英语 2023-3-6

Television,since its first prevalence over radio in the 1950s,
has played a more and more important role in people's lives,
As a matter of fact,it has become so much a part of human
life that a modern world without television is unimaginable.

Some people even say that life without television is not worth
living. But some,on the other hand,argue aginst TV.They
think TV is taking up too much of a person's time and making
him lazy, not to mention its harmful influence upon him.The
author of this article,for example, is raising his voice aginst
TV, urging viewers to turn off thier sets and enjoy a precious
quiet hour, and hour without the distraction of TV.
This article was first published in Newsweek in 1976.

Many people in the United States spend most of thier free time
watching television. Certainly, there are many worthwhile programs
on television,including news, educational programs for children,
programs on current social problems, plays, movies, concerts,
and so on. Nevertheless, perhaps people should not be spending
so much of thier time in front of the TV. Mr. Mayer imagines what
we might do if we were forced to find other activities.

On evenings when such talk is unnecessary, families could rediscover
more active pastimes(消遣), Freed(解放) from TV,forced to find thier
own activities, they might take a ride together to watch the sunset.
Or they might take a walk together(remember feet?) and see the
neighborhood with fresh, new eyes.(用全新的视角去看看周围的世界)

With free time and no TV, children and adults might rediscover reading.
There is more entertainment in a good book than in a month of typical
TV programming.

Educators report that the generation growing up with television can barely
write an English sentence,even at the college level.Writing is often learned
from reading. A more literate new generation could be a product of the
quiet hour.

A different form of reading might also be done, as it was in the past:
reading aloud. Few pastimes bring a family closer to together than gathering
around and listening to mother or father read a good story.
The quiet hour could become the story hour. When the quiet hour ends, the
TV networks might even be forced to come up with better shows in order
to get us back from our newly discovered activities.

At first glance, the idea of an hour without TV seems radical(根本的,彻底的;激进的,极端的).
What will parents do without the electronic baby-sitter?How will
we spend the time ?

But it is not radical at all. It has been only twenty-five years since television
came to control American free time. Those of us thirty-five and older can
remember childhoods without television, spent partly with radio -- which at
least(一点儿;最少的(little 的最高级);最微不足道的) involved the listener's
imagination -- but also with reading,learning,talking,playing games, Inventing(发明创造) new activities. It wasn't that difficult. Honest. The truth is we had a ball.


worthwhile: sufficiently valuable or important to justify the expenditure or effort

This book is worthwhile the money.

I think it is a worthwhile job.

This T-shirt is worth 100 yuan.

This novel is worth reading.

She is making a worthwhile business.

propose 约等于 suggest

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