1 2 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件———————— 3 from config import settings 4 import importlib 5 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件———————— 6 7 # ————————01CMDB获取服务器基本信息———————— 8 from src.plugins.basic import BasicPlugin 9 10 def get_server_info(hostname=None): 11 """ 12 获取服务器基本信息 13 :param hostname: agent模式时,hostname为空;salt或ssh模式时,hostname表示要连接的远程服务器 14 :return: 15 """ 16 response = BasicPlugin(hostname).execute()#获取基本信息 17 """ 18 class BaseResponse(object): 19 def __init__(self): 20 self.status = True 21 self.message = None 22 = None 23 self.error = None 24 """ 25 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件———————— 26 if not response.status:#获取基本信息出错 27 return response 28 # 如果基本信息获取完没有出错,就去获取其他硬件信息 29 for k, v in settings.PLUGINS_DICT.items(): # 采集硬件数据的插件 30 #k是名字 V是路径 #'cpu': 'src.plugins.cpu.CpuPlugin', 31 module_path, cls_name = v.rsplit('.', 1) #rsplit() 方法通过指定分隔符对字符串进行分割并返回一个列表 32 cls = getattr(importlib.import_module(module_path), cls_name)#反射 #动态导入 33 obj = cls(hostname).execute()# 去执行 .py文件 34[k] = obj #在字典前 添加 执行 .py文件 的名字 35 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件———————— 36 37 return response 38 39 if __name__ == '__main__': 40 ret = get_server_info() 41 # ————————01CMDB获取服务器基本信息————————
1 2 # ————————01CMDB获取服务器基本信息———————— 3 import os 4 5 BASEDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))##当前路径 6 7 # 采集资产的方式,选项有:agent(默认), salt, ssh 8 MODE = 'agent' 9 10 # ————————01CMDB获取服务器基本信息———————— 11 12 # ————————02CMDB将服务器基本信息提交到API接口———————— 13 # 资产信息API 14 ASSET_API = "" 15 # ————————02CMDB将服务器基本信息提交到API接口———————— 16 17 # ————————03CMDB信息安全API接口交互认证———————— 18 # 用于API认证的KEY 19 KEY = '299095cc-1330-11e5-b06a-a45e60bec08b' #认证的密码 20 # 用于API认证的请求头 21 AUTH_KEY_NAME = 'auth-key' 22 # ————————03CMDB信息安全API接口交互认证———————— 23 24 25 # ————————04CMDB本地(Agent)模式客户端唯一标识(ID)———————— 26 # Agent模式保存服务器唯一ID的文件 27 CERT_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'config', 'cert') #文件路径 28 # ————————04CMDB本地(Agent)模式客户端唯一标识(ID)———————— 29 30 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件———————— 31 # 采集硬件数据的插件 32 PLUGINS_DICT = { 33 'cpu': 'src.plugins.cpu.CpuPlugin', 34 'disk': 'src.plugins.disk.DiskPlugin', 35 'main_board': 'src.plugins.main_board.MainBoardPlugin', 36 'memory': 'src.plugins.memory.MemoryPlugin', 37 'nic': 'src.plugins.nic.NicPlugin', 38 } 39 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————
1 # 2 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件———————— 3 from .base import BasePlugin #采集资产的方式 和 系统平台 4 from lib.response import BaseResponse #提交数据的类型(字典) 5 import wmi #Windows操作系统上管理数据和操作的基础设施 6 7 class CpuPlugin(BasePlugin): 8 def windows(self): 9 response = BaseResponse() #提交数据的类型(字典) 10 try: 11 output =wmi.WMI().Win32_Processor() #获取CPU相关信息 12 = self.windows_parse(output) #解析相关信息 返回结果 #存到字典 13 except Exception as e: 14 response.status = False 15 return response 16 17 @staticmethod#返回函数的静态方法 18 def windows_parse(content): 19 response = {} 20 cpu_physical_set = set()#set()函数创建一个无序不重复元素集,可进行关系测试,删除重复数据,还可以计算交集、差集、并集等。 21 for item in content: 22 response['cpu_model'] = item.Manufacturer # cpu型号 23 response['cpu_count'] = item.NumberOfCores # cpu核心个量 24 cpu_physical_set.add(item.DeviceID) #CPU物理个量 25 response['cpu_physical_count'] = len(cpu_physical_set)#CPU物理个量 26 return response #返回结果 27 28 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————
