upgrade steps
3 solr instance :solr1/solr2/solr3
2 collection:collection_company/collection_user
original config[ATALINA_OPTS="-verbose:gc -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:logs/gc -DzkHost=,, -DhostPort=8800 -DnumShards=1"]
1. upload new cofigs to ZooKeeper
2. upgrade solr1(current solr1 is master)
shutdown solr1 (solr3 is recoverying when solr1 is down)
upgrade solr1
replase solr.war with new version /replace shared jars under SOLR_HOME/lib
create core.properties in each collection and let the file empty
config the startup params (make sure 1.load solr.xml from zookeeper 2.we have node_name needed params)
[CATALINA_OPTS="-verbose:gc -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:logs/gc -Dsolr.solrxml.location=zookeeper -Dhost= -DhostContext=solr1 -DzkHost=localhost:2181,localhost:2281,localhost:2381 -DhostPort=8800 -DnumShards=1"]
remvoe solr.xml from SOLR_HOME of solr1
startup solr1
3. upgrade solr3 (current solr2 is master)
no recovery
4. upgrade solr2(current solr2 is master)
solr 3 is recovery
restart solr2 when all the collections are active
upgrade solr index
5.upgrade index of solr1(master)
optimize collection_company
unload collection_user in solr 3
java -cp /home/andy/work/servers/231/tomcat-solr/work/Catalina/localhost/solr1/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-core-4.6.0.jar org.apache.lucene.index.IndexUpgrader -verbose /solr/index/dir
[add core] for collection_user in the solr3
unload collection_user in solr 1 and solr2
remove collection_user in the SOLR_HOME of solr1 and solr2
[add core] for collection_user in the solr1 and solr2