata->auto_wakeup_interval) {
		printf("Auto wakeup: %dS\n", pdata->auto_wakeup_interval);
		autowakeup_timer_init(dev, pdata->auto_wakeup_interval);

/* Give a message warning when CONFIG_IRQ is not enabled */
	printf("Enter U-Boot charging mode\n");
	printf("Enter U-Boot charging mode(without IRQ)\n");

	charge_start = get_timer(0);
	delta = get_timer(0);

	/* Charging ! */
	while (1) {
		 * At the most time, fuel gauge is usually a i2c device, we
		 * should avoid read/write all the time. We had better set
		 * poll seconds to update fuel gauge info.
		if (!first_poll_fg && get_timer(delta) < FUEL_GAUGE_POLL_MS)
			goto show_images;

		delta = get_timer(0);

		debug("step1 (%d)... \n", screen_on);

		 * Most fuel gauge is I2C interface, it shouldn't be interrupted
		 * during tansfer. The power key event depends on interrupt, so
		 * so we should disable local irq when update fuel gauge.

		/* Step1: Is charging now ? */
		charging = fuel_gauge_get_chrg_online(fg);
		if (charging <= 0) {
			printf("Not charging, online=%d. Shutdown...\n",

			/* wait uart flush before shutdown */

			/* PMIC shutdown */

			printf("Cpu should never reach here, shutdown failed !\n");

		debug("step2 (%d)... show_idx=%d\n", screen_on, show_idx);

		/* Step2: get soc and voltage */
		soc = fuel_gauge_get_soc(fg);
		if (soc < 0 || soc > 100) {
			printf("get soc failed: %d\n", soc);

		voltage = fuel_gauge_get_voltage(fg);
		if (voltage < 0) {
			printf("get voltage failed: %d\n", voltage);

		current = fuel_gauge_get_current(fg);
		if (current == -ENOSYS) {
			printf("get current failed: %d\n", current);
		first_poll_fg = 0;


		 * Just for debug, otherwise there will be nothing output which
		 * is not good to know what happen.
		if (!debug_start)
			debug_start = get_timer(0);
		if (get_timer(debug_start) > 20000) {
			debug_start = get_timer(0);
			printf("[%8ld]: soc=%d%%, vol=%dmv, c=%dma, online=%d, screen_on=%d\n",
			       get_timer(0)/1000, soc, voltage,
			       current, charging, screen_on);

		 * If ever lowpower screen off, force screen_on=false, which
		 * means key event can't modify screen_on, only voltage higher
		 * then threshold can update screen_on=true;
		if (ever_lowpower_screen_off)
			screen_on = false;

		 * Auto turn on screen when voltage higher than Vol screen on.
		 * 'ever_lowpower_screen_off' means enter while loop with
		 * screen off.
		if ((ever_lowpower_screen_off) &&
		    (voltage > pdata->screen_on_voltage)) {
			ever_lowpower_screen_off = false;
			screen_on = true;
			show_idx = IMAGE_SHOW_RESET;

		 * IMAGE_SHOW_RESET means show_idx show be update by start_idx.
		 * When short key pressed event trigged, we will set show_idx
		 * as IMAGE_SHOW_RESET which updates images index from start_idx
		 * that calculate by current soc.
		if (show_idx == IMAGE_SHOW_RESET) {
			for (i = 0; i < image_num - 2; i++) {
				/* Find out which image we start to show */
				if ((soc >= image[i].soc) &&
				    (soc < image[i + 1].soc)) {
					start_idx = i;

				if (soc >= 100) {
					start_idx = image_num - 2;

			debug("%s: show_idx=%d, screen_on=%d\n",
			      __func__, show_idx, screen_on);

			/* Mark start index and start time */
			show_idx = start_idx;
			show_start = get_timer(0);

		debug("step3 (%d)... show_idx=%d\n", screen_on, show_idx);

		/* Step3: show images */
		if (screen_on) {
			/* Don't call 'charge_show_bmp' unless image changed */
			if (old_show_idx != show_idx) {
				old_show_idx = show_idx;
				debug("SHOW: %s\n", image[show_idx].name);
			/* Re calculate timeout to off screen */
			if (priv->auto_screen_off_timeout == 0)
				priv->auto_screen_off_timeout = get_timer(0);
		} else {
			priv->auto_screen_off_timeout = 0;



		/* Every image shows period */
		if (get_timer(show_start) > image[show_idx].period) {
			show_start = get_timer(0);
			/* Update to next image */
			if (show_idx > (image_num - 2))
				show_idx = IMAGE_SHOW_RESET;

		debug("step4 (%d)... \n", screen_on);

		 * Step4: check key event.
		 * Short key event: turn on/off screen;
		 * Long key event: show logo and boot system or still charging.
		key_state = check_key_press(dev);
		if (key_state == KEY_PRESS_DOWN) {
			old_show_idx = IMAGE_SHOW_RESET;

			/* NULL means show nothing, ie. turn off screen */
			if (screen_on)

			 * Clear current image index, and show image
			 * from start_idx
			show_idx = IMAGE_SHOW_RESET;

			 * We turn off screen by charge_show_bmp(NULL), so we
			 * should tell while loop to stop show images any more.
			 * If screen_on=false, means this short key pressed
			 * event turn on the screen and we need show images.
			 * If screen_on=true, means this short key pressed
			 * event turn off the screen and we never show images.
			if (screen_on)
				screen_on = false;
				screen_on = true;
		} else if (key_state == KEY_PRESS_LONG_DOWN) {
			/* Only long pressed while screen off needs screen_on true */
			if (!screen_on)
				screen_on = true;

			/* Is able to boot now ? */
			if (soc < pdata->exit_charge_level) {
				printf("soc=%d%%, threshold soc=%d%%\n",
				       soc, pdata->exit_charge_level);
				printf("Low power, unable to boot, charging...\n");
				show_idx = image_num - 1;

			if (voltage < pdata->exit_charge_voltage) {
				printf("voltage=%dmv, threshold voltage=%dmv\n",
				       voltage, pdata->exit_charge_voltage);
				printf("Low power, unable to boot, charging...\n");
				show_idx = image_num - 1;

			/* Success exit charging */
			printf("Exit charge animation...\n");
		} else {
			/* Do nothing */

		debug("step5 (%d)... \n", screen_on);

		/* Step5: Exit by ctrl+c */
		if (ctrlc()) {
			if (voltage >= pdata->screen_on_voltage)
			printf("Exit charge, due to ctrl+c\n");

	if (pdata->auto_wakeup_interval)

	ms = get_timer(charge_start);
	if (ms >= 1000) {
		sec = ms / 1000;
		ms = ms % 1000;

	printf("charging time total: %lu.%lus, soc=%d%%, vol=%dmv\n",
	       sec, ms, soc, voltage);

	return 0;
posted @ 2019-04-10 19:36  小麦大叔  阅读(1534)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报