1 # 2 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件———————— 3 from .base import BasePlugin #采集资产的方式 和 系统平台 4 from lib.response import BaseResponse #提交数据的类型(字典) 5 import wmi #Windows操作系统上管理数据和操作的基础设施 6 7 class DiskPlugin(BasePlugin): 8 def windows(self): 9 response = BaseResponse() #提交数据的类型(字典) 10 try: 11 output =wmi.WMI().Win32_DiskDrive() #获取磁盘相关信息 12 = self.windows_parse(output) #解析相关信息 返回结果 #存到字典 13 except Exception as e: 14 response.status = False 15 return response 16 17 @staticmethod#返回函数的静态方法 18 def windows_parse(content): 19 response = {} 20 for item in content: 21 item_dict = {} 22 item_dict['slot'] = item.Index #插槽位 23 item_dict['pd_type'] = item.InterfaceType #磁盘型号 24 item_dict['capacity'] = round(int(item.Size) / (1024**3)) # 磁盘容量 25 item_dict['model'] = item.Model #磁盘类型 26 response[item_dict['slot']] = item_dict #分割存每个 磁盘信息 27 return response #返回结果 28 29 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————
1 # 2 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件———————— 3 from .base import BasePlugin #采集资产的方式 和 系统平台 4 from lib.response import BaseResponse #提交数据的类型(字典) 5 import wmi #Windows操作系统上管理数据和操作的基础设施 6 7 class MainBoardPlugin(BasePlugin): 8 def windows(self): 9 response = BaseResponse() #提交数据的类型(字典) 10 try: 11 output =wmi.WMI().Win32_BaseBoard() #获取主板相关信息 12 = self.windows_parse(output) #解析相关信息 返回结果 #存到字典 13 except Exception as e: 14 response.status = False 15 return response 16 17 @staticmethod#返回函数的静态方法 18 def windows_parse(content): 19 response = {} 20 for item in content: 21 response['manufacturer'] = item.Manufacturer #主板制造商 22 response['model'] = item.Name #主板型号 23 response['sn'] = item.SerialNumber #主板SN号 24 return response #返回结果 25 26 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————
1 # 2 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件———————— 3 from .base import BasePlugin #采集资产的方式 和 系统平台 4 from lib.response import BaseResponse #提交数据的类型(字典) 5 import wmi #Windows操作系统上管理数据和操作的基础设施 6 7 class MemoryPlugin(BasePlugin): 8 def windows(self): 9 response = BaseResponse() #提交数据的类型(字典) 10 try: 11 output =wmi.WMI().Win32_PhysicalMemory() #获取内存相关信息 12 = self.windows_parse(output) 13 except Exception as e: 14 response.status = False 15 return response 16 17 @staticmethod#返回函数的静态方法 18 def windows_parse(content): 19 response={} 20 for item in content: 21 item_dict = {} 22 item_dict['slot'] = item.DeviceLocator #插槽位 23 item_dict['manufacturer'] = item.Manufacturer # 内存制造商 24 item_dict['model'] =item.FormFactor # 内存型号 25 item_dict['capacity'] = round(int(item.Capacity) / (1024**3)) # 内存容量 26 item_dict['sn'] = item.SerialNumber #内存SN号 27 item_dict['speed'] = item.Speed #内存速度 28 response[item_dict['slot']] = item_dict #分割存每条 内存信息 29 return response 30 31 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————
