SAS Config文件 处理流程

SAS Config File

Processing Options Specified by Additional CONFIG Options

You can also specify additional –CONFIG options within any configuration file. When SAS encounters a –CONFIG option, SAS immediately processes the options in that named file and then returns to process the remainder of the current file. SAS options that are encountered later in the processing always override those options that are specified earlier. For example, if you specify -ICON in the file that is specified by the SAS_SYS_CONFIG environment variable, and then –NOICON in the file that is specified by the SAS_USER_CONFIG environment variable, the –NOICON option is used. Since the options that you specify in the SAS invocation command are always processed last, those option values always override the option values that are specified in configuration files. Order of Processing for SAS Configuration Files illustrates the flow of the SAS configuration file processing.
注意:在SAS_SYS_CONFIG 定义过options以后,小心被后边处理的cfg文件覆盖了

posted on 2014-12-15 20:40  Tyoyi  阅读(645)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
