FreeMarker grammer

1. Map

Render the values of a Map

The following code snippet shows how to get the values of a Map (e.g. HashMap) from within a Freemarker template.

<#assign m = myMap>
<#assign values = m?values>
     <#list values as myObject>
Render the keys of a Map

You can do a similar thing with the keys of a map as shown below.

<#assign m = myMap>
<#assign keys = m?keys>
     <#list keys as key>

<#foreach friendId in entry.commonFriends>
//friendId 是int类型
<#if results.commonFriendsProfileMap[friendId?string]??>

//friendId?string 将int转为string类型,commonFriendsProfileMap的value值为一个对象


<#assign pageStart=results.listPageStart>
<#assign pageEnd=results.listPageEnd>
<#list pageStart..pageEnd as index>
<#if results.currentPage == index>


<#list entry.object.skills as skill>
<#if skill_index &lt; 3 >
${skill.skill_name} |${skill.skill_level}


3. if else 

<#if entry.count &gt; 1000>
<#elseif entry.count ==2>



posted on 2013-07-31 11:40  ukouryou  阅读(182)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