1 # 2 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件———————— 3 from .base import BasePlugin #采集资产的方式 和 系统平台 4 from lib.response import BaseResponse #提交数据的类型(字典) 5 import wmi #Windows操作系统上管理数据和操作的基础设施 6 7 class NicPlugin(BasePlugin): 8 def windows(self): 9 response = BaseResponse() #提交数据的类型(字典) 10 try: 11 output =wmi.WMI().Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration() #获取网卡相关信息 12 = self.windows_parse(output) #解析相关信息 返回结果 #存到字典 13 except Exception as e: 14 response.status = False 15 return response 16 17 @staticmethod#返回函数的静态方法 18 def windows_parse(content): 19 response={} 20 IPCM = 0 # 权重 21 for item in content: 22 if item.IPConnectionMetric: # 权重 23 if item.IPConnectionMetric > IPCM: # 权重 #防止虚拟网卡 24 item_dict = {} 25 name=item.ServiceName # 网卡名称 26 item_dict['hwaddr'] = item.MACAddress # 网卡MAC地址 27 item_dict['ipaddrs'] = item.IPAddress[0] # IP地址 28 item_dict['netmask'] = item.IPSubnet[0] # IP子网掩码 29 item_dict['up'] = item.IPEnabled #是否有启用 30 response[name] = item_dict 31 IPCM = item.IPConnectionMetric # 权重 32 return response 33 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————
1 {"os_platform": "Windows", 2 "os_version": "Microsoft Windows 7 \u65d7\u8230\u7248", 3 "hostname": "DKL18U83RFAQI3G", 4 5 "cpu":{"status": true, "message": null, 6 "data": {"cpu_model": "GenuineIntel","cpu_count": 2,"cpu_physical_count": 1}, 7 "error": null}, 8 9 "disk": {"status": true, "message": null, 10 "data": {"0":{"slot": 0,"pd_type": "IDE","capacity": 466,"model": "WDC WD5000AAKX-00ERMA0 ATA Device"}}, 11 "error": null}, 12 13 "main_board": {"status": true, "message": null, 14 "data": {"Manufacturer": "BIOSTAR Group","model": "Base Board","sn": "None"}, 15 "error": null}, 16 17 "memory": {"status": true, "message": null, 18 "data": {"DIMM0":{"Capacity": 4, "slot":"DIMM0", "model": 8,"speed": null,"manufacturer": "Manufacturer00","sn": "SerNum00"}, 19 "DIMM2":{"Capacity": 4, "slot":"DIMM2", "model": 8,"speed": null,"manufacturer": "Manufacturer02","sn": "SerNum02"}}, 20 "error": null}, 21 22 "nic": {"status": true, "message": null, 23 "data": {"RTL8167":{"up": true,"hwaddr": "B8:97:5A:07:73:8C","ipaddrs": "","netmask": ""}}, 24 "error": null}}
1 instance of Win32_BaseBoard 2 { 3 Caption = "Base Board"; 4 CreationClassName = "Win32_BaseBoard"; 5 Description = "Base Board"; 6 HostingBoard = TRUE; 7 HotSwappable = FALSE; 8 Manufacturer = "BIOSTAR Group"; 9 Name = "Base Board"; 10 PoweredOn = TRUE; 11 Product = "G41D3+"; 12 Removable = FALSE; 13 Replaceable = TRUE; 14 RequiresDaughterBoard = FALSE; 15 SerialNumber = "None"; 16 Status = "OK"; 17 Tag = "Base Board"; 18 Version = "6.0"; 19 }; 20 21 22 instance of Win32_BaseBoard 23 { 24 Caption = "基板"; 25 ConfigOptions = {}; 26 CreationClassName = "Win32_BaseBoard"; 27 Description = "基板"; 28 HostingBoard = TRUE; 29 HotSwappable = FALSE; 30 Manufacturer = "Dell Inc. "; 31 Name = "基板"; 32 PoweredOn = TRUE; 33 Product = "03C38H"; 34 Removable = FALSE; 35 Replaceable = TRUE; 36 RequiresDaughterBoard = FALSE; 37 SerialNumber = ". .CN486432A91479."; 38 Status = "OK"; 39 Tag = "Base Board"; 40 Version = " "; 41 };
