Get Started

What would you do?

When Jessica took over the department, she turned to Mary, her mentor and boss, for support. On several occasions, Jessica asked Mary where she saw the department going. Each time Mary would make a vague comment or suggestion and then turn the question around, and ask her—"Where do you see the department going?"

Jessica became increasingly frustrated with this response.

Mary was the boss, the person with the grand vision. Why wouldn't she tell Jessica what she was supposed to be doing?

What would you do?

Mary is purposefully being vague and not answering Jessica's question because it's Jessica's job, as a new leader, to create the vision and direction for her department.

Jessica needs to think about where she sees her group going, what it will take to get there, and how this fits into the company's overall strategy. The vision that Jessica arrives at will be her most important motivational tool, and will help her to align resources and to keep people focused on the tasks at hand.

In this topic, you'll understand what makes an effective leader, as well as learn how to create a vision and motivate others to do their best.


As a leader, it's your job to craft your team's vision—and then motivate team members to attain that vision. But where do you begin?


Topic Objectives

This topic helps you:

  • Distinguish between managing and leading
  • Recognize the skills and characteristics of leaders
  • Understand that leaders use different styles
  • Create an inspiring vision and align people to achieve it
  • Understand what motivates people, and how to foster an inspiring work environment
  • Learn techniques for energizing problem employees


posted on 2013-03-14 15:08  ukouryou  阅读(266)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
