
This all of the escape sequences Ruby supports. You may not use many of these, but memorize their format and what they do anyway. Try them out in some strings to see if you can make them work.

EscapeWhat it does.
\\ Backslash () 反斜杠“\”
\' Single-quote (')单引号
\" Double-quote (")双引号
\a ASCII bell (BEL)ASCII码中的bell
\b ASCII backspace (BS)ASCII中的空格
\f ASCII formfeed (FF)
\n ASCII linefeed (LF)
\r ASCII Carriage Return (CR)回车
\t ASCII Horizontal Tab (TAB)Tab键
\uxxxx Character with 16-bit hex value xxxx (Unicode only)
\Uxxxxxxxx Character with 32-bit hex value xxxxxxxx (Unicode only)
\v ASCII vertical tab (VT)
\ooo Character with octal value ooo八进制的ooo
\xhh Character with hex value hh十六进制的hh


puts "I am 6'2\" tall." # escape double-quote inside string
puts 'I am 6\'2" tall.' # escape single-qoute inside string

tabby_cat = "\tI'm tabbled in."
persian_cat = "I'm splite\non a line."
backslash_cat = "I'm \\a \\ cat."

fat_cat = """
I'll do a list:
\t* Cat food
\t* Fishies
\t* Catnip\n\t* Grass
puts tabby_cat
puts persian_cat
puts backslash_cat
puts fat_cat


[ufindme@ufindme day4]$ ruby ex10.rb 
I am 6'2" tall.
I am 6'2" tall.
    I'm tabbled in.
I'm splite
on a line.
I'm \a \ cat.

I'll do a list:
    * Cat food
    * Fishies
    * Catnip
    * Grass


read_list = '''
this is new year\'s read list(just maybe, not very sure, I guess...)
\t* Camille
\t* Madame Bovary
\t* The Red and the Black
\t* True Blood


this is new year's read list(just maybe, not very sure, I guess...)
\t* Camille
\t* Madame Bovary
\t* The Red and the Black
\t* True Blood



posted @ 2014-09-03 22:03  SchrodingerCat  阅读(150)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报