1 nstance of Win32_Processor 2 { 3 AddressWidth = 64; 4 Architecture = 9; 5 Availability = 3; 6 Caption = "Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10"; 7 CpuStatus = 1; 8 CreationClassName = "Win32_Processor"; 9 CurrentClockSpeed = 2715; 10 CurrentVoltage = 13; 11 DataWidth = 64; 12 Description = "Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10"; 13 DeviceID = "CPU0"; 14 ExtClock = 200; 15 Family = 11; 16 L2CacheSize = 1024; 17 L3CacheSize = 0; 18 L3CacheSpeed = 0; 19 Level = 6; 20 LoadPercentage = 0; 21 Manufacturer = "GenuineIntel"; 22 MaxClockSpeed = 2715; 23 Name = "Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU E3500 @ 2.70GHz"; 24 NumberOfCores = 2; 25 NumberOfLogicalProcessors = 2; 26 PowerManagementSupported = FALSE; 27 ProcessorId = "BFEBFBFF0001067A"; 28 ProcessorType = 3; 29 Revision = 5898; 30 Role = "CPU"; 31 SocketDesignation = "CPU 1"; 32 Status = "OK"; 33 StatusInfo = 3; 34 SystemCreationClassName = "Win32_ComputerSystem"; 35 SystemName = "DKL18U83RFAQI3G"; 36 UpgradeMethod = 1; 37 Version = ""; 38 };
1 instance of Win32_DiskDrive 2 { 3 BytesPerSector = 512; 4 Capabilities = {3, 4, 10}; 5 CapabilityDescriptions = {"Random Access", "Supports Writing", "SMART Notification"}; 6 Caption = "Colorful SL200 128GB"; 7 ConfigManagerErrorCode = 0; 8 ConfigManagerUserConfig = FALSE; 9 CreationClassName = "Win32_DiskDrive"; 10 Description = "磁盘驱动器"; 11 DeviceID = "\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE0"; 12 FirmwareRevision = "0818"; 13 Index = 0; 14 InterfaceType = "IDE"; 15 Manufacturer = "(标准磁盘驱动器)"; 16 MediaLoaded = TRUE; 17 MediaType = "Fixed hard disk media"; 18 Model = "Colorful SL200 128GB"; 19 Name = "\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE0"; 20 Partitions = 3; 21 PNPDeviceID = "SCSI\\DISK&VEN_&PROD_COLORFUL_SL200_1\\4&112D75BA&0&000000"; 22 SCSIBus = 0; 23 SCSILogicalUnit = 0; 24 SCSIPort = 0; 25 SCSITargetId = 0; 26 SectorsPerTrack = 63; 27 SerialNumber = "AA000000000000000431"; 28 Size = "128034708480"; 29 Status = "OK"; 30 SystemCreationClassName = "Win32_ComputerSystem"; 31 SystemName = "XY"; 32 TotalCylinders = "15566"; 33 TotalHeads = 255; 34 TotalSectors = "250067790"; 35 TotalTracks = "3969330"; 36 TracksPerCylinder = 255; 37 }; 38 39 40 instance of Win32_DiskDrive 41 { 42 BytesPerSector = 512; 43 Capabilities = {3, 4, 10}; 44 CapabilityDescriptions = {"Random Access", "Supports Writing", "SMART Notification"}; 45 Caption = "TOSHIBA MQ01ABF050"; 46 ConfigManagerErrorCode = 0; 47 ConfigManagerUserConfig = FALSE; 48 CreationClassName = "Win32_DiskDrive"; 49 Description = "磁盘驱动器"; 50 DeviceID = "\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE1"; 51 FirmwareRevision = "AM001J"; 52 Index = 1; 53 InterfaceType = "IDE"; 54 Manufacturer = "(标准磁盘驱动器)"; 55 MediaLoaded = TRUE; 56 MediaType = "Fixed hard disk media"; 57 Model = "TOSHIBA MQ01ABF050"; 58 Name = "\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE1"; 59 Partitions = 3; 60 PNPDeviceID = "SCSI\\DISK&VEN_TOSHIBA&PROD_MQ01ABF050\\4&112D75BA&0&010000"; 61 SCSIBus = 1; 62 SCSILogicalUnit = 0; 63 SCSIPort = 0; 64 SCSITargetId = 0; 65 SectorsPerTrack = 63; 66 SerialNumber = " Z5CKCTNMT"; 67 Signature = 3014350181; 68 Size = "500105249280"; 69 Status = "OK"; 70 SystemCreationClassName = "Win32_ComputerSystem"; 71 SystemName = "XY"; 72 TotalCylinders = "60801"; 73 TotalHeads = 255; 74 TotalSectors = "976768065"; 75 TotalTracks = "15504255"; 76 TracksPerCylinder = 255; 77 };
