Java NIO2
DatagramChannel If you want to receive datagrams at a certain local port number you have to bind to that local port number. If you only want to receive from a certain remote address/port number you can connect to that remote address/port. If you want to receive from anybody, don't connect. But you always have to bind to the local port the remotes are sending to.
note that all asynchronous channels initiate I/O operations (does not block the application toperform other tasks) and provide notifications when I/O completes. This rule is the foundation ofasynchronous channels, and from it derives the entire asynchronous channel API.
To begin our discussion of the asynchronous I/O big picture, we’ll look at forms. All asynchronous
I/O operations have one of two forms:
• Pending result
• Complete result
在比较这两个模式之前,我们首先的搞明白几个概念,什么是阻塞和非阻塞,什么是同步和异步,同步和异步是针对应用程序和内核的交互而言的,同步指的是用户进程触发IO操作并等待或者轮询的去查看IO操作是否就绪,而异步是指用户进程触发IO操作以后便开始做自己的事情,而当IO操作已经完成的时候会得到IO完成的通知(异步的特点就是通知)。 而阻塞和非阻塞是针对于进程在访问数据的时候,根据IO操作的就绪状态来采取的不同方式,说白了是一种读取或者写入操作函数的实现方式,阻塞方式下读取或者写入函数将一直等待,而非阻塞方式下,读取或者写入函数会立即返回一个状态值。