sql002 存储过程

CREATE OR REPLACE Procedure SP_GETSUMMARY_SUCKERROD(well in varchar2,kgsj in varchar2,p_cursor  out ego.cursorType)
open p_cursor for
select a.JH,a.KGRQ,replace(decode(a.XH,'',MC,a.XH),'HS','活塞')as xh,MC,b.SD,GG,CD,XJRQ,
 SCCJ , GJ , KX , FZQSL , FZQLX , BZ ,LWLX, DM from (
 select decode(xh1,'',xh,xh1) as xh,JH,KGRQ,SD from (
 select  (case  when xh in (select min(to_number(xh)) as xh from ddb041 where
 jh=well and KGRQ=to_date(kgsj,'yyyy-mm-dd') group by GG ) then 'φ'||GG end)as xh1,
from ddb041 where  jh=well and KGRQ=to_date(kgsj,'yyyy-mm-dd')
group by gg,JH,KGRQ,SD, XH
order by sd
))a,ddb041 b where a.jh=b.jh and a.KGRQ=b.Kgrq and a.sd=b.sd order by a.sd;
posted @ 2011-10-25 10:42  居后不争  阅读(12332)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报