1 instance of Win32_PhysicalMemory 2 { 3 BankLabel = "BANK0"; 4 Capacity = "4294967296"; 5 Caption = "Physical Memory"; 6 CreationClassName = "Win32_PhysicalMemory"; 7 DataWidth = 64; 8 Description = "Physical Memory"; 9 DeviceLocator = "DIMM0"; 10 FormFactor = 8; 11 InterleaveDataDepth = 1; 12 InterleavePosition = 0; 13 Manufacturer = "Manufacturer00"; 14 MemoryType = 17; 15 Name = "Physical Memory"; 16 PartNumber = "ModulePartNumber00"; 17 PositionInRow = 1; 18 SerialNumber = "SerNum00"; 19 Tag = "Physical Memory 0"; 20 TotalWidth = 64; 21 TypeDetail = 128; 22 }; 23 24 25 instance of Win32_PhysicalMemory 26 { 27 BankLabel = "BANK2"; 28 Capacity = "4294967296"; 29 Caption = "Physical Memory"; 30 CreationClassName = "Win32_PhysicalMemory"; 31 DataWidth = 64; 32 Description = "Physical Memory"; 33 DeviceLocator = "DIMM2"; 34 FormFactor = 8; 35 InterleaveDataDepth = 1; 36 InterleavePosition = 0; 37 Manufacturer = "Manufacturer02"; 38 MemoryType = 17; 39 Name = "Physical Memory"; 40 PartNumber = "ModulePartNumber02"; 41 PositionInRow = 1; 42 SerialNumber = "SerNum02"; 43 Tag = "Physical Memory 2"; 44 TotalWidth = 64; 45 TypeDetail = 128; 46 }; 47 48 49 instance of Win32_PhysicalMemory 50 { 51 Attributes = 0; 52 BankLabel = "BANK 2"; 53 Capacity = "4294967296"; 54 Caption = "物理内存"; 55 ConfiguredClockSpeed = 1600; 56 CreationClassName = "Win32_PhysicalMemory"; 57 DataWidth = 64; 58 Description = "物理内存"; 59 DeviceLocator = "ChannelB-DIMM0"; 60 FormFactor = 12; 61 Manufacturer = "830B"; 62 MemoryType = 24; 63 Name = "物理内存"; 64 PartNumber = "NT4GC64B8HG0NS-DI "; 65 SerialNumber = "AA6E1B6E"; 66 SMBIOSMemoryType = 24; 67 Speed = 1600; 68 Tag = "Physical Memory 1"; 69 TotalWidth = 64; 70 TypeDetail = 128; 71 };
1 instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration 2 { 3 Caption = "[00000000] WAN Miniport (SSTP)"; 4 Description = "WAN Miniport (SSTP)"; 5 DHCPEnabled = FALSE; 6 Index = 0; 7 InterfaceIndex = 2; 8 IPEnabled = FALSE; 9 ServiceName = "RasSstp"; 10 SettingID = "{71F897D7-EB7C-4D8D-89DB-AC80D9DD2270}"; 11 }; 12 13 14 instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration 15 { 16 Caption = "[00000001] WAN Miniport (IKEv2)"; 17 Description = "WAN Miniport (IKEv2)"; 18 DHCPEnabled = FALSE; 19 Index = 1; 20 InterfaceIndex = 10; 21 IPEnabled = FALSE; 22 ServiceName = "RasAgileVpn"; 23 SettingID = "{29898C9D-B0A4-4FEF-BDB6-57A562022CEE}"; 24 }; 25 26 27 instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration 28 { 29 Caption = "[00000002] WAN Miniport (L2TP)"; 30 Description = "WAN Miniport (L2TP)"; 31 DHCPEnabled = FALSE; 32 Index = 2; 33 InterfaceIndex = 3; 34 IPEnabled = FALSE; 35 ServiceName = "Rasl2tp"; 36 SettingID = "{E43D242B-9EAB-4626-A952-46649FBB939A}"; 37 }; 38 39 40 instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration 41 { 42 Caption = "[00000003] WAN Miniport (PPTP)"; 43 Description = "WAN Miniport (PPTP)"; 44 DHCPEnabled = FALSE; 45 Index = 3; 46 InterfaceIndex = 4; 47 IPEnabled = FALSE; 48 ServiceName = "PptpMiniport"; 49 SettingID = "{DF4A9D2C-8742-4EB1-8703-D395C4183F33}"; 50 }; 51 52 53 instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration 54 { 55 Caption = "[00000004] WAN Miniport (PPPOE)"; 56 Description = "WAN Miniport (PPPOE)"; 57 DHCPEnabled = FALSE; 58 Index = 4; 59 InterfaceIndex = 5; 60 IPEnabled = FALSE; 61 ServiceName = "RasPppoe"; 62 SettingID = "{8E301A52-AFFA-4F49-B9CA-C79096A1A056}"; 63 }; 64 65 66 instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration 67 { 68 Caption = "[00000005] WAN Miniport (IPv6)"; 69 Description = "WAN Miniport (IPv6)"; 70 DHCPEnabled = FALSE; 71 Index = 5; 72 InterfaceIndex = 6; 73 IPEnabled = FALSE; 74 ServiceName = "NdisWan"; 75 SettingID = "{9A399D81-2EAD-4F23-BCDD-637FC13DCD51}"; 76 }; 77 78 79 instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration 80 { 81 Caption = "[00000006] WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)"; 82 Description = "WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)"; 83 DHCPEnabled = FALSE; 84 Index = 6; 85 InterfaceIndex = 7; 86 IPEnabled = FALSE; 87 ServiceName = "NdisWan"; 88 SettingID = "{5BF54C7E-91DA-457D-80BF-333677D7E316}"; 89 }; 90 91 92 instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration 93 { 94 Caption = "[00000007] Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller"; 95 DatabasePath = "%SystemRoot%\\System32\\drivers\\etc"; 96 DefaultIPGateway = {""}; 97 DefaultTTL = 64; 98 Description = "Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller"; 99 DHCPEnabled = TRUE; 100 DHCPLeaseExpires = "20180622195709.000000+480"; 101 DHCPLeaseObtained = "20180622175709.000000+480"; 102 DHCPServer = ""; 103 DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder = {}; 104 DNSEnabledForWINSResolution = FALSE; 105 DNSHostName = "DKL18U83RFAQI3G"; 106 DNSServerSearchOrder = {"", ""}; 107 DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled = FALSE; 108 FullDNSRegistrationEnabled = TRUE; 109 GatewayCostMetric = {0}; 110 Index = 7; 111 InterfaceIndex = 11; 112 IPAddress = {"", "fe80::c912:33b9:df1d:90b7"}; 113 IPConnectionMetric = 20; 114 IPEnabled = TRUE; 115 IPFilterSecurityEnabled = FALSE; 116 IPSecPermitIPProtocols = {}; 117 IPSecPermitTCPPorts = {}; 118 IPSecPermitUDPPorts = {}; 119 IPSubnet = {"", "64"}; 120 MACAddress = "B8:97:5A:07:73:8C"; 121 PMTUBHDetectEnabled = TRUE; 122 PMTUDiscoveryEnabled = TRUE; 123 ServiceName = "RTL8167"; 124 SettingID = "{57DC49CC-DC9F-4583-A411-F4837D4E5310}"; 125 TcpipNetbiosOptions = 0; 126 WINSEnableLMHostsLookup = TRUE; 127 WINSScopeID = ""; 128 }; 129 130 131 instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration 132 { 133 Caption = "[00000008] WAN Miniport (IP)"; 134 Description = "WAN Miniport (IP)"; 135 DHCPEnabled = FALSE; 136 Index = 8; 137 InterfaceIndex = 8; 138 IPEnabled = FALSE; 139 ServiceName = "NdisWan"; 140 SettingID = "{2CAA64ED-BAA3-4473-B637-DEC65A14C8AA}"; 141 }; 142 143 144 instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration 145 { 146 Caption = "[00000009] Microsoft ISATAP Adapter"; 147 Description = "Microsoft ISATAP Adapter"; 148 DHCPEnabled = FALSE; 149 Index = 9; 150 InterfaceIndex = 12; 151 IPEnabled = FALSE; 152 ServiceName = "tunnel"; 153 SettingID = "{409C2A87-0D21-4979-AC19-BD58EBDDC442}"; 154 }; 155 156 157 instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration 158 { 159 Caption = "[00000010] RAS Async Adapter"; 160 Description = "RAS Async Adapter"; 161 DHCPEnabled = FALSE; 162 Index = 10; 163 InterfaceIndex = 9; 164 IPEnabled = FALSE; 165 ServiceName = "AsyncMac"; 166 SettingID = "{78032B7E-4968-42D3-9F37-287EA86C0AAA}"; 167 }; 168 169 170 instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration 171 { 172 Caption = "[00000011] Microsoft 6to4 Adapter"; 173 Description = "Microsoft 6to4 Adapter"; 174 DHCPEnabled = FALSE; 175 Index = 11; 176 InterfaceIndex = 13; 177 IPEnabled = FALSE; 178 ServiceName = "tunnel"; 179 SettingID = "{4A3D2A58-3B35-4FAE-BE66-14F485520E20}"; 180 }; 181 182 183 instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration 184 { 185 Caption = "[00000013] Microsoft ISATAP Adapter"; 186 Description = "Microsoft ISATAP Adapter"; 187 DHCPEnabled = FALSE; 188 Index = 13; 189 InterfaceIndex = 14; 190 IPEnabled = FALSE; 191 ServiceName = "tunnel"; 192 SettingID = "{DE650C82-C0E5-4561-9048-F05B56D0C30C}"; 193 }; 194 195 196 instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration 197 { 198 Caption = "[00000015] Microsoft ISATAP Adapter"; 199 Description = "Microsoft ISATAP Adapter"; 200 DHCPEnabled = FALSE; 201 Index = 15; 202 InterfaceIndex = 15; 203 IPEnabled = FALSE; 204 ServiceName = "tunnel"; 205 SettingID = "{5196115C-0551-4B1C-AA16-D30B64FFB538}"; 206 }; 207 208 209 instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration 210 { 211 Caption = "[00000016] VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter"; 212 DatabasePath = "%SystemRoot%\\System32\\drivers\\etc"; 213 DefaultTTL = 64; 214 Description = "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter"; 215 DHCPEnabled = FALSE; 216 DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder = {}; 217 DNSEnabledForWINSResolution = FALSE; 218 DNSHostName = "DKL18U83RFAQI3G"; 219 DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled = FALSE; 220 FullDNSRegistrationEnabled = TRUE; 221 Index = 16; 222 InterfaceIndex = 16; 223 IPAddress = {"", "fe80::8104:5b2a:19de:41e7"}; 224 IPConnectionMetric = 10; 225 IPEnabled = TRUE; 226 IPFilterSecurityEnabled = FALSE; 227 IPSecPermitIPProtocols = {}; 228 IPSecPermitTCPPorts = {}; 229 IPSecPermitUDPPorts = {}; 230 IPSubnet = {"", "64"}; 231 MACAddress = "0A:00:27:00:00:10"; 232 PMTUBHDetectEnabled = TRUE; 233 PMTUDiscoveryEnabled = TRUE; 234 ServiceName = "VBoxNetAdp"; 235 SettingID = "{DF5268F5-C995-4010-984D-F9EA4C3889BE}"; 236 TcpipNetbiosOptions = 0; 237 WINSEnableLMHostsLookup = TRUE; 238 WINSScopeID = ""; 239 }; 240 241 242 instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration 243 { 244 Caption = "[00000017] Microsoft ISATAP Adapter"; 245 Description = "Microsoft ISATAP Adapter"; 246 DHCPEnabled = FALSE; 247 Index = 17; 248 InterfaceIndex = 17; 249 IPEnabled = FALSE; 250 ServiceName = "tunnel"; 251 SettingID = "{C21107AF-5813-4D7B-A4C1-3C16CA00FA2C}"; 